
Quick, hide! (4)


He can't find me out!

"Mademoiselle X!" Just as Yan Xiaoran was about to faint from the suspense, a man's voice was heard from behind her, "There you are... I've been looking for you!" 

As if she saw a bright light coming from the end of the tunnel, Yan Xiaoran bit the first bullet and quickly turned around and saw Adam standing by the entry door with his female companion.

"Adam!" Yan Xiaoran quickly raised her feet and walked over to the man/her savior.

However, just as she was about to take a step forward, she saw a huge shadow blocking her way. It turned out that the shadow was actually Alexander when she  saw his face.

Damn it, why can't he let me go?

Just as she was about to open her mouth and tell some lies once again, he beat her to it and said, "You're Madam X? The woman behind the Black Organization?"

"I've been looking for you as well."