
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasia
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411 Chs

Master craft.

It was after taking out the three crystal did Nate realized that he has no idea how these two crystal was going to help him. Not like Jim has something that could protect him from the cold.

It would have been okay with Shad's power, "temperature manipulator." With this power, he can raise the temperature around him to a degree that everything beside him will be warm.

However, Shad wasn't the one that died and he could not even call him for assistance, with this development, Nate know he has to find a way to go outside, and putting the three crystals in his inventory, he started searching through the Spoils inventory and he soon found something that might be of huge help.

"Jim's cloak!"

Nate could remember that Jim always use a cloak to hide his presence from him back when they first met and right now in his hand was the cloak. It was still okay and fine. "This might work," Nate hopped and put on the cloak.

After putting the cloak on, Nate didn't waste time heading outside. However, this time, he was ready to retreat in case it didn't work.

[Body temperature has gone down to the temperature of a zombie, the host will be going into hibernation mode]

'Shit!, ' Nate quickly close the door and returned to where he was. "The cold out there is too much to the extent that it could bleach through all the cold resistance in this cloak in just seconds, just what am I meant to do now!" Nate cursed and took a sit before going through all the materials in his inventory space.

'I don't need all this,' Nate said as selected the kinds of stuff he needed from the spoils of Jim.

He took all the meteorite stones and beast crystal, before selecting all the weapons Jim has been crafting. After a long time, Nate was done. He put all the already-done weapons in the inventory slot he puts his weapons, before putting the meteorite stones in a new slot. Nate has then inventory slot but he has been making use of five so far, but now, he was opening two more, one was for the meteorite stones while the other was for the unfinished weapons.

'Since he didn't set up a time limit, I have all time to think through all this,' Nate thought and once again he was holding the three crystal that consists of Jim's talent skill, professional skill, and evolution power.

One of the crystals was brown while another was black. The last one was a bit yellowish.

Analysing the brown crystal, Nate found out it was the evolution power of Jim. "This won't help at all," he muttered and put the crystal back.

[Blending = this skill works more effectively with a cloak, it will blend you with darkness cancelling the owner's presence, giving it owner light steps that could not be heard and increasing its speed by three points]

When reading the skills description, Nate came to understand why Jim has a cloak and that was because it suited the skill.

'Although this doesn't change anything and I can still be freeze to hibernation if I go out, it a nice one to learn, '

[Host has learned a new skill]

[Skill name = Blend]...

The skill description was still the same, nothing else has changed nor did it has something new attached to it.

With that out, Nate put on the cloak and could feel his body becoming light and he even felt a slight increase in reaction and speed.

With that aside, he took the professional crystal that was yellowish. "Maybe this will give me some knowledge on how to craft," Nate said to himself.

[The host has learned a new skill]

Nate didn't bother to look into the crystal description and absorb it with the help of the system.

[Skill name = Master craft]

[Description = This skill helps the host to craft a weapon of his choice as long as it has the required materials to make the crafts.]

'This can't be what I'm thinking, ' Nate doubted the skill description to be what he was thinking. While playing other games, they are things Nate has came across and that was a weapon shop. A place one can either use the game currency to buy a weapon or even create one for himself. However, the notifications were not over yet.

[ Materials required to make a weapon]


[Steel/Meteorite stones and other raw material]

[Beast crystal]

[The host can also upgrade crafted material. This won't require a blueprint. ]

[Note = All weapons that are crated with master craft skill can only be used by either the host or his hordes and pledge members]

It was understandable for the list of materials needed for crafting to the needed and on that list was Blueprint.

A Blueprint is a very important material needed when crafting and many times have Nate seen Jim sketch out blueprints for his crafting and he still even has some of them installed in the inventory.

As for meteorite and steel, Nate know these were important in crafting because these will be the body of the weapon, as for why other materials were put at the last, Nate has no idea why it was so.

'Maybe, they are more materials out there that can be used in crafting,' Nate thought.

Beast crystal was something Nate already know what it will do to a material that it was used on.

However, what was more shocking to Nate was that he could upgrade an already-made weapon. 'If this is so, that means I can upgrade the thread sabre to a level higher than it is now, ' at the thought of this, Nate's mind start running wide as he looked at his cloak. 'Maybe, I have found a solution to this particular problem, ' Nate thought as he looked at the cloak.

He has to force himself to snap out of his daze and read the last notification that was attached to the skill.

[Note = All weapons that are created with master craft skill can only be used by either the host or his hordes and pledge members]

'What will happen if someone that's not from my horde touches it, will it not be effective or would it suddenly hurt the person, '

An image of someone being hurt by a weapon he made flashed in his mind. "I really want to know what will happen if someone else were to touch a weapon made from master craft, '

Regardless, Nate still have something to test and he soon brought out a meteorite stone before taking off his cloak.


Meanwhile, in a skyscraper that was under renovation, Lyon and the others were sitting in a wide meeting room.

"The forest base suddenly stop seeing the system interface but for some reason still unknown, " V said presenting an issue.

After the fight with the matrix and, with the help of those that were freed, Lyon and the rest of Nate's horde went ahead to conquer both Sins base and the prison and for the past week now, they maintained a close relationship with the forest base by supplying foods to them and even helping out to construct a few buildings in the base.

However, it hasn't been long since suddenly, the base lost access to the system interface.

"This might be because of the permission time," Lyon answered." back then, Nate took permission from Lily to have the base under him for one week and it has been a week now," Lyon answered.

Hearing this V came to understand why things have turned out that way, but still asked a question." Isn't they a way of renewing it?" he asked.

"We can only do that by conquering it permanently, " Lyon replied. Since neither Nate nor Peter was not around, Lyon has been playing the lead role within Nate's horde cycle, though he wasn't doing badly at all.

Just then, in his interface, a message popped out.

[An unknown enemy has attacked the base]


Meanwhile, at the same time, Nate also got this message.

"What is going on over there?"