
My Werewolf's Slayer System

200 years ago, mysterious portals unleashed a horror beyond imagination: Creatures that were only known in myth; the mythical werewolves. After a decade of desperate struggle, three enigmatic families rose to challenge the beasts, armed with ancient powers, forbidden knowledge and equipment. They managed to push the werewolves back. After a heavy loss on both sides, they decided to step back from the battle a bit to restore their manpower. In the present day, 16-year-old Jake Lucas, fueled by vengeance for his parents' brutal death, enrolls in Aurora Academy to join the fight. But his weakness seems an insurmountable obstacle... until he discovers a mysterious orb granting him a revolutionary system. As Jake levels up and unlocks new abilities, he must confront the darkness within and the very real threat of werewolf domination. Will he become the hero humanity needs, or will the world succumb to the threat of werewolves?

KBKayboy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

VR Game

Chapter 22

The weekend was finally here and Jake was excited than usual because today, he was going to check out the VR gaming room that was introduced to him by Peter. After doing his daily exercise and getting breakfast, it was finally time to head to the VR gaming room together with Vynn and Peter.

The VR gaming room was in the academy but it was another building off to the side that was used as the gaming room.

Entering the building, Jake could see some students in the building and off to the side, were shelves filled with different type of games. And off to the back, there was a type of gaming pod, not just one, but multiple.

Jake's mouth was wide open at what he could see. But he quickly pulled himself together.

"That there, is what I train with most times. The town that the orphanage I was in was located, had a VR gaming center so I always practice once a while." Peter said.

Before Peter said or did anything, he led Jake and Vynn to the counter to rent the capsules.

"That will be 20 credits per hour." The receptionist said.

"Yikes, that is a lot of credits." Vynn said.

Between the three of them, they contributed credits to pay for five hours which is 100 credits. After paying, they were given tag cards that had the number of the pod they were going to use. After some minutes of looking for the pods, they finally found them and before they entered, Peter decided to explain the basics.

"So for you newbies, this capsule, is a VR game that allows you experience the thrill and horror of battling a werewolf. It simulates the pain, sense of smell and even simulates somewhat of a real werewolves attack that bite and kill like the real deal. Oh did I mention that you could also play against humas?" Peter explained.

"Can we play this thing already? Time is running out." Vynn said impatiently.

"Fine. Without much further ado, let's play." Peter said.

They all got into the capsule and the door shut tight with them inside. Jake felt the softness and warmth of the cushions inside the capsule. That was when a pop up window appeared in his view.

<Welcome New User to RealityX! Would you like to?>

<Log in> <Register > < Play as a guest>

"Woah! This is just like my system." Jake excitedly exclaimed. "Let me quickly hurry up, am sure that Peter is waiting for me."

Quickly selecting the register button, Jake decided to register. And then a message pop up again.

<Please create a user ID>

Jake thought long and hard about the name that he should use but nothing was coming to mind. After a lot of deliberation, Jake finally settled on a name.

<User ID created Wolf hunter.>

The name was chosen for one reason and that was because of his hatred for werewolves and the need to hunt them. After creating the UID, Jake's consciousness was transported to a white space where there was nothing but an endless room of white.

After a few verification process, Jake inputted the UID that Peter gave to him and then Jake's consciousness was now transported to another white room but this time, Vynn and Peter were there.

However, Peter didn't look like himself. Both his hands were wrapped in bandages and on his face, he wore a scarf. He looked like an ancient Ninja.

"err, Peter is that you?" Jake asked.

"oh sorry." Peter said while changing his character back to his self.

"What was that? Because that was awesome." Jake asked.

"That, the game allows you to customize your character to look any how you want it. But mind you, it costs credits." Peter replied. "So do you guys wanna watch me play a few games to see how it works?"

They both nodded to which Peter created a party, where Vynn and Jake could both spectate. Suddenly in the white space, stands appeared forming an arena like shape and Jake and Vynn were teleported to the seating area in one of the stands.

The game tried it's best to allow spectators feel like it was the real deal. Peter quickly went on to select a match. The game matches you with people of your rank, like currently Peter was in rank Gold(Advanced level) meanwhile as Jake and Vynn were just beginners, they were given the lowest rank possible which is the Bronze rank.

The game had 6 ranks in total.

Bronze(beginner) inorder to advance to the next rank, users need to have 5 wins.

Silver (intermediate) 10 winning streaks to advance to the next rank.

Gold(advanced) 15 winning streaks.

Platinum(expert) 20 wins in total after leaving Gold, you have to restart again with 20 wins to advance to the next rank.

Diamond (master) 40 wins to advance to the next rank.

Legendary(highest rank) user must have 100 wins to be classified a high tier player.

After pushing the werewolves back, the world needed something to destress, so a VR game was invented with the purpose to destressing and also to learn to fight without hurting themselves in reality. The game was played in other cities and big towns that could afford it anyway.


Being a Gold ranked player, Peter could also be matched with a Gold ranked player to even the playing field. There was a quick search button where you will just be matched randomly with any ranked player. But since he wanted to battle werewolves rather than humans, he clicked a button that did just that.

After inputting his gaming rank, Peter waited a bit for a werewolf to appear. And then, a werewolf appeared. Seeing the werewolf, Jake couldn't help but shudder because it brought back bad memories, from the night his parents were murdered to the day he encountered a werewolf.

Seeing Jake's reaction, Vynn decided to calm him down.

"Relax, it's not real. It's just a game." Vynn said.

Immediately the werewolf appeared, a big countdown screen appeared and when it hit 0, the werewolf dashed towards Peter with a speed beyond human and swiped at Peter's face with its claws but Peter ducked avoiding the hit but the werewolf quickly turned around and hit Peter with its foot In his stomach sending Peter flying back a few feet before finally coming to a stop.

Not wanting to give Peter rest, the werewolf gave chase.

"Damn, this feels and look so much real. How could someone create something so realistic?" Jake wondered aloud with amazement laced in his voice.

Peter seeing the werewolf coming, quickly stood up and slashed with his sword but the werewolf side stepped and then gave Peter an uppercut to the face sending him flying up in the air but before he could fly up, the werewolf grabbed Peter's feet and swung him around and around and finally flinging Peter across the room causing him to bounce on the floor a few times.

Peter finally came to a halt and then stood up again with his customized character riddled with injuries from head to toe. The game was set to make the user feel like they are really fighting therefore the creators, added a pain sensation to the game making the users feel 2 percent of pain from the injuries dealt to their avatar.

Standing up, Peter looked the werewolf straight in the eyes and instead of waiting for the werewolf to charge towards him, Peter charged towards the werewolf and when he was two feet away from the werewolf, the werewolf swiped at Peter with its claws but this time, Peter didn't duck instead he decided to use the 'The Triple Threat' skill by creating distance and then charging right at the werewolf.

Then Peter jumped up slashing the werewolf's neck therefore cutting off the werewolf's neck. And then a message popped up congratulating Peter.

<Congratulations 14 Peter killer! On your first kill today. Get more kills to advance the next rank. Do you wish>

<Play another match> <Take a break>

Peter decided to take a break to talk to his friends. After choosing the option, he was transported to the spectating stands.

"So how was it guys?" Peter asked.

"Well to be sincere, it looks realistic. I can't wait to try the game out." Vynn excitedly said quickly going out of Peter's game room.

The remaining duo decided to spectate Vynn's match. They went to Vynn's game room to spectate Vynn's match. Meanwhile Vynn selected the option to play against a werewolf. After a little bit of time, a werewolf appeared and Vynn wanting to prove he wasn't weak, he charged towards the werewolf to slash at the werewolf but the werewolf twisted around and then grabbed Vynn flinging him across the room.

Vynn quickly stood up but the werewolf was already in front of him punching Vynn right in the stomach knocking the wind out off Vynn's mouth. Then the werewolf grabbed Vynn's hair and smashed his knee into Vynn's face.

Vynn managed to pull out of the werewolf's grip and after creating a bit of space, he decided to use 'The Triple Threat' skill. When he got close, the werewolf gave Vynn a strong uppercut that ended the game straight away causing Vynn's first game to be a loss.

Immediately Vynn's game was over, the capsule was shut down making the trio to come out of the pod. They have been playing for so long that they didn't know when the time was up for them to leave the pod. Jake was disappointed because he didn't get the time to play the game. But he was excited for tomorrow, he will have all the time in the world to play the game.

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