
My Wife, You Have Too Many Identities

Carola was devoured by the black hole when she was driving the airship. She was reborn to the daughter of the Lauren family, who had been lost for 18 years. A car accident exposed the rare golden blood type of Carola, which made Lauren's family know the existence of Carola and choose to take her back. However, after returning to the rich and powerful family, the love and status that should have belonged to Carola had already been taken away by the fake daughter. Everyone laughed at Carola as a countrywoman. The parents of the rich family warned Carola to forget her real identity and be an adopted daughter, and don't tarnish the family. Only the excellent fake daughter was the pride of her family. Without hesitation, Carola turned around and left. With the help of astrology, Carola gained a lot of underlings. The top designer in the world: OMG, how dare you call my sister Carola a bumpkin? It was Carola who gave me the title of number one designer in the world. The boss who monopolized the global economy: The Lauren family? I had never heard of it. Boss, I would put it out of business if you needed. The top-level warrior from an unknown family: Who dared to bully my master? A talented girl with a high IQ of 200: This was my mommy. A handsome, evil and scheming man smiled and said, then you were going to call me daddy. The whole world was shocked. The Lauren family begged Carola to go home. The most powerful family in the world: Sorry, we were the real family of Miss Carola.

Xuanting_Official · Urbano
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Succeed

In the vast outer space, a huge spaceship was flying at its highest speed.

In the driver's seat, a woman with a perfect figure sat in front of the main control desk. She had a head like seaweed hair, long and curly, almost dropped to the ground, and she seemed to be noble and lazy.

"Lord Carola, I have detected that the number of the chasing warships has increased significantly. Would you like to fight back?"

The woman glanced at the countless red dots on the main screen and drank up the shaking wine in her glass. She stood up, and her eyes instantly became murderous and decisive.

She opened her red lips and said domineeringly, "Golden Shark, start fighting."

"Yes, my lord."

As soon as it finished speaking, the airship was automatically disassembled and reorganized like armor. It was an ordinary airship just now, but now it showed its original appearance and instantly turned into a powerful golden shark airship.

Countless tracking missiles spurted out, directly locked onto the enemy's airship and exploded the pursuers behind it into pieces. The originally dangerous situation was reversed in this way.

Suddenly, the woman frowned, and her heart tightened as if she had a premonition. She became serious.

"Damn it! Retreat at full speed!"

"Golden Shark, open the top defense!"

"Open the connection point and jump into the universe!"

The woman gave three orders in a row.

But it was too late!

The next second, Carola saw the fragments of the airship that had just been shot down connected one after another, forming a deep black hole. It was like an ancient giant beast that opened its bloody mouth and directly devoured the whole Golden Shark.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were spinning. Under the violent impact, the woman's eyes were dark, and there was a violent roar in her ears, she completely fell into a coma.


"Di~ Di~"

The sound of a heartbeat monitor came to her ears, and the surroundings were also filled with the unique smell of disinfectant. Her whole body seemed to be torn apart. It took Carola a while to realize that she seemed to be in a hospital.

No, that was impossible! Didn't I just drive the Golden Shark and perform a mission in outer space?

Although Carola had been set up and fallen into a black hole in the universe, logically speaking, she shouldn't be in such a situation now.

Could it be that the defense of the Golden Shark failed, or the connection point was not built successfully and she could not escape successfully?

Carola struggled to open her eyes, but her whole body was sore and weak. She felt dizzy and the whole world was spinning around.

Not to mention raising her hand, even her eyelids were as heavy as two big stones, and she could not wake up.

Although Carola couldn't control her body, her soul was very clear, and she could even feel the wind and grass in the outside world clearly by her soul.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened.

"Miss Catherine, why are you here alone?" The nurse in charge of this ward immediately stood up and said anxiously. She hurried to hold the girl who was also wearing the hospital gown at the door.

The girl looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, slender and beautiful, but her face was too pale.

"It's okay. I'm worried about my sister Carola, so I come here to have a look..."

Catherine's breath was unstable. She coughed a few times and said weakly, "I don't know where the nurse in my room is. Could you please help me find her?"

The nurse looked back at Carola and hesitated.

This was the best hospital in the city, and also an expensive noble hospital.

The patients who could stay here were either rich or powerful, and their status was not ordinary. Therefore, every ward was equipped with a special medical team. The nurse was responsible for taking care of the patient twenty-four hours a day.

Catherine, who was standing next to her, seemed to have noticed the worried look on the nurse's face. She immediately said obediently, "My sister, I'll stay here to look for you. Can you help me go out and look for my nurse?"

"Okay, thank you, Miss Catherine."

The girl said goodbye to the nurse with a smile. She looked like an innocent, lovely, kind and beautiful girl.

But just as she closed the door and turned around, the beautiful girl like a doll suddenly changed into another person, and her eyes were gloomy and frightening.

Catherine walked to the bedside step by step, and her eyes were fixed on Carola, who was still in a coma. Even though she was wearing a hospital gown, her pale and weak face could not cover up her peerlessly beautiful face.

Was this the power of the inherited genes and the family bloodline?

The more Catherine looked at Carola, the angrier she became. She clenched her fists and couldn't help cursing, "Carola, I didn't expect you to be so lucky that you could be rescued after drowning in the water for so long!"

Catherine gritted her teeth and said, "If only you hadn't shown up!"

In that case, Catherine would still be the only daughter of the chairman of Lauren Group, the beloved one!

But a month ago, the girl in the bed had a car accident, revealing that she had the unique golden blood type of Lauren's family!

For a moment, the major media scrambled for the report, which caused a huge uproar.

"The daughter of a rich family was exiled?"

"Shock: the unparalleled scandal of Lauren's family"

"A murder caused by a car accident"

"Is it the extension of the golden blood or the sacrifice of the rich?"

Under the pressure of public opinion, to save the honor and reputation of the Lauren family, the Lauren family immediately claimed that Carola was their second daughter, who had been secretly searched by the family and unfortunately lost sixteen years ago. The Lauren family admitted her bloodline and took her back to the family.

Born at the peak of her life, Catherine, who had grown up in a noble family, had suffered an unprecedented blow on this day. She felt that the whole world was broken into pieces.

"Why? All these are mine, only mine!"

Catherine really couldn't accept the fact that she was an adopted daughter. Fortunately, her adoptive parents still considered their relationship over the years and promised that Catherine would still be their first daughter. They only admitted that Carola was the second daughter of the Lauren family.

But how could Catherine accept the fact calmly!

Her eyes were full of jealousy and hatred. She turned off the surveillance system in the ward and reached out to hold the oxygen straw of Carola.

Catherine took a deep breath and said slowly, "Carola, there can only be one daughter of Lauren's family, and it's me!"

Then Catherine pulled out the oxygen straw.

Lying on the bed, Carola's breath became rapid and uneasy. She struggled hard and wanted to stand up.

However, no matter how hard Carola tried, she still couldn't move. She could only feel that the oxygen in her body was getting less and less.

The normal ECG alarm sounded. Catherine watched coldly at the side. The fluctuation of the electric waves monitoring the heartbeat became smaller and smaller until it became a straight line. A successful smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.