
Their forte is speed!

Chapter 66: Their forte is speed!

Due to the elven might, Minato's conquest was too easy.

He didn't expect it, but he remained gleeful while looking at all ice creatures thrashing within the veins coming from Ingrid.

The elven queen briefly glanced at all those creatures. She gave them a taunting smirk, then bid farewell as all of them died immediately after Minato sucked hatred out of them.

The monsters didn't even let out a cry as once the hatred slipped away from their bodies, their all movement stopped, including those snarling mouths.

Ingrid's expression suddenly changed, however.

Her sharp wind notified her of an incoming army of the Frost Dwarves.

Those were Dark Frost Dwarves.

They all moved in an order... Considering how much hatred bloomed within those eyes, Ingrid inferred that it was due to them getting out at once.

Otherwise, their movement would've been much different.