
Chapter 32: Photos


The next day, there was a red rose at the doorstep. The aroma of fresh roses was always soothing. I put the rose next to the other flowers. They would all make lovely bookmarks once the drying process was finished.

Driving and singing to school was a kind of therapy, though a short one, since the school was closer than I would wish sometimes.

Oh, isn't that some motivation over there? Caleb was in the school's parking lot. As soon as we locked eyes, I had to run to his arms, not that I can, sadly. Deep breaths, Anna. Deep breaths. I walked down to him gripping the sleeves of my blazer with both hands. Taking deep breaths right now would definitely not be the best idea.

As soon as I was right in front of him, he took my hand in his and kissed the back of it. "Good morning, Anna. You look beautiful as always."