
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 2 - Message (3)

A five-meter-tall shadow emerged behind the trees, towering over them like a deity.

The shadow then rose to 6 meters in height, covering the sky like a tower. A thin light creased into them like a crack. Suddenly the crack changed and opened like an eye as the tower charged toward them.

" It's A huge snake! " Someone shouted unsheathing his sword.

" It is not just any snake, that is a mutated Black mamba. " This time voice was much deeper.

As the tower came closer, the shadow disappeared like a cloth revealing the white scale, shining under the sun and a thin tight line for the mouth. Its dragon eyes swept across its prey.

As someone shouted before, despite having a white-scaled body, the snake had ' Black ' in its name. In spite of the shiny appearance, it's interior was completely opposite. The inside of the snake was pitch black.

As the snake lifted its head. Everyone got a message presented to them hovering in front of them, like their death.

[ Miscellaneous script is activated ]


[ Miscellaneous script — General Snake Slayer ]

Category: Miscellaneous

Difficulty: A

Pass condition: Kill the Black mamba 'General'.

Time limit: 30min

Reward: 4000 points

Consequences: Death


" Fuck! ...Is it not enough that Difficulty is A? " The deep voice from before cursed in piano.

" What is with this time limit?" Another voice resounded somewhere from the back side of the formation, as it got deeper into desperation " 30 mins are too less. "

Mumbling sounds started to resound as people started to discuss among themselves, and the pack became anxious. The time limit of the 'Script' was too little for its difficulty.

" It doesn't matter now. Since the Miscellaneous scene has difficulty above C, those employees will be here soon." A cold voice shuts the crowd up, as it descends over them.

Sara - third in command-quickly realized what owner of the cold voice, Crystal, her close friend, was trying to say.

" Yeah." Sara's laughed as she activated a skill, something conjuring in her hand as she continued " We should finish this quickly otherwise one of them will be here. They will definitely tweak the things to make it more " entertaining " for "watchers". "

" Listen up Legion! Ready for battle stance!! " Peter shouted from Crystal's right side looking back from his shoulders.

Some unsheathe their swords, some opened boxes or Elixirs, all according to their own skills compatibility, and got ready to fight. Crystal made an ice sword, Sara Started floating in the sky with her wind manipulation and Peter took out his long dagger.

General Snake swapped across them, noticing the presence of the people near itself. The Giant animal like a python from mythology then hissed at them, and charged forward. People tightened their hold on their weapons, as blood and adrenaline became obvious on their faces and suddenly, the giant serpent stopped moving.

Blood trails started to appear on its body like someone had made multiple red circles with a thin brush on its body. The giant head with opened mouth suddenly moved downward, in an impossible manner, and then it was on the ground. The Giant Snake's body started falling, like it is been cut as a butter.

Everyone became confused as to how the situation has came to an end. A possible coming death was just in front of them and then it was not. Confusion was edged onto the soldier's faces as their hands went down, and then everyone got a notification, like a comforter.


[ The Grade 5 monster has been killed. ]

[ The General of the Jungle has been Slain. ]

[ The Miscellaneous Scene has been cleared. ]


Despite of the relief they felt, everyone was stunned. A grade 5 monster was killed in a sec and no one did anything? at least not anyone present among them.

" How?-- "

" What happened? "

Questions arose, everyone was confused. Then from amongst the army, a person from the legion pointed somewhere and shouted.

" Look. Something is shining in the sky. "

" Those are wires. I advise you not to go close. "

As the person shouted, a Masculine voice - not threatening but a little playful in a mature way - answered his question.

The voice came from the forest. Everyone turned toward the voice and A tall, Handsome man, who seemed of age 25, with red hair flowing with the wind generated from the rubble before, in a military uniform of white shirt and black coat appeared coming from behind one of the trees.

" Who are you? " Again a cold voice cleared the army's senses as everyone's expression tuned sharp and they pointed their attacks at him.

Crystal was the only one who didn't lose focus. She was the one who asked the question. Her ice sword, straight forward, was towards the red-haired man, ready to be thrust.

A simple smile lingered on the man's face as he eyed the army in front of him. All wear a military uniform with some kind of yellowish-toned green, it was dirty unlike himself who was all clean, as he spoke, " Leonard. "

" Leonard? Do you mean the one that is leading Asia right now? "

This time Peter was the one who asked the question, confused, as the dark green aura around his dagger dimmed down.

" It seems you are well informed about me" Leonard spoke with a haughty voice and continued while pointing at them " I figured as much. You must be Peter, the one People calls 'Elf', the one floating must be Sara, and, The one with the Ice sword must be Crystal, 'The Ice Princess' leading America at the moment. "

The name of the handsome red-haired man was Leonard, who was known as " Mastermind" throughout the world, at that moment.

" You also seem to know about us. The infamous 'Mastermind' " from peter's uncertainty and Crystal's still threatening indications, Sara spoke to ease the tension.

" Well, I am known for my Intellect. "Leonard's eyes meet Sara and the mysterious lingering threat left everyone as he spoke while putting a hand on his chest and he bowed a little.

His main attribute was 'Intellect'. His level of skill was so high that some assume that he could calculate the future with his skill.

The whole army stood beside the six-foot dead serpent body as the tension seems to lie between a man in a military suit and three leaders of the army in front of him.

That was the first meeting of two Leaders, of two opposite sides of the world... ]

My consciousness came back and my focus went back to the crystal-blue - screen. I focused on the sensation on my fingertips, as I touched the sharp edges of the word 'Dream' and the number which felt like carved onto the tablet.

That was one of my favorites. The first meeting of two leaders who reached the pinnacle of this planet. A nostalgia fell over me as I realize that the dreams I saw my almost entire lifetime. I would not be seeing them again.

At some point, they were my present, I was spending time seeing it, I was spending time writing it, and I spend time reading it again and again, but now all that is nothing but history.

Strengthening my mind, with the thought that I can still read them, I moved my hand, 'Let me check a couple more.'


[ Yong Hyungjung was persisting with the 'Script', even with his high stats and various skills the 'Scene' became too unpredictable for him.

" It wasn't like this before. "

Yong Hyungjung Gritted his teeth, as his eyes swept across his surrounding. People were dying left and right. Huge monstrous shadow swayed over them before leaping and tearing people limb from limb.

" Hyungjung! What should we do? Noona will die at this rate. " A desperate boyish voice shouted, a boy in his twenties -from the looks of his body structure- was staring at the other side of the crumbled town.

Dozen of people - some with rusted swords, some with glittering weapons - were marching towards a woman -with closed eyes because she was unconscious- hanging with her hand. People had killing intent in their eyes, and desperation for survival.

" Shut up! Big brother Yong will save big sis! " A girl near the boy shouted at him, her voice was even more desperate.

Yong Hyungjung looked at the girl and the boy matching those eyes begging for a solution. They were his two companions. Then he looked at the woman in front of him. She was unconscious and hanging with her hands. He had to save her, but how?

Suddenly a voice of laughter resounded, completely overshadowing the screams from all over the place.

[ hahaha... the passing condition is whether you kill the grade 3 monster or you kill the strongest woman present here. ]

" I am gonna kill this mother-fucker employer. "

The girl spoke with so much anger that the ground around her shattered.

Yong Hyungjung was also furious. He unconsciously clenched his empty hand in a fist, trying to control his frustration and anger.

His head tilted back as his eyes again looked toward the hanged woman. Frustration won despite his control and he put all his strength into his legs as he kicked the ground in frustration. The ground was split and a fissure was created.

He was frustrated. He wanted to save everyone, but he can not. Everyone was moving toward the unconscious hanged woman to kill her.

These were the same people whom Yong Hyunjung wanted to save but right now they were moving to kill someone close to him.

This decision was tough for him. Multiple things were going through his head, and his eye wandered toward the random useless thing trying to come up with a solution.

Then Yong Hyungjung saw a sword in the fissure created by his kick. Clinging to last hope, He leaped down and hold the sword with its hilt.

The sword's hilt was warm, indicating its power in full glory. Yong Hyungjun took a deep breath while feeling the warmth coming from the sword. A Silver screen with some runic designs at the corners appeared in front of him.


[ You have acquired 'Freyr's Sword' ]



Name: Freyr' Sword

Rank: God Relic

Description: The Sword was used by Freyr's Avatar 'Mikhail Kuzmin'. The sword possesses Mikhail's strength stats. It can be used once per day at its full capacity. The item has the strength to kill a grade 2 monster at its full strength.


'Then a white light covered the world around me.'

The words resounded in my head, in my own voice but much deeper, like it was trying to sound like a demonic voice.

Mikhail Kuzmin was walking around in the Russian forest, with soldiers behind him.

" So Mikhail which country are you going to choose? " Mikhail turned to his friend who asked the question.

It's been 10 years since the world has changed and it was his this friend who was beside him all those hard times.

" I honestly don't know. Being in a new world 'The Cloud continent' with its new rules sounds appealing, but The Modern Continent with government makes me feel like I know what I can expect there. "

" You can always go to Atlanta if you are not sure. " His friend offered a suggestion.

"Let's scout the area We can think about it later." Mikhail deflected the conversation " Anyway, did you get your Blessing?" he inspected his friend in an up and down motion, then " you don't get to choose blessings that easily."

"It's hard to decide." Mikhail's friend folded his arm on his chest and tilted his head as he walked with him "Those stars scare me, Watching us from above like we are some interactive characters of a movie. "

" At least you get more powerful. It is necessary to survive. .... ]


[ .... the mansion, Celine was going through the event of 56th Script, 72 demon kings from demonology and Archangels and their army were fighting among themselves.

" What am I supposed to do? " Celine's voice was soft, uncertain, despairing of an answer.

Then an absolute pause descend as the air became unbreathable. The next instant, suddenly the roof became covered with cracks, and the glass shattered around as the roof of the mansion blew up and the sky was in full view.

" When did the sky get Red?! "

Debris from collapsed roof flew everywhere, covering the vision. Celine snapped back to herself, as she shouted while covering her eyes with an arm.

The sky became red like someone sprayed blood all over the clouds, hovering like death over the whole town, or even cities.

' What should I do?' her jaw tensed 'I have no choice. ' Celine went towards a tower - the one still intact- and rested her body on it, waiting for the burden of her skill as she activated it.


[ The existence has used the Exclusive skill 'Premonition Lvl.2'. ]

[ The existence 'Celine' will able to see possible future scenarios. ]


From the shadow in front of her, a bluish-white tablet-like screen, with some deeply shaped blue dots and rainbow-colored runic designs, appeared.

Celine used her skill, a mythical one at that, it allows her to see some possible future - merging into one, by taking its own different routes.

The skill was too taxing for her mental strain so she did not want to use it in the chaotic mess. A frown appeared on her face, her right hand - gloved with silk elbow-length glove - tightness it holds around the pillar.


[ The existence's mental health is in danger. The Exclusive skill 'Premonition Lvl.2' has worn off. ]


A few desperate struggles but the strain on her mind became dangerous and the skill got deactivated on its own.

" Damn! these higher existences are crazy, at this rate whole Novas will be destroyed. "

She cursed holding her head, there were buzzing sounds all around her head, her back covered with sweat, making her royal gown wet from the inside, and poor vision. She was barely holding.

Closing her eyes, her head fell down as she shook it intently. " Gods knows where Yong Hyungjung is, that bastard. Cassandra and Gis are in Atlanta, and Sebastian and Luc— "

BANG!!! ARhhhhARhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

A loud bang occurred from one point in the sky, where a Demon King - tall as a pillar and hideous gray in color, long onyx horns on his head, ripped body covered with an open cloak - and an Archangel - shiny white pigeon-like big wings and innocent face with a gold nimbus on top of his head, laying horizontal, and he was also wearing a white open cloak - were fighting.

Air went outward in a gust, like a ripple formed on the surface of a pond, covering the whole sky.

[ Oh my! looks like this scene will be ending with a huge climax... hehe..]

A sweet voice came from near the exploded roof, a beautiful woman wearing a professional suit - a white shirt with a black coat, pants, and shoes- and many flickering lights can be seen on her head, moving in a fluid motion like fireflies forming a tiara.

" Don't you have had enough? Lower the difficulty! "Celine looked toward the woman and shouted.

[ huh?.. why would I do that? I am having a profit here. hehehe... Stellars are having too much fun. Hehehe... I am being recommended on MK Stream.] Employer Indira tried to control her giggling laugh.

Again, a sudden blast occurred from where the demon king and archangel were fighting, but this time a dot was heading from that direction while increasing its size forming into a meteor, like a Grim Reaper.

"Shit"... ]


[ ... Both Lucian and Celine are now going through a tomb, Lucian in his casual dress looking like a mercenary and Celine in her light - fabric, making it much lighter - Royal Gown, with a rolled paper in her hand.

The tomb was located in a sand region in the Ipritusm Kingdom. The region was once part of the Saraha desert.

A large cave neatly dug into a square fashion, carving the story between gods and their worshipers etched all around the walls. It was all lit -in a strange yellow hue- with some weird magic or artifact that they didn't know.

" Celin, Will we really find what we are looking for here? " Lucian curiously asked Celine while looking towards a statue of several people lying - worshiping - before a tall three-eyed giant.

" Yes, Do you doubt Me? " Celine shot back an intense stare at Lucian while opening the rolled paper, revealing a map.

" No, but how will we find a piece of a book in here? " Lucian raised his left hand in defense, trying to make a logical argument.

He didn't doubt her but he wasn't that confident either. The place is too deserted, forget to find a book -which they were here to find - it will be like a miracle if they found anything besides sand.

" Trust me, I know where to find it. " Celine reassured while reading the strange letter written on the paper in her hand.

" Okay. "

It will be hard but Celine was determined to find the only hope she had to pass the unavoidable that will come in the late future.

The book she was looking for was ' Paradise Lost '. A powerful relic associated with John Milton, which was once possessed by Christopher. He was famous when dark matter struck and the world changed.

"I need to find it"....]


My consciousness went back - having enough with what I have read - this time the smoky fog around past my peripherical view cleared out and Screen Panel disappeared like an illusion.

" Sigh... " I took a deep breath and sighed audibly.

My whole life these dreams were the only thing that kept me going. I Dreamt, I Wrote and I Read. It was amazing, but I won't be seeing them anymore.

I closed my eye and tilted my head towards the sky. My shoulders went limb falling backward like a huge weight has been let go. I stayed like that for a few minutes feeling the cold breeze coming from the sea.

Feeling as if memoirs of my dreams were leaving me to which I said " I need to move on ".

Persephone looked at me. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see her but I felt her gaze bore a hole in me, her charming voice followed along.

" Where will you be going? "

I was talking about moving on with my life, moving on with being bound by my old world. I was speaking metaphorically but it looks like she took my words too literally.

I opened my eyes, hands still in my pockets, back straight, and confidence beaming on my face. I looked into her eyes.

" I can not just stay on this island. There is a whole new world. "