
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 3 - Contract (3)

" Wha—?"

Surprised yelped escaped my mouth. But Soul Contract seemed to have worked as Persephone spoke, sensing my confusion.

" Relax. You can call it a little attribute of the soul contract. "

A warm feeling resonated around my chest and I placed my hand on it, feeling my own heartbeat. 'This Souls Contract seems to come with a lot of features. I should check the details about soul contracts from the file I got from 'Blank_2711'.'

" So this attribute makes you faint and makes you shoot light inside my body? " I jetted out loud, and a foreign-giggling sensation this time resonated in me.

" hehe no silly~ "

Silly? my mind focused on Persephone's giggling voice and I felt like an idiot. Why does this situation makes me feel like I am in some ranobe? I thought and her voice followed.

" The Soul Contract allows a part of my soul to reside in your soul and the part which was left out is what you are seeing in front of you. "

Ah. I see, so she can be with me and be out exploring at the same time. My gaze wandered back to whatever of Persephone was in front of me now, and She was faint - like a ghost.

" So this your astral projection. " I blurted as a part of the information from my memory surfaced.

" I knew you will understand it easily." The Persephone in front of me - faint, but not pass through. Her white skin was even paler, her shining hair was dull now, and her dress was like paper - spoke " Only you can see that astral projection."

So, this is what she meant when she said I don't need to "worry" about her being seen by other Higher Existence. Since drones can not capture her astral projection, but how long ago did she think about using Soul Contract? Was this preplanned?

Questions began to build up inside me, and after quickly sucking another deep breath, I shook my head at my own question. There is no point in thinking about this now.

I have much greater things to think about. In this world, many things are waiting for me. I just have over two and a half years now. I tried to hold on to the determination.

" Okay then. Let's leave this island. " and with that more slate screens -white and long, with a purple design like veins clutching to it, text appeared.


[ The Soul Partner 'Persephone' has shared her Active skill with you. ]

[ The Active skill 'Flight Lvl.9' has been shared. ]

[ The Skill level has exceeded beyond your limits. ]

[ The effect of Active Skill 'Flight' has been greatly reduced. ]

[ You can use the Active Skill, 'Flight Lvl.1'. ]


As expected, The skill level got reduced to level 1. It was easily understandable, all my stats were in single digits. And there is no way, I will be able to use a skill from someone like Persephone.

'Anyway, Let's get out of this island. '

[ The Active Skill 'Flight Lvl.1' has been activated. ]


I can now understand why all humans from my old world were always obsessed with a fantasy where they could fly in the sky. In any world with no supernatural, it has been Mankind's dream to be able to fly like birds, soaring through the sky.

The feeling of flying is just magical. I might get addicted to flying. The sea surface below me rippled as sometimes fish came out of the water, projecting the stars around my reflection, and the cold breeze.

" It is so relaxing flying like this. "

" It looks like you are enjoying this."

Also, I was not alone. The Astral projection of Persephone was flying just beside me.

My head moved towards her, a big comical moon behind her, and I could see a line where it seems that sea and sky were fading into one another. Persephone was with her back towards the sea like it was her bed and her arms folded behind her head. Her gown was floating gracefully.

" Yes, I am enjoying myself. Thank you very much. " I spoke, while trying to form an uninterested expression.

" Weren't you screaming a moment ago when you activated the skill? " She took out her arms and hold them near her face with open palms then moved them aimlessly.

She was teasing me again. That did happen but how Am I supposed to fly on my first try? The thought of falling and dying miserably was continuously going through my head.

" Well, I am sorry M'lady for showing you that embarrassing scene. But from where I come from, people can not fly like this. "

I spoke politely like the knight, as I did at the island beach. It didn't affect Persephone this time, instead, she asked me something else.

" ...How was your planet... ' Earth'? " She hesitated at first and then took a pause again before finishing her sentence.

It was a weird question. I have never been asked about my planet like that, so I thought about it for a little time.

My eyes wandered toward the dolphin-like creatures coming out and going back into the sea, as I thought about how to answer her question. Let's think, how was my planet?

It was beautiful and ugly at the same time. Naturally beautiful - forest filled with trees and some rare-normal animals, some cities were beautiful some towns were too. Still Ugly with all the lavish places filled with corrupt people, and slums where gentle soul-like kids have to become vicious.

" It was similar to this planet. Its like before when the dark matter became accessible to people and changed everything. " is all I replied with, which is true as well.

" So a normal planet. " She said while looking towards the actual stars.

" Yes, a normal planet. "

" Must be very peaceful. "

I sensed a little melancholy from her words like she was remembering something.

Even though it was a normal planet. People of the normal planet were not satisfied by how normal it was. Denizens often take the peace they have for granted and only realizes its worth only when they lose it.

After our short conversation, there was only a hush. Only the sound of wind and waves from the sea below us was heard. I didn't ask what she was thinking about but if I had to guess. It must be about the time before she became higher existence or it could be something entirely different.

I tried not to think about it. It has nothing to do with me anyway. Above all, I need to think about myself.

I am in a world where many strong being resides. It will be very hard to survive with my current stats. Remembering the one time when I saw my updated Profile and my stats, disappointment settled on me because even a newborn baby in this world would have higher stats than me.

The dark matter on this planet is so dense that as soon as a baby is born, even they have their Profile. They won't be able to open their Profile window since they don't have enough consciousness to understand it. But there are doctors and nurses who have some Skills which allow them to see babies' attribute window.

They acquire those skills because of their knowledge of anatomy and biology, and even these babies have overall stats above 40. Again the same thought crossed my mind. I need to raise my stats.

There are many ways to raise one's stats. Even though there are not any main scripts or sub-main scripts. There still are hidden scripts and Miscellaneous scripts.

Hidden Scripts are just like their name suggests. They are hidden so even the 'Milky-way stream' had no idea how to find them, and the Miscellaneous schemas are generated on their own - according to the existing conditions.

If the "condition" is enjoyable enough that many higher existences watching take an interest. The Miscellaneous Scripts could be generated.

It is good for employers of 'Milky-way Stream'. It gives them the opportunity to make themselves popular and The Bureau itself gets huge TRP hence gaining many Points.

To increase my stats faster, I could create chaos with the knowledge I have. I could also gain a large number of points, but it will change the progress of this world as I know it. Then even having 'Battle Through Dream World' sent by blank_2711 will be useless to me.

So Hidden Scripts are my best option. There also exist other ways to gain stats and points, but I will not use those methods now.

" So What are you going to do first? "

Persephone's sweet voice pulled me out of my thought. I don't know maybe because of the soul contract but a thought that she might also be thinking about the same thing, and words came out of my mouth.

" I need to raise my stats. I am thinking of finding some Hidden scripts. "

" Yes, that will be for the best, but they are extremely hard to find. Even if you find them there are entering conditions. "

Right. I remember those having entering conditions, it was like some defense mechanism. It might be a problem for others, but it is not a big problem for me. First, I will be visiting the ones I know about and their entry conditions.

" How will we even find them? Do you have a way to find them? " Persephone's head rolled toward me.

" I have some. " ignoring her gaze. I tried to change my posture in the air like Persephone. I put some strenght in my legs and focused on the center of my body, and put my foot-imagining the ground beneath me.

In a swift movement, I was completely vertical, head up, back straight, as Persephone's enchanting voice followed.

" Okay. "

She often agrees with me too easily, like it was supposed to be normal. It is weird, but since I don't have to explain myself, I prefer to keep it this way. I know so much even though I am not from this universe.

I just tried not to think about it. It is as she already said, 'We have our own secrets '.

" Are you going to find some hidden scripts right away?. " she asked.

I was going to say that first I will be finding someplace to stay, but then I realized, I have no place to stay.

" I— ", and then suddenly, a white tablet with purple text message appeared in front of me. It was Blurred, or faint, or I should say maybe it was covered with smoke like it was sheathing it from existence, but I could still make out what was written on it.


[ The feature 'Blessing' is updating. ]


'Blessing is updating? '

From what I remember, The blessing feature activates when the "Existence" from the lower realm was granted to pick someone to be Avatar for a higher existence.

The Higher realm existences can pick someone as their avatar and share their own skills. There can be several reasons why they want to do it, but most do it when they like someone and wants them to excel.

It was pretty common when this world first changed, but now it is not so much. There are only a few exist who get that much attention from them, but that would change.

Focusing back, I didn't know that this can be updated. I have seen skills and attributes getting evolve and I am fairly certain that no one got this feature updated in my dreams.


[ The feature 'Blessing' has been updated to 'Pseudo-Blessing' ]

[ The Exclusive obligation due to feature 'Blessing' has been removed. ]

[ The obligation of being of an "Avatar" has been neutralized. ]

[ New Exclusive obligation due to updated feature 'Pseudo-Blessing' is being placed. ]

[ The obligation of being of a "bond" has been generated. ]

[ The Existence involved in 'Blessing' will generate a close bond. You will be able to choose or target any form of existence as your Blesser. ]

[ The 'Affection' feature has been added as an additional. ]

[ The Affection will determine the extent of feature you can use from your blesser. You will get to accept the Blesser when their affection exceeds 40. ]


Multiple screens appeared, all similar to before. As I flew, I tried to focus on what was written on the slate screen in front of me.

Is this an update? It looks like a whole new feature to me. Isn't it too much? and that also appeared out of the blue. Why did I even get an update?

I read it multiple times but I could not understand why the feature got updated. I tried to look on the bright side, overall the update appeared to be better than before.

' go with the flow. go with the flow. '

I tried to calm myself and again check the details of the feature.

Choosing a blesser seems similar to the old feature. If some Watcher wants me to be their avatar I can choose it which is Normal.

Target seems to be a new feature. It does not seem anything extravagant, maybe I can also target lower existence to be my blesser. A wild thought came into my mind but I held it.

Also, I will not be an avatar but have a close bond with existence. I don't like the word "close bond" but it seems to imply that I can be on equal footing with my blesser.

There is also a new attribute 'Affection'. It seems to be as the word implies. So I need to make them like me, which might be a problem.

There is also the condition that I need to get 40 stats of affection to target them. It really might become a problem. I am definitely not good with people that much.

In fact, I am selfish to the point I can see others suffer for my gain. I am also insensitive that I can see people die without remorse. At least I think I can.

Anyway, I hate people who have conscious enough to understand their actions. Why? Simple. People are cruel from deep within. Just like me, but at the same time, I don't want to be someone who goes beyond to watch people suffer, and I definitely don't like using affection as a weapon.

That's why I didn't like the idea of having Affection as an attribute, but if I had to do it I can just create a special bond. But then again I hate the idea of letting someone get close to me even more.

So that is why this can be a problem. I was going through this internal turmoil and a frown appeared on my face.

" What is it? I can feel you are extremely uncomfortable. "

Suddenly I heard an angelic voice. If anyone would have heard it they will definitely forget all their problems, but hearing her voice made me frown even more.

' Am I not letting Persephone get close to me? ' That was the question that struck me. Why didn't I realize that earlier? Why does this feel so natural with her? Was I too focused on being in the world I always dream about? or Was it the sudden freedom I felt that led to this?

It might be the latter. Ah, It must be, the sudden freedom in the new world. It was the feeling of getting a new start. I looked towards Persephone. She must have somehow brought that out from me, She got lucky. It won't happen again.

It seems like I should try to change a little, I thought but it will be extremely hard. I am not exaggerating, I know myself the best.

One step at a time. I reminded myself. I will just go as the future path led me. I will do what is must and I will adapt according to it. That's how I will try to change.

I tried to calm myself and shook my head. I put these honorable thoughts back in my head and replied to Persephone.

" It is nothing, you don't need to worry. "

" ...If you say so. Have you decided where you want to go? " I couldn't sense if she believed me or not.

" Yes. ", but I tried not to show much on my face and kept it stoic.

" So which 'Hidden Script' are we going to find? " again she spoke with her casual rhythm voice, which was almost become natural to me now.

" We are not going to find Hidden Script. We are going to a school. "

Confusion took over her face but a refreshed smile appeared on my face. Yes, a school. First I need to get myself a Blesser.