
A heavy fist

Seeing Gary charge in, Austin stretched his arms out wide, and held them by his side, waiting for Gary’s next move, which turned out to be a thigh kick he had practised with Innu countless times. Alas, once again, at the perfect time, Austin whacked the green haired teenager’s foot away, almost parrying it, and stepped forward, quickly throwing a fist of his own aimed at Gary’s stomach.

[-4 HP]

Gary hurled forward from the heavy blow, not moving away from Gary this time, Austin grabbed the back of his opponent’s head, holding onto his hair and pulled him up. The loner held the other’s head in place and then swung his fist hitting Gary’s face, and sending him down.

[-6 HP]

“Hey, isn’t that a bit much grabbing his hair?” Marie worriedly asked.

“Does that matter in a street fight?” Innu questioned back.