
Hero Support Department

Izuku was walking towards the Hero Support Department, yesterday he had asked All Might to get him permission to use the machinery in the department. It seemed that it went well as he received a text in the morning to head to the department, it seems they let him skip class because of the great grades he got, but that was only the classes that didn't require a practical. Izuku was looking at his schedule.

"[It seems my next practical class is going to be this one in the evening, it's with All Might. Anyway, I should focus on what I'm going to do when I get to the Hero support department. I was able to gather up enough materials to make a few nanobots, I should probably get the teachers there to show me how to use the machinery as they make a nanobot, that way I won't be clueless. Even though I looked upon the machinery, I still need practical experience, otherwise, I might end up throwing away half the materials in the process of learning. I also don't know how long the process of getting the creation of nanobots in my head is going to take, All Might told me the name of the teacher that I need for the hacking proof help. Anyway I should go over everything I know about nanobots and the plans.]" - Izuku

In the past, before the emergence of quirks Nanobots or Nanorobotics was an emerging field in technology that was based around the creations of machines or robots whose components are at the scale of a nanometer, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. The biggest use that caused every developed country of old to make nanobots was its medical use, these nanobots could be used to reduce the chance of catching an illness as they would attack it and if you already had an illness then they would work on destroying it. There was also something called Nanites that could self replicate and when injected into someone would heal them, Izuku wanted to know how the self-replication worked but because it came from a TV show, he didn't even show if it was possible.

"[Anyway, I'll work on the self-replication and testing it after, right now I should focus on the regular nanobots, as they have been tested to be safe, I'll figure everything else out when I'm more free to do so.]" - Izuku

When Izuku first read about nanobots he was entranced by them, but not because of the effects that were previously mentioned, but because of transhumanism. Transhumanism was a theory developed and believed by many, and just like nanobots, it was before quirks. This theory followed the mindset, that the human race could evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations by using science and technology. Obviously, the theory ended up being dropped after quirks started to become a part of the world but for Izuku this was exactly what he wanted. The nanobots that could enter the human body and become a part of it and helping it, were perfect for transhumanism. His plan of taking quirks was only a dream until he came across these and studied up on these two subjects the most if it wasn't that quirks were developed maybe this theory and technology would have been the future.

"[The theory can be seen why it was abandoned, but nanobots? why did they stop after developing them? There uses could be so much more, although there is a risk with nanobots from technology-based quirks, but I'm sure they could be bypassed if people put their minds to it.]" - Izuku

"[Anyway, the nanobots seem to need the main server to command the nanobots, and if you don't want to use that you need to give them a certain command before injecting them into your system, which is also something that won't work for me. I need to have the nanobots respond to my brainwaves, and design them in a way so they can get their instructions from me but also are able to respond to things without me, sort of like a semi AI where I am the main intelligence.]"

Izuku wondered why no one went with the route he was going, he didn't realise it was because of morality and the belief in quirks. The morality never let them treat people and test subjects so their minds never went in that direction, even if they did it was more around taking certain parts of the person body that was the reason of the quirk. Their belief in quirks made people think their quirk was superior, they didn't want an outside object as that would be something that isn't completely in their control if they did use an outside object it would be one that helps their quirk or covers for their quirks weakness.

The latter was also the main reason of stagnation in the modern-day technology, the technology of today was barely better than the days of old before quirks, if there was a difference it was towards the efficacy of most things. If humanity had focused on technology then it could have been travelling in the stars by now.

Izuku had finally arrived outside the Hero support departments lab, after all, that thinking. It was the same as before, Izuku knocked on the day and waited. A few moments later the door was opened by Power Loader.

"Good morning Power Loader, I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm sure you remember me" - Izuku

"Aren't you that boy from last time? What happened did you get lost again?" - Power Loader

"Haha, actually I'm here to use the lab, I'm sure you should have gotten a notification about me, I'll be in your care." - Izuku

"Oh, that was you? Whatever, come in and help yourself but don't touch anything you don't need to." - Power Loader

"Of course, erm... Could I request your help in demonstrating how to create something?" - Izuku

"Hm? Well, I'm free for now so I could show you what to do at the moment, so what are you creating?" - Power Loader

"Well I just want to know how to creat Nanorobots, I can show you the design and process if you don't know about them, after all, they are quite old, I also studied them for a while so if you don't understand what it means sometimes you can ask me." - Izuku

"Nanorobots? I've heard of them before, but why are you creating something that was long forgotten? Whatever it isn't my business, here show me the design and process and I'll go through it with you." - Power Loader

Izuku then showed the design and implementation of Nanobots to Power Loader, if Power Loader asked what a few things were, Izuku explained as he had studied it to memory. They then both got started on creating nanobots, they almost failed a few times but Power Loader's expertise allowed him to bring the process on the right track. Izuku was glad he asked otherwise he might not have even created one nanobot with the amount of resources he had prepared. After creating one Nanobot, Izuku asked Power Loader a few more questions on how to use the machine properly, why he failed on those certain parts that Power Loader was able to stop and save the process, and also how he saved the process so easy.

Izuku and Power Loader were in a heated conversation when someone walked into the room, after looking at the person Izuku could only describe him as...

"[I.T. support, since he could enter the lab himself he should be a teacher and from his looks, he might be the one I need to help win the hack proof.]" - Izuku

"oh, you're here early. Anyway, Izuku I need to get back to my actual job, but this was fun, I didn't think old technology would be so interesting and your talent, you have a talent for this kind of stuff, you should transfer over." - Power Loader

"Although I appreciate the offer, I have to refuse, my ultimate goal is to be a Hero. [it is a tempting offer, if it wasn't that I didn't want to draw All Mights suspicion so early, I would have taken it.] Although I hope I can still use your machinery from time to time." - Izuku

"It's my fault for coming early, so if I'm interrupting something, I don't mind waiting" - I.T sup Guy

"It's nothing TechWiz, I was just helping this student with building something, it turned out more fun then I expected." - Power Loader

"Good morning TechWiz, I'm Izuku Midoriya, I believe you may have heard of me from All Might about requesting your help." - Izuku

"Oh, so your the one All Might was talking about? Is what you're working on with Power Loader the thing you need help with?" - TechWiz

"Ah, yes it is, but I still need to work on it a bit more and create more before I come to get your help, I hope I won't be trouble at the time. Anyway, I won't intrude on whatever you both are doing and get back to my work. Thank you for your help Power Loader and it was nice meeting you TechWiz." - Izuku

"Yeah, don't worry about it, it was fun. Just ask if you need help, I'll come if I'm not busy and if I am, just wait till I'm done." - Power Loader

"Haha, don't worry about being a bother, I'm bored most of the time with nothing to do and from how much Power Loader enjoyed helping you, I'm starting to look forward to it." - TechWiz

Power Loader and TechWiz started to work together on building something while Izuku continued building more nanobots, he did screw up two times before he was able to barely start making them properly and make them of better quality as time went on. It was a tiring process so Izuku started to let his mind wander.

"[the nanobots are going to become my armour, with a soft rubber outside to lessen the blow before hitting the solid inside to take the blow, but in that process, a lot of nanobots could be lost and destroyed, so I need to think of a way to create stuff like Nanites... Maybe if I use the nanobots to make a miniaturised nanobot making machinery in my body, and then when I ingest nutrients it can use that to create more. Although that should work in theory I need to do tests before I implement it into my own body.]" Izuku

While Izuku was 'daydreaming', he didn't realise that another person had walked into the lab, and after noticing him started to make her way towards him and watched what he was doing.

"[I could also add body modifications to myself using nanobots, like with Ilda's leg engines, if I recreate the engines with my nanobots I could end up with his quirk, not just his quirk but any quirk that uses stuff like that, like the earphone girl and such. However, it wouldn't be my power... I should just stick with improving my foundation and power first. As for stuff like body modification, I'll ignore it until... Wait my armour is going to be made from nanobots, if I use the modifications with the armour, then the armour could end up becoming a notch higher in power, I should install it with the ability to sense another body modifications and replicating it, it would make it even more perfect.]" - Izuku

Power Loader and TechWiz were finished with what they were doing, Power Loader looked up to see Izuku and a girl standing next to him watching what he was doing.

"Oi, Izuku why are you still here? Aren't you late for your combat class? And Hatsume what are you doing?" - Power Loader

Izuku snapped out of his 'daydream' and looked at the time, he realised he was going to be late, so he hurriedly started packing everything away and quickly turned around only to almost knock into a girl standing behind him, luckily because of his quick reactions he was able to steady himself by sliding a little to the side. He looked at the girl, who seemed to not react at all and just kept staring at him. She had yellow eyes with cross-hairs for pupils, pink tube-like locks that were styled asymmetrically having two longer strands on the right side of her face, and she was wearing protective goggles.

"Sensei called you Izuku, that's quite the reaction speed you got there. I'm Mei Hatsume, what were you working on? it looked interesting, need help?" - Mei Hatsume

"[She wasn't even fazed that I almost knocked into her.] Nice to meet you, but I'm in a hurry at the moment, so I'll talk to you next time I'm here. See you later." - Izuku


Izuku quickly ran out and headed towards his class, he was able to arrive in time to see everyone leaving the class, he quickly joined them. At first, they asked where he was during the day when he answered them they got a little jealous because Izuku got to miss class but they soon got over it. They then gave Izuku a rundown on what happened during the day, apparently the invisible never got kicked out of the class as Aizawa was just joking and saw potential in her, especially when everyone found out her quirk wasn't invisibility but manipulating light, and her body can't control it that's why she's invisible.

"[If her body can't control it then why can we see the gloves and boots she wears? Wait don't tell me it's a half body and half outer element quirk? If it is this could be more useful then I expected. I'll need to add her on the list, just in case.]" - Izuku

When Izuku was done thinking in his head, he got told where they were heading to. Combat training with All Might.


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I know you guys are going to ask why I kicked her out if I was going to put her back in, well it's because of exactly what Izuku thought. A quirk which can control outer elements and affect the body could be useful. Honestly, I wanted to go back to the chapter and change it to kick out the ball head guy instead but that's a minor change to make you guys read the entire chapter again thinking what I changed. So I'm going to bring her back like this then get rid of the ball head some other way.

This chapter is more here to keep track of what I'm aiming for... But it should still be chapter that's why I wrote it even though it's a information packed chapter. I doubt most of you have even read it, I mean I haven't. Which reminds me if there are mistakes in the chapter, tell me.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts
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