
the goodbye

For the past few days I barely spoke to anyone. I was still hurt by the words of my best friend. How am I going to get through my school years without him? Kyle was so special to me. my life feels like it's all going down hill from here. Kyle wasn't pleased about it either but he didn't have a choice since he just turned fifteen. We tried to enjoy the time that we had left. No matter what we did we couldn't get our minds off the fact that he will be moving soon. Kyle made a little video of the times we spent together. We each had a copy, so I can watch it as many times I want. Kyle mom and dad was planning a trip for us before they leave. That still didn't changed how I felt about the move. My heart ached anytime I think of it. One week later we were all ready to go on the trip that Kyle's parents had planned. We went to Disneyland and it was amazing. First time in my life I've been to Disneyland. For once my mind was clear and enjoyed every second of it. Kyle face lit up like the sun as he entered. "Thanks mom, thanks dad". Kyle said with a big smile on his face. My parents was amazed and puzzled at the same time. "How did you guys paid for all of this?" asked my dad. "Don't worry just take it as a thank you gift". answered Kyle's Father." You guys have been the best neighbors anyone can have." said his mom. "And we will always keep in touch with each other" Kyle's mom added. "Now let's all have some fun", shouted Mr. Jackson. Kyle and I walked on as we decided what was the first thing we will be doing. And for the first time in my life I felt a warm feeling inside as he held my hand. "Do I have a crush on Kyle"? I asked myself. But I brush if the feeling and enjoyed the day. Kyle said that he have something to tell me when we got home. We spent three days at Disneyland and couldn't wait to get home to hear what Kyle had to say. When we got home I unpacked my stuff and rushed outside when I heard Kyle calling. We went to our favorite spot,the lake and he began to speak. "I've been thinking on how to say this a long time ago and still don't know how to, so I'm just gonna spit it out". " I like you a lot", "my heart skip everytime I see you". "You light up my world". I was speechless for a moment. "Joy I know you may not feel the same way about me but I just wanted to get it off my chest"said Kyle. Then within seconds I kissed him and he kissed me back. It felt so good. I keep thinking to myself "I really do like Kyle". The kiss was intense. "So where does this leads us now"? I asked. Then he asked in the most sweetest way. "Do you want to be my girlfriend"? I shouted out yes in a hurry, forgetting about that in a few weeks he will be gone. We sat under the tree and talk about us for hours. It was getting late and we had to go home. We agreed to tell our parents when we got home. As we reached home we saw our parents outside together. Me thinking now is the best time. We looked at each other as Kyle cleared his throat. "I have something to say that's been bothering me a long time and now is perfect time". "What is it dear"? asked his mom."I'm in love with Joy and I asked her to be my girlfriend". Everyone was quiet for a while then my dad approached him. "Ah my boy. How nice of you, just be nice to my babygirl and everything will be alright ". His mom said"but we will be moving in a few weeks what will happen to both of you"?" We will figure it out as the days go by but for now I just wanna enjoy my relationship with Joy" Kyle said. My mom eyes was filled with water. "You guys are growing up so quickly"my mom said as tears comes out her eyes. "This calls for a toast"said Kyle's dad. We toast with the most expensive red wine. The grown ups then left us to talk. "So this is it, the beginning of the best relationship"said Kyle. "Yes my darling" I answered with a grin on my face. I was the happiest girl in the world at the moment. Weeks past and as summer was almost here my heart felt like it was going to burst. We made the most of the moments together as best friends and a couple. Kyle was the sweetest boyfriend ever. It was the day of the moving and I was helping Kyle with his stuff all day. We decided to try long distance relationship. We were in love so much I could not think of being without him around. As the movers came my heart sank, and I burst out in tears. Kyle held me close and whisper in my ears "I'll be back for you one day my love". I squeezed him giving him a big kiss in front our parents. But I still couldn't stop crying.