

The amount of liquid that had been in the syringe that the twins had injected into themselves had been small. Honestly, Raven wasn’t sure what exactly it would do, but as a leader of the Grey Elephant gang, he just knew that testing it out on their loyal followers would be a terrible gamble.

If those things worked as Sin had alluded to, he could always use the syringe on himself or someone else later, but first he had to know their effects… especially the side effects.

The twins showed an immediate reaction. The veins around the puncture site started to bulge. Sren and Leng felt as a foreign organism had entered their body and was now crawling through it, changing them by the second.

“What the hell?'' Kai wondered as he carefully approached Sren. He had expected them to do something, but both of them just stared at their veins. The blonde teenager carefully approached Sren since he was closer to him.