
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
411 Chs

Forest lives.

Living in a post-apocalyptic world one has no option to live where he or she desires to, instead, one lives anywhere one found safety, whether a cemetery or an office just anywhere one felt safe. However, V was just leading the group of chaotic zombies into a forest which most likely was his base, this made Nate think about what might have made them believe living in such a place was safe.

A forest or to saw woods are ruleless place, especially in a post-apocalyptic world where normal harmless animals have evolved into wild beasts even wilder than normal wild beasts, however, he just learnt that someone was living in this type of place and somehow was expecting peace, it was ridiculous for one to think in such way and expect a such thing.

Regardless, they are still some ways one might be able to survive in such an environment and that is if only those people are based underground where beasts can't reach them, then they can survive as they walked into the forest, Nate knows that wasn't the case here.

The trees were big and cast a wide shadow over them not letting a single ray of the sun pass through, while they approach what looks like a wall, but was now green due to the weeds that has grown on it, Nate and his zombies could sense life, human lives especially.

As they approached, the old-looking gate that still seems strong was pushed forward granting them the pathway to enter the base.

On getting in, they could see people both adults and children doing all sorts of things like swiping some areas, carrying some files some even holding metal rod that was meant to serve as weapons.

However, none of this caught Nate's attention than the building structure of the houses in the base. "This was meant to be a hospital... An abandoned hospital," he muttered in a low tone but V heard him.

"It was found by my wife, she is the one that established this base and things have been going well till the beast waves came," V said. Nate only replied with a nod and continued observing the hospital.

"Kids my age are here, they are still alive," The excitement in Dike's voice was obvious, it has been a long he seen or stayed with people of his age that at the point he thought that he was the only one surviving kid still alive but when seeing the people before him, he was happy and even attempted to rush and play with them but was pulled back by Levi.

"You have to know what you are now is different from what they are, any slight mistake you will end up killing everyone here," Levi warned him through the telecommunication.

Meanwhile, V was pleased to hear Dike's statement, this shows that he liked it here and maybe through him he might get the others to stay as well.

"Don't worry, they are some special packages for children in this base once you get settled I will show you around them," V smiled at Dike.

Hearing this Dike has tempted again but remained calm, he is now a zombie and if he was to start mingling with other kids and mistakenly infect them, that will be creating another problem for the base instead of solving the one at hand.

Meanwhile, V had decided to take them around for a while, though it would be close to impossible to take them around the base entirely since it was too big and they might get tired, what V didn't know is that they can not get tired even if they walk around the base forever.

"So when are we meeting this wife of yours, we have seen enough and by the way, we have passed through this area before and the ground is muddy, what else," Twain suddenly said harshly but was shut up by Levi who kicked him on his shin.

"I'm sorry, I thought maybe... Forget about it, I will show you guys another area of the base," V said as he took them in another direction.

Meanwhile, Nate was getting what was happening and so was Bull as the two glanced at each other before looking away.


Just like Nate and Bull suspected, they are being watched by someone from the base.

"Why those it seems like that small boy is the leader," Johnson asked no one in particular as his eyes were still glued to the TV screen.

Somewhere in the base, Lily's office to be precise, Lily, Johnson and Albert were sitting while looking at the people that were brought back by V.

"I thought it was only me, it seems like the others are following the boy despite the age gap or maybe, the boy is older than his look," Albert contributed but Lily didn't say a word she was focused on the TV as he tries made out the people's body structure.

"Only one of them stood out and that is the bald man. But what made V think those people can solve the problem I can't tell, they don't have an intimidating physics except from one person," Lily mumbled.

"What do you think, the order has already been given, and they are already been invited, what else can we do or than give them the chance to prove themselves or should we just cut things off before it gets too deep?" Johnson asked but got no reply from Lily.

"You said the device that can tell how strong a wave of a beast has been completed right?" Lilly asked Albert.

"Yes, I'm even with one right now and I know how it works," Albert suddenly pulled out a device that looked like a calculator but only has a screen where meant to display the digits.

"Not only can it sense the presence of a beast, but it can also tell where it's coming from, maybe in the future, it might even tell what type of beast it is," Albert claimed.

"Good then, tell them to make more of this, and hand it over to the guards at the front, we need to be alerted," she commanded before looking at Johnson, it's time we meet our visitors, " she said as they all left the room.


Meanwhile, the others were still together walking around the base, just like they have been told earlier by V, the base was truly big but they were not tired yet, not even close to it.

Just then, Tony suggested something.

"Why don't I show Hazard and Lyon around while you guys carry on," he said.

"I'm coming too," Dike insisted on going with them upon hearing this.

"Well, as a teacher to you and as a student to me, you can always tag along with me, " Lyon said as he was already off with Tony, Peter followed up before Dike, and Twain was about to join also but was pulled back by Levi.

"What for? This is boring, staying with them is more eventful," he complained but when his gaze met with that of Levi he kept quiet.

Meanwhile, as Lyon and the others were living with Tony, he asked him some questions concerning the place he wants to show them.

"What is it about this place? " he asked.

"That is the most amazing place on this base," Tony said and started running while Lyon chased after him completely unaware of what he was about to meet or to say about who he was about to meet.

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