
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 6 - Flipping it Up (4)

I swing the sword vertically with all my stats.

The Sword covered in flames cut through the air and touched the surface of the Lake water. A small ripple formed on the surface where the sword was touched.

The ripple moved outward, and then water suddenly rose to one-meter height and slammed hard back into the lake. Water then moved apart and the lake got cut in half. A path got opened up in the middle of the lake.

The surface under the water became visible for the first time. If anyone got to see the bottom of the lake now, They would get goosebumps. The bottom of the lake was filled with bones and skulls of human-like creatures. The beautiful Lake was hiding the scary-looking path underneath it.

It was the bones of the people who came inside the forest to find the legends and check the rumors. This was the reason no one ever got out of the lake.

Zoe realized that I was looking toward the bones.

" Everything needs to be balanced. The power required something to sustain its energy. It used the life force of living. "

'I do not need to know that.'

I already knew the reason, but I do not want to keep the information I do not want to know. Who wants to know about the reason for thousands of people's death?

I focused and use all my magical stats on the flaming sword. The bones started to burn and a thick gold chain revealed itself. The flame shot from the sword and struck the chains.


Flames devour the chain and it started to meltdown. My stats depleted rapidly, the flames also started to burn at an extremely fast rate. This was the power of a sentient weapon's replica. Cracks started to form on the surface of the chain.

[ You have exhausted your stats. ]

[ The Skill 'Any Sword' is deactivated. ]

In no time, I used up all my stats, and then fatigue hit me hard. My legs buckled up and I fell onto my knees. The fire on the sword was also exhausted and the sword returned back to its original form.

'Shit! My stats are still too low.'


The sword I held, no longer had any flames but the flames that hit the chains were still burning.

The flames of a flaming sword were trying to break the chains. Even if it was a replica, these were the flames that cut through the havens gate

crack crack... ting

The sword went back to its original form but the flames that were already on the chains finally broke the chain.

As the flames disappeared, Water started to fill the path and after a few seconds, it completely got filled up. The Lake returned to its usual calm self.

I sat on the ground on my knees and then look towards Sword in my hand. It started to shine and a message appeared in front of me.

[ You have used the Laevateinn-Replica to its maximum power. ]

[ The durability of Sword had run out. ]

The sword started to rust at a speed that was visible to naked eyes. It first turned orange, then brown, and then it got darker till it was pitch black. Finally, it turned into powder and flew away with the winds.

I turned to look at Zoe. She was looking at me with regret. I didn't like it and spoke with annoyance.

" What? "

" ...I don't know what to say. "

" Then don't say anything. "

I was exhausted after using all my raised stats. It was a great to share stats with Persephone, but the fatigue was there even with the False Awakening.

" I don't know how to repay you. "

I tried to sit on the ground more comfortably, Persephone flew towards me and helped me sit.


I let out an audible sigh. She is speaking the same depressing words again.

" I asked you that living alone is not fun right? "

Zoe looked at me.

" .... yes you did. "

" Then come live with me. "

" huh? "

" What I mean is, live with me, protect me. "

" What? Am I not enough? "

I just ignored the last question that came from Persephone, She did not realize what I am talking about, But Zoe did.

" So?"

" I will. "

She answered almost instantly when I asked again, which made me smile. I like when people answered as I want.

Zoe closed her eyes and soon Her body started to shrink until it became humane-sized. She floated towards me.

She reached the shore and then put her feet on the ground which were no longer bounded by a chain. She walked towards me, she looked happy.

Zoe reached me and crouched down. She cupped my cheeks with her right hand.

" I will live with you. "

As she spoke her body started to shine, and water droplets floated around her.

" I will protect you. "

The water droplets also shinned like fireflies and her body started to become transparent.

" I will live for you, the one who gave me my life back. My king. "

Her body became faint as a ghost and then her faint self entered my body. I felt like something was wrapped around my heart and a message appeared in front of me.

[ You have acquired a Passive Skill 'Zoe's heart Lvl.6' ]

[ Skill: Zoe's heart Lvl.6

Description: Zoe has a literal translation to life. It is the heart of life. You will not have any impurities and imbalance in your body, because of the heart of life, your body will be in its best condition. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " Why did you get the lady's heart? " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is jealous of Zoe. ]

What does he mean by that? I got the skill, and why is she jealous? Nubecula like them are tough to understand.

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is satisfied with the reward you got. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' is happy watching the story he is associated with having a good ending. ]

At least some Nubeculas were acting the way they suppose to. Hwang Jini seems to like the whole script, she might have figured out that I made it all happen.

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comment " I will make you famous." ]

This message almost gave me a heart attack, but I will not have it now. I know Gumiho is gonna go around telling everyone about it. Nubeculas watching me are extremely weird.


[ You have cleared the Hidden Script ]

[ Rewards are being processed. ]


[ Rewards: 6000 Points and Passive Skill 'Zoe's heart' ]


I got the clearance message from Hidden Script. I also got the rewards, it was much higher than normal Hidden Script. Still, I did not get any first found rewards, Someone else must have discovered it before me, maybe that person is among the pile of bones inside the lake.

I leaned back on my back touching the tree trunk behind me. I tried to relax but I felt someone staring really hard at me. It was bothering me.

" What is it? "

" You womanizer. '

" What are you talking about? "

I waved my hand. I was tired and did not want to deal with Persephone's teasing. I could feel no jealousy from her through our Soul Contract. It was only a little anger.

" Nothing. "

She grumbled something, I couldn't hear her. I was not sure why she was angry, but I thought it is smart not to question an angry woman.

After half an hour of rest, I was completely recovered. Zoe's heart improved my body and I could feel the energy coming back to me. This skill was really amazing, in such a short time I was completely recovered.

I got up and stretched my legs. I felt no discomfort, in fact, I felt like I could run a marathon.

" You should rest some more. You exhausted all your stats. "

As I was stretching some more, I heard Persephone's cold voice. I looked towards her while stretching, she was sitting on a small boulder near the lake. She looked more beautiful than Zoe ever was.

Although it looked like she has returned back to her normal self, I could still feel some anger. I really don't know why she is angry. I shook my head helplessly.

" I am fully recovered. Now let's get out of the forest. "

Since I am recovered. It is wise to leave the forest. Even though we did not find any evolved animals. It is still a deeper part of the forest, danger could be found anywhere.

" You are going in the wrong direction. It is this way. "

I halted my steps at Persephone's word and turned around with a smile on my face. I walked in the direction where she pointed.

" What would I without you by my side? "

As I walked past her. I said those words in a low voice. I felt the anger she was feeling slowly disappeared and then I felt nothing from her.

I didn't exactly know the reason for her anger, but I did remember how she asked me if she isn't enough to protect me. That is all I could think to make her mood normal. I had to. Always feeling someone else's emotion is troubling.

I walked out of the forest. Outside the forest, I met Bob. He was standing there with an anxious expression. He looked towards me, then his anxious expression tuned to a happy one.

" I am glad you are safe. I was worried. "

I smiled at his words, I felt a little bad because I had technically used him.

" I was going to ask Church to send someone into the forest if you wouldn't come out by the night. "

That statement, almost made me frown. Church act as a police station and a church at the same time. It will be problematic if I get recorded here.

" As you can see. I am perfectly fine. "

" Yes. I can see that, and I am glad. "

He truly looked happy to see me. He then opened his arms towards the city.

" I remember you said that you are here for travel. "

" Yes? "

" Since that is the case. I want you to spend the night at my house. "

I was a little shocked by the sudden invitation. I did not spend the night in any hotel because they will also have to register my name, and even if I could use a fake name, they will know my facial feature.

" Please accept it. Even if we know each other for short time. So many things have happened that I feel close to you. "

I understood that. He felt closer to me as a woodcutter and someone who had experience hidden script with. If I had to guess he might think of me as a friend.

" Okay. But it will be just for tonight. "

Bob smiled widely. He really was an honest and good man. Good enough to trigger a story of an honest woodcutter.

" Of course, You can visit for as long as you like. "

" It will just be for tonight. "

I was really serious, tonight is the only night I will be in the city. Tomorrow I will leave for the Trivia, more like I had to leave.

Thinking about tonight a smile formed on my face, and I started walking towards the city as Bob walked beside me.

I could not see the three axes that he got from the Zoes. He must have first gone home to leave them there. It was good, I do not want to be seen with a man holding axes made up of gold and silver.

We casually chatted as we walked on the street of 'Brigians'. It was evening now so people can be seen going home. Some were roaming around to enjoy the streets.

The place was lit up, stores were opened and I could see all kinds of humans and demi-humans. There were some other kinds of people as well.

" It sure looks peaceful. "

" Yes, The church really maintains the city well. "

I just smiled as bob went on parsing the city. After walking a while, We reached a normal typical American style house, made up of high-quality wood. It looked stronger than a house made up of bricks back at the earth.

" Come. "

Bob held the door and invited me in.

I nodded and went inside.