
Chapter 94: Civilized Argument - Part 1


I walked down to him and put my arms around his neck. He stubbornly looked away from me.

I let out an annoyed huff and took a step to the direction he was looking at. "Caleb look at me."

He still didn't look at me.

"Caleb..." I peered at his face but he looked up and mumbled something I couldn't catch.

"What did you say?"

He kept his eyes trained on the ceiling. I admit it is a nice ceiling, all lavender, and stuff, but this is ridiculous. I got frustrated so I climbed on his desk and jumped at him wrapping my legs around his waist and clinging myself to him. I was sure that this is one of those don't try at home things you see on TV. Probably instinctively, he moved his hands to my thighs. I'm not going to lie. I kind of enjoy this position: my body squeezed against his strong, sexy-

"What are you doing?" He looked at me furrowing his eyebrows as if I was some strange being that he could not decipher.