
My World II (MnCrft FnFctn)

Just my try on the Isekai genre. With tons of isekai anime watched. It inspired me to try creating my own with my twist Pls, note that the "Steve" in the story is not the Minecraft Steve. He is a minecraft player whose name is also steve

Just_a_writer09 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Part 1

Chapter 1

With just a tick, he teleports to a village, another world, to be specific. No sharp blocks, and random characters in every direction. He grins, "Now, what's going on here?"

Maybe he thinks too loudly because mobs now surround him. Anxiety made real, "An outsider," one villager screeches. He swiftly retreats, and leather-clad mobs give chase. He starts sprinting, and more spawns to intercept. A maze of buildings and guards.

The chase ends in an oak forest. After all, new world, new fun. Our protagonist labels himself a 'gamer,' though he's all about Minecraft and watches anime like crazy.

Standing next to a tree, he holds it and hears an iconic sound. The trunk now cracks. This makes him jump away. The cracks slowly fade away. He tries touching the tree again, and the same thing happens. He tries holding it longer, but the cracks vanish. He tries punching it; he feels its wood but without pain, and after a lot of punching, it breaks and leaves rustle as the tree falls. "Now, that's realistic," he says.

No UI, but he knows he has a block of wood as if he's born for this. He tries again on the fallen tree, and once again, it removes only a chunk. Like a pro, he finishes the tree. He gets: 5 blocks of wood and 2 oak saplings. "Now this is fun." He remembers to plant a sapling. He's stopped by the tree stump. He wants to plant it there, but it forces him to plant it nearby instead.

Dancing like cycling a joystick, he thinks of crafting, and voila! He places a crafting table and it works. He crafts a pickaxe and then an axe. He keeps chopping down more trees.

He dashes at the marching mobs. He looks back, and they're investigating the sapling he planted. They destroy it and the crafting table, then leave. "Now, those mobs have some interesting behaviors," he says.

Wandering around the forest, he finds a cave. He looks around, "Nothing." He mines some stone and goes from cobblestone to stone tools. He uncovers a coal deposit, and coal means fuel. Deeper in the cave is the dead end of the diorite.

Exiting the cave, he spots a guy who looks like he's trying to mug someone for the first time. While trembling, he shouts, "You, drop everything." He quickly runs back, and the guy chases. He turns around, places a block of cobblestone, and the guy trips, breaking his face.

Walking to the side, he says, "Now, I don't have anything myself, so 'you drop everything.'" The guy tries to stand up, which meets a chop, and is now beheaded. He stands in place, "No poof... I didn't mean to... No, I did mean to. I wanted that loot." He takes the knife and leaves the body. He cooks it and gets an iron ingot, which he crafts into a shield.

Walking, our protagonist questions whether he should feel any guilt. Almost falling into a ravine, he realizes it's time to prepare. Surveying the surroundings, he spots a goat. It charges at him, but he blocks its attack with his shield, knocking it back. The goat tries again, but this time it meets the swing of his axe, still no poof. ''Food source, check,'' he says.

Crafting a stone sword to butcher the goat, he realizes it doesn't work. He lifts it onto a crafting table, and suddenly he grasps the procedure in his mind. As a result, he gains three raw meat and one leather. He cooks all three.

After gathering more wood, he begins to mine straight down. At the bottom, he discovers an iron vein, just enough to craft a new pickaxe and a bucket. He also finds a puddle and uses his bucket to touch it, transforming it into a water bucket. Attempting to pour the water, he is initially unsuccessful. Then, he thinks of placing it back, and the water source expands, the current pushing him to the wall.

Going against the current, he moves to the water source and manages to take back the water. Using the water bucket trick, he climbs back up. Once he reaches the surface, he encounters three more goats. They all leap at him, but he blocks their attacks, causing them to fall back into the ravine.

The water pillar saves our protagonist, but the goats aren't as fortunate. "Now, water still negates fall damage, but only for me," he mutters as he rides the current, taking him to the corpses, encountering the same goat, and repeating the process. In total, he obtains seven pieces of meat and four pieces of leather. However, he does not craft it into boots. Well, we all know better uses for leather anyway.

To return, he builds up block by block on the other side, avoiding any further goat encounters. Continuing his exploration, he stumbles upon a paved road that splits the forest. He notices a flock of birds flying in the same direction as the road. Intrigued, he follows them, and after a long walk, he discovers a part of the forest teeming with birds. Stepping forward, the birds attack. ''More food sources,'' he remarks.

The birds surround him, and he quickly places blocks to protect his back, top, and sides, funneling the birds toward him. The birds, careless in their attack, fall victim to his sword swings. It resembles a grinder as he dispatches them one by one. He collects their drops, cooks them all, and gains 50 cooked birds and two stacks of feathers. He tastes the cooked meat and comments, ''It's cooked, but bland.''

The road leads him to a city nestled between mountains. He enters, but the natives pay him no mind. Although they seem to take interest in the cobblestone axe he is holding as he walks. Searching for a place to trade his feathers, he enters a tent and finds a man with thin clothes and trousers with too many pockets.

Our protagonist shows the man all his feathers and asks for the iron ore displayed, pulling a few out from his seemingly empty pocket. ''Now, people have an inventory, huh?'' he remarks. He tries to show his cobblestone, and it magically appears in his hand. The man seems too desperate for those stones and tries to offer his other wares, but as he places his axe inside his 'inventory' first try, he refuses because it was all for pots and clay figures.

Satisfied with the trade, he hides, crafting iron equipment, and completing the full iron set with some iron to spare. ''The guy with full armor, hey,'' he hears someone say. Turning in their direction, he listens as they continue, ''Say, could you help us here?'' Intrigued, he asks, ''What's happening?'' The person responds, ''This could be your lucky day because you could be part of something big.'' Smirking, he replies, ''Now, that sounds like gambling.'' The person counters, ''It's a fight—a fight we can win. We just need more value.'' Interested, he says, ''Fight, value... now that's interesting. Tell me more.''