
My Yandere wife won't leave me alone!!~

"W-what's with the gun, Honeybug?", Adrian mumbles nervously, with a cold sweat running down the sides of his head, and his arms hanging in the air. "Sign the fucking marriage papers, I'm done playing around. I know you were just delaying it to break up with me and I'm not letting you off the hook this easy!!" Anita screams, shaking and pointing her gun at him, with glassy eyes. In the lavish residence, meet Anita, a wealthy lawyer at a top tier firm in the city. Obsessed with her husband, an innocent university student, Adrian. Anita weaves a web of manipulation and control, turning their marital home into a golden cage for Adrian to step into. As Adrian juggles the demands of academia and the domestic realm, he discovers Anita's dark, violent demeanor, beneath the thin facade of a loving, caring and hardworking wife. This tale between Anita, her obsession with Adrian, explores the boundaries of obsession and the sacrifices one makes for the sake of a tainted love. Add it to your library if you liked reading this. Please leave down reviews or comments about errors or things/scenes that you didn't like or didn't seem fit. This is my first time writing so feedback would be really appreciated. This novel caters to both a male AND female pov, a dual pov novel, as you'll see later on in the chapters. Thanks for reading and have a very nice day ^_^.

Charlote_Anderson · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


"Ah...Kuantan would've been nice.."

I brace myself for the upcoming confrontation. I'm gonna have to be good with my words, otherwise it's not gonna end well. Anita's hips sway like the wind as thin smoke comes out of her nostrils and a slight ash of the cigarette flicks off by the motion of her fingers. My friends still are walking along with me, completely oblivious to the situation. Anita makes her way to the group even further with each passing second. I take the initiative, and walk in the front, up to her, plastering a fake smile as I establish contact, trying to make her think I'm surprised, when in reality I'm terrified.

"What brought you here, Ani-"

Right before I could even finish my sentence, Anita grabs my torso and brings me into her embrace, surprising me. A faint smell of smoke and vanilla is noticeable on her. 

"I missed you.", Anita whispers with a loving accent.

At this point, the group has halted right behind me and they're all flabbergasted by the sight. I pull back from the hug and turn around.

"This is who Jay was talking about. Anita. She's my wife...", I mutter with a palm-open gesture pointing to her with pride.

Jay has a smile on his face. Mia has her mouth open in shock making an "O" shape. Jessica has a slight frown on her face, with flushed cheeks, and her small hands clenching together.

"These your friends?"



The silence in this car is way too fucking unsettling for me. I'd rather listen to nails screeching on a chalkboard than be right in the passenger seat, next to Anita. I'm trying my best to think about something that'd not piss her the fuck off because that's the last thing I would want today. I tilt my head a bit, and I glance at her face. Her wavy brown hair is covering her ears, while it parts on the other side of her head, that's not visible to me. She's focused on driving, but I can tell something is bothering her. Her eyes are squinted more than usual. 

"You didn't like them?", I say out loud trying to break the ice.

Anita twitches her head a tad bit to my side.

"Nothing of that sort, Adrian. Why do you ask?"

I gulp, clearing my dry throat.

"It's just that...you seem quite tense. I've known them for a long long time. You needn't worry about them okay?"


She drives silently, while still having that annoyed look on her face, but now, it's even more noticeable. I introduced her to everyone, but I don't think I did that bad of a job to make her this upset, did I?

"That girl, with the bangs. What was her name again, Jessica?"

" Her, yeah.", Anita slowly nods as she recalls her face from memory.

"I don't like her aura. Something about her ticks me the fuck off. She's an absolute eyesore.", Anita keeps talking.

"T...That's too mean, Anita. She's a nice and quiet girl."

 Anita snaps her head at me right after I say that.

"Do.You.Like.Her?", Anita asks with a violent tone.

"W...What the fuck are you saying, Anita?!? I'm your husband!! A-And she knows I'm married!!", I reply.

In one quick motion, Anita shifts her hand off the gear stick and slams the handrest with her closed fists making a loud noise, flinching me in the process.

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!!!", Anita yells out, almost deafening my ears.

She has that same demonic look on her face. One that I've seen countless times. I stare back at her with a defiant look in my eyes and frustration in my voice, I yell out,

"No, I don't!! ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS?!?!"

Anita is still huffing loud pants of anger. She turns her head to the road, and puts her hand back on the gear stick, slowly speeding up the elegant vehicle. 


I make a frustrated noise as I snap my head back to the window and see the environment, the road, and cars passing by us. A minute or two goes by as I realize this isn't the route towards our home. Or any route that I know for god's sake. 

"W...Where are we going...?", I question with a nervous voice.

"Dinner. I thought I'd take you out nice somewhere, celebrating my team's recent win."

Anita leaves a tense pause, before her foot hits the gas pedal without a notice. She starts stacking up the gears subsequently, driving to dangerous speeds, making me hold onto the door and my seatbelt as she drives recklessly and fiercely through the cars, passing them one by one coolly.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!", I exclaim, gripping onto my seatbelt for dear life and pushing my back into the leather seats.

"SHUT UP!! YOU MADE ME ANGRY, SO NOW YOU HAVE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!", Anita yells as she speeds up even more venting out her anger.

The car zooms past innocent pedestrians, scaring them and some cover their ears. The black elegant vehicle leaves a slight exhaust trail and the sound of the revving engine echoes as the couple makes its way through the city.


I apologize for not publishing these past days. 28th was my birthday, and I just got too tangled up with going out to celebrate and coming home to study for the test on 29th, so I couldn't write as much. Now that everything's out the way, I can write in peace. My main goal at the moment is to reach 15k total words so I can get up on the Power stone rankings and increase my viewership. Thank you for supporting me <3

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