
The Second Moon (Part 2)

Olivia, Kai, and Gary weren’t given another drop of food to eat, and they were already feeling the effects of their hunger. The closer it was to the full moon the higher alert they would be in the first place.

“Ahhh this sucks!” Olivia screamed from her cell.

The three of them had been tied up, next to each other, and could see one another through the metal bars, but due to the chain length they were unable to reach each other or the bars that were in front of them.

The order of the three went Kai, then Gary, and finally Olivia.

“You never said this was what was going to happen when you turned me!” Olivia complained.

“Will you relax?” Kai replied. “You remember all of us are in the same pain, and besides I thought you would be used to your emotions getting high strung once a month.”

“Ah, I swear if I turn into a werewolf, the first one I'm going to kill is you pretty boy.” Olivia said, licking her lips.