
Chapter 37: Half a Second


"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Caleb as he scratched the back of his neck. He gave me a worried look. We were now siting side by side at the by the river, our usual meeting spot. This place is probably my favorite place on Earth. The water looked as clear as always. It reflected me and my lovely and worried mate beside me. Maybe I should not have left him hanging. My poor little Alpha must have been so worried. "I wanted to talk about what happened this morning."

He looked as if he was about to cry. "I swear, she was the one that-"

"Not that. I told you that I trust you. Besides, you are so beautiful-"

"Handsome," he said dripping so much confidence in only one word.

"Handsome... that it does not surprises me that girls want you despite of your personality." I eyed him and huffed. "Are you that good to have them begging for more?"