
Fake Blood (Part 2)

The three walked through the hallway at a fast pace, they didn't want to run to attract any attention, because currently, they were now in the official academy. They were supervisors, teachers and students that would appear once in a while, in certain places.

The reaction to this little mission that they had was different for all of them, Numba nervous, Izzy focused while Ian, he was excited. Never did he think his life in the AFA would amount to so many things happening and a life like this.

In fact, he didn't even get a second to relax, either.

“Alright, so there are two things that need to be done. First is to get a test tube they use for blood, and also, get a syringe to draw out the blood. I’m guessing neither of you knows how to give yourself a blood test?” Izzy asked.

“I feel a little sick just thinking about it, they need to find a vein right in your arm, and they wrap that thing around your bicep,” Ian replied.