
A Sister's Love

Xin had been so focused on trying to free her brother and on her brother’s fight in general that she hadn’t even paid attention to who had him held. The fact was, they were some of the best fighters in the AFC. The One Gang was rather secretive to most of the world. Only those that looked into matters deeply even knew that Harvor was the head of a gang in the first place.

Because of this, who was part of their members was also hidden. It was expected that some of the fighters in the AFC would be under Harvor, but it wasn’t as if everyone was. Plenty of people like Jayden and Xin herself had no relation to the organization or the gang. At least, that’s how it started.

Stanley, one of the Zodiacs, was in charge of picking those that had caught his attention in the AFC and bringing them to their side before anyone else could get their hands on them. This was why the One Gang was filled with so many talented fighters, and those called the Zodiacs weren’t anything to laugh at.