
All Men are not created Equal.

There he was, Midoriya Izuku, a skinny plain-looking boy with round dark-green eyes, messy dark green hair with dark shadows and four symmetrical freckles on both cheeks underneath his eyes. He was standing face to face with his idol, his hero asking the most important question in his life.

"Even if I don't have a quirk, can I become a hero?" – Izuku

"Can even someone without a quirk be like you?" – Izuku

Izuku looked up to see a deflated All Might, at first he could not believe that this was All Might's true form. That was until he saw the wound that the symbol of peace carried around for five years, and how it was the cause of him only being allowed to work as a hero for 3 hours a day.

"I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me" – All Might

When he heard these words, Izuku found a strange resonance towards them and flashes of how he put on that fake smile to pass through the days went through his mind. However, the words that followed crushed the deepest parts of his soul.

"I cannot simply say, 'you can become a hero even without power." – All Might

"I see." – Izuku

Izuku fought through the difficulties of his life, even when he was told he was quirkless, he didn't give up and still had hope to become a hero, but when the man he looks up to the most, his ultimate idol, a big part of him died with it.

"If you want to help others, then you could also become a police officer. They are often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation. It's not bad to dream, but you also have to consider what's realist, young man." – All Might

All Might walked away and Izuku stood at the same spot, digesting everything that was said. In the background, explosions were going off but none of them could compare to the explosions going on in Izuku's mind, heart and soul. With another explosion, Izuku snaps out of the state he was in, on instinct he thinks of if a hero would come to stop whatever was happening and starts to run towards the stairs to get there and witness it. Midway Izuku stops and remembers what All Might just said and his dark-green eyes that had a sparkle grew darker and duller.


On the scene of the explosion, All Might watched from the crowd as because of an accidental mistake a child was suffering. He kept calling himself pathetic as his time limit was over so he could not save the child, he watched with the crowd and the other heroes as the child continued to be swallowed up.

Izuku was just walking around in a daze repeatedly thinking about what All Might said until he was awoken with an explosion close by, only then did he realise he instinctively walked to the site of the commotion. Since he was already there, he decided to see what was going on until he saw the sludge monster, he froze, he thought back and realised it was his fault the sludge monster escaped from All Might and this added another blow to his already demoralised self. He decided he needed to make things right and save the person caught by the sludge monster even if it was the last thing he'd do, that's when he realised it was Katsuki Bakugou. He didn't like Katsuki Bakugou because of all the bullying but he decided to ignore that and continue with what he decided, he dashed out towards the sludge monster and halfway there he realised he didn't have a plan.

He continued his rush towards the sludge monster as a page of his book came to mind, "pre-emptive binding lacquered chain prison: quickly stretch out arms (vines) to make the opponent flinch back. And then use that opening to restrain them".

"I don't have vines to do that move but I just need to make him flinch… throwing my bag should do the job" – Izuku

So Izuku took of his bag with a spin and used the same spinning motion to throw the bag at the sludge monster, coincidentally a book in the bag came out and poked the eye of the sludge monster allowing Katsuki Bakugou to free his mouth and breath. Just before Katsuki Bakugou could question why Izuku was there, a hand grabbed him and dragged him out of the sludge. Following the lead of the hand, Katsuki Bakugou began to run and realised it was Izuku that grabbed him out, the heroes that chased after Izuku and thought he was suicidal froze for a moment in shock allowing the sludge monster to regather itself and lunge at Izuku and Katsuki Bakugou.

Just before it hit though all might came and stopped it, he started speaking and saying something but Izuku zoned it out as he just gained another proof of why he was useless. Even after all he did by dragging Katsuki Bakugou out the sludge monster, it all would have accounted to nothing if All Might never stopped the sludge monster in the end. While All Might talked to the reporters and Katsuki Bakugou was being complimented, Izuku was being reprimanded and when it got to the point of what is his quirk… the disdain he saw bore a hole through his already fragile self and pushed Izuku past that certain point.

Even though he tried everything to become a hero, society would not accept a quirkless as a hero, he came so close to becoming a hero by saving Katsuki Bakugou and some would even say he did a good job but, the moment they knew he was quirkless they dismissed all that and just thought of him as a reckless idiot. His hope of regaining what he lost by saving Katsuki Bakugou was shattered completely this time, when he is let go he just walked without a direction and somehow ends up on top of the same building that he talked to All Might on and the following words start resounding in his head.

"if you wanna be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it. Believe that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a last chance to dive off the roof." - Katsuki Bakugou


A cloud of dust that that was dashing everywhere as if in search of something suddenly stopped and All Might's true form popped out.

"Ah young man, where are you? I have been searching everywhere you could have walked off to but I still cannot seem to find you. It cannot be helped my limit was already reached and if I stay in that form any longer It could have serious repercussions. I will just get some of the U.A. staff to come and help search for you, I have finally found my successor." – All Might


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just a quick draft more chapter coming soon but don't know when. please tell me your thoughts so far.

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