
my werewolf crush

So for the past two months we have been talking everyday. I really miss Kyle a lot. He's the most genuine guy that I know. He's still upset about the move but he never says why they had to move. I'm getting this weird feeling about him and his family. There is something the Jacksons are hiding, I can feel it. But everytime I try to bring it up Kyle just changes the topic. Sometimes I can hear strange noise while on the phone with Kyle, but I pretend I don't hear. Kyle's parents agreed to let him come over for a weekend and I'm so excited. There is so much to do when he comes. I'll try and find out more about his family and what's there big secret. The new neighbors are pretty strange also. They know the Jackson family pretty good. At times I hear the same sound at their house from Kyle new home. Something is really strange but I'm not going to let that stop me from havi fun with my boyfriend, best friend, my riding partner. We are going to have so much fun. I count down the days everyday. Finally it's Friday and Kyle will arrive at three o clock. I was nervous all day in school counting down the hours. I rushed home that evening. I couldn't wait to see Kyle. When I got home I got a message saying "meet me by our spot". I was so excited I left in a hurry. But when I got there no one was there. I heard someone cried out my name in the distance. It was him running to meet. Then suddenly a man appeared in front of me blocking my view of Kyle. "Noooooooooooooo" I hear Kyle cry out from the distance. It was our new neighbor Mr. Edward. "She has nothing to do with this". I was scared because I didn't know what Kyle was talking about. As Mr Edward stretched his hands towards me someone grabbed me out of the way. I was so terrified I couldn't move. "Leave her alone" Kyle shouted. It was Kyle that grabbed me. But how did he reached me in a split second. I keep thinking to myself. "Tell me where your parents are and you both go free"said Mr. Edward. "I will never". shouted Kyle angrily. I've never seen him this upset before. He grabbed my hands and ran so fast I think that he has super speed or something. "Text your mom and tell her I'm carrying you out a bit". I was so scared I did what Kyle said. I didn't know what to think. Are the Jacksons in trouble? I thought to myself. When he stopped we were in an alley in Brooklyn. "What is the matter" I asked Kyle. "Is your family in trouble?" "Not for long" he answered angrily. "Let me call my parents and I'll explain everything to you". He pulled me inside a side door in the alley leading us into a dark room with a red light. "Why are we here"? " How did we reach Brooklyn from Florida within minutes"? I shouted. I wanted answers and I want them now. "shhhhh. give me one second". He called his dad. Dad! "Edward is after me an Joy. Hurry". Within minutes his father and mother arrived. How did they know where to find us I thought to myself again. "Where is he". Mr Jackson shouted angrily. "I'm not sure dad". "I just ran straight here, and didn't see the direction he went." "Are you okay joy"his mom asked. "No I'm not, what's going and what does Mr Edward want"? I shouted. Kyle and his parents looked at me in silence. Then Kyle begin to explain. "We are werewolves". "I didn't know how to tell you all this time so we decided to hide it from you guys". "What" I shouted. "Werewolves". Think I'm going to be sick. his mom placed me on a bed and Kyle finished explain. "My dad is an alpha. And Mr Edward trying to take him down for years". " I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier". And all I was thinking is that I'm in love with a werewolf. "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore" said Kyle. "Are you crazy, I'm not gonna let that stop me from loving you" I said still a bit confused. We hug and smile at each other. His dad was on the phone with his troops. Mrs Jackson called my mom and told her I'll be home by nine o clock. We sat there in the room until it was seven pm. For the first time I saw Kyle and his family transformed into werewolves. As we left the room there were hundreds of werewolves outside. It was Mr Jackson troop. Kyle told me to get on his back. It was like flying. Being on a werewolf back running with all that speed. They dropped me off and told me to go inside and don't come out until Kyle message me. His mom transformed back into a human and she came with me. "Joy can you give us a minute, I need to talk to your parents and tell them the truth". "Yes mam"I said as I went to my room. all I can hear a noise coming from the backyard next door. It lasted not more than four minutes. The I got a call from Kyle. "you can come out now my love". I ran outside quickly. I was feeling mixed emotions but I just ran into his arms. "Good Mr Edward won't be bothering anyone anymore". "It's about time we got rid of him and his family" said a handsome young man behind Kyle. My parents was shocked at the news. "Werewolves you say". said my dad."Yes we are and my hubby is the alpha"said Mrs Jackson. "That explains all the weird noises I've been hearing for years". said my mom. We all burst out in laughter. Kyle stayed but his parents went back to New York. Over the next two days Kyle explain more and more about werewolf. I was dating a werewolf cheers to that.