
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 18 - Should have known. (3)

With all drapes fully open, the windows cast the sunlight that radiates the whole room brightly. A lone figure sat with back straight in front of an intricately carved wooden desk. The room was not adorned with heavy tapestries but with wooden shelves containing scrolls, books, and obviously some items. 

The desk's surface was polished, looking completely new, its edges were making intentional curves, not chipped anywhere even after years of diligent labor. Quills, inkpots, and scrolls were placed organized over the desk.

Outside, The faint sounds of gardeners trimming leaves and sweeping the courtyard could be heard inside the office, there were no voices of students so it was quiet but peaceful. 

The person, clad in a richly embroidered gown highlighted her beauty, her fair skin shining with sunlight, and her black hair was neatly tied in a Braided bun. Her slender arms sticking out of cut sleeves were holding a book. At the creaking sound of the door, her purple eyes turned to me, and our eyes connected.

Arthur: "Good afternoon, Miss Lisa."

Confronted with the unexpected situation, I greeted her to appear normal, trying to mask my surprise behind it.

Lisa: "Yes. Good afternoon."

Now that I was standing infront of the open door, if I just went back saying 'Sorry I didn't have anything to say. The door opened by itself with my light touch.' that would be disrespectful and weird. So I stepped inside and Persephone followed.


[ Some Nubeculas want the barrier to be removed. ]


A message that I got used to whenever I visited Lisa's office appeared.

Closing the door, I stepped toward the desk. Lisa closed the book in her hand and placed it over the two books that were stacked at the edge of the desk. Reaching closer I held the backrest of the chair, that was across from her, my head moved around and I looked at the couch. A pair of blue eyes was already looking at me.

Arthur: "Good afternoon Headmaster."

I spoke with a light smile. Heckate, in her cat form, stretched her head a little upwards, lifting it from her paws that she had one above another. Her eyes seemed to show a complicated expression, but she gave the usual response with her usual cute voice.


She didn't nudge at me as she usually does, nor did she make any attempt to get down the couch and come closer, instead she put her head over her legs, which were put in a cross shape, one above another.

Looking at it I just displayed a little curious expression, but inside I thought 'She must be trying to restrain her interaction with me, that means Lisa must be thinking about going back.' 

I pulled the chair and moved to sit on it. Heckate still doesn't know the reason for the peculiar interest she feels towards me, and the growth of the one she blessed is more crucial, so it was understandable.

After taking the seat, my eyes focused on Lisa, who seemed to be looking solely at me, it was rather intimidating I would say, but I showed a light smile, with a calm posture.

Arthur: "We didn't have classes today, so I wasn't expecting to see you in your office."

I spoke to start the conversation. Since I came into her office, I should be the one to speak first, intending my intentions to come into her office.

Lisa: "I could say the same thing to you."

Arthur: "Yes, that is fair."

Well since I was a little frustrated and annoyed from before, and then I was unexpectedly confronted by this situation. I didn't know what to talk about. Unlike usual, I didn't have a purpose this time but without showing it, I calmed myself and tried to assess the situation.

It doesn't seem like she is here to prepare the class materials, since I am the one who does that. She doesn't seem to be here for her research, because she isn't doing that, and the door was unlocked, she wouldn't leave the door unlocked while doing important research. But it also means she wasn't focused enough to pay attention to little details like that. Also, she was reading a book. 

Factoring all that, I could say that she came here to get her mind off of something, and was reading the book to distract herself. It could be that she was thinking about what happened on the sixth floor, with the hidden script. When the Flame cat appeared, her mind was in turmoil for a while, and after that, she gained a new attribute with new skills. 

Hmm... but we had yesterday off. Maybe it is because of the message Todd left for him, maybe she is thinking about the ethnicity of it, no he must have marked it with Archduke's emblem. Maybe she is thinking about the matters contained in the message and how and when to go back.

I quickly went through all that in my mind, and spoke further, without showing too much concern, trying to ask as anyone would.

Arthur: "Well, Are you feeling fine, Miss Lisa?"

Obviously, since I shouldn't know about the message left by Todd, I was asking about the Hidden Script.

Lisa: "Yes I am fine. Did you get yourself checked with a doctor?"

I was speechless for a second when she asked whether I was checked by a doctor, but I replied the next second.

Arthur: "Yes. He said I am completely fine."

I said with assurance. Yesterday morning, Ducas came with Valerire, or rather barged into my room, early in the morning. They had a doctor with them to check up on me, the doctor himself looked quite sleepy so early in the morning. It was annoying but the doctor checked and there was nothing wrong with me physically, obviously since Zoe kept me in top condition.

Lisa: "hm."

There was silence again, she wasn't someone who talked about unnecessary things but today particularly it felt like her mind kept wandering to something else in the middle. I was the one who kept initiating the conversation.

Arthur: "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

Since her mind seems to focusing on something else, it could be about how she got a new attribute or about the message regarding her household.

If she was alone then it would be alright, maybe that is why she came to the office. But now that I was sitting infront of her, losing focus like that, I should ask something, and I was genuinely curious about what was affecting her.

Lisa's eyes which were on me, but not focused on me, focused back as she replied, appearing normal.

Lisa: "Good as it could have been."

Arthur: "I see."

Her reply was passive, and so was mine, I narrowed my eyes at her.

-What is Heckate doing?

I asked Persephone, who was standing near the window taking the wall beside it as a support, leaning on it she looked outside. Her voice reached me from behind.

Persephone: "Well right now, she is pretending to sleep. But by how her ears are up straight, she seems to be focusing on your conversation." 

Hmm... That's when I started to think seriously, Lisa didn't seem to notice that there was another silence.

I tried to recall if Lisa was like this when she was originally leaving Trivia. 'What were the circumstances of her leaving?' I questioned myself.

Well I remembered that I read about the problem arising in the Archduke's household, it happened after her daughter's ceremony, but what happened before that?... When did she go back?... Ah-

That's when I remember-

<...the main office of Archduke, one of the shadow maids stood with her head bowed, she was covered from head to toe, but Nesrine knew her identity.

Nesrine: "Leila, How is my mother?"

She stood in front of her desk, wearing her tight white shit with black high-waist jeans, arms folded. Her face was serious, with eyes sharp.

Leila: "Archduchess is alright, not much attention has caught the academy. We were able to contain it before it reached much Royal's attention."

Nesrine: "Hmm... That's good... And why did you suddenly appear without me summoning you."

She asked to which Leila handed her an envelope. It wasn't closed but opened. Leila obviously read it, to assess its ethnicity. Nesrine took the envelope without much concern and started reading, as Leila spoke again.

Leila: "Archduchess has delivered this, informing that she will be coming back for your coming ceremony, Her Highness."

Nesrine: "...I will prepare the necessary arrangements for her adequate arrival. See that she returns safely without any inconvenience."

Leila: "Definitely, Her Highness."

A message showing that Leila used a skill named 'Hide in darkness' of Level 2 and she disappeared, seemingly dissolving in the shadow.

Hush descended inside the office, as Nesrine embraced the envelope close to her chest, looking out to the moon from the window.

Nesrine: "Mother, I am waiting."...>

My mind focused back, as I recalled that. 'Oh right. Everything happened after the ceremony, so she didn't have this situation before, and she was the one who decided to go back.' I realized.

Silence was there between us for a good one minute, when I thought about something that would be an engaging conversation. 

Arthur: "How is your research going Miss Lisa?"

I spoke with a little loud voice, to gain her attention, her mind focused back to me, and her mouth hung open for a while. She seems to realize that she spaced out for a moment. I acted like nothing happened and straightened my back while saying the same thing in a normal voice this time.

Arthur: "How is your research progressing, Miss Lisa?"

Lisa: "It is progressing."

She bent to the side and took out a big scroll, big enough to cover all of the free area of the desk. She put it between us and unrolled it, the parchment had multiple runic designs, some side notes at the corner, and a list of some things that were listed at the bottom of it.

Lisa: "I have been focused on maintaining a soul-like surrounding. And I think it is kind of impossible to replicate that, but since cosmic energy, which is in relation is just dark matter. If I could contain a condensed form of it, that should work."

She began, her eyes remained looking at the big parchment scroll, that lay between us, her mind seemed to be focused, and she pulled a Quill from the ink.

Lisa: "Dark matter, when accessed, allows us to alter our souls in some way to create a skill."

She went on, her eyes didn't leave the parchment, the Quill rested in one place on it, and the ink soon began to spread from that point making an ink mark. She didn't seem to notice it, as she went on further.

Lisa: "So if we look at the Soul like clay, dark matter is equal to a hand that helps mold it. It's like when a potter molds clay into something beautiful. So I think in relation to that, an enclosed hand should be able to hold whatever clay I put into it."

It was painfully obvious that her mind had wandered yet again, and she was just reciting whatever her mind knew. She never once looked away or at me.

Her hand didn't move as the ink stain was forming, she had an intense look while speaking but her eyes didn't move. She wasn't discussing, she was reciting.

For some reason, I got this intense feeling, as I looked at her with calm and serious eyes. 'What she is thinking so intensely, that she could not even focus on her research? It is her whole reason to isolate herself like this.' With that thought a message appeared.


[ The 2nd-branch skill of your attribute is activating. ]


[ You could read the thoughts of your targeted existence to some extent. ]


The skill that only activated once when I wanted to read Timmothy's thoughts, activated once again, but it was not all hidden but could provide me with vague details. And then I head it.


I could hear her thoughts, as she went on with whatever her subconscious was letting out, but her inner thoughts were elsewhere.

{The coming ceremony is near. I was already planning on going back. So it doesn't matter.}

{Those leeches will make things difficult for her. I should go back and take full control as an Archduke.}

{Yes, I have been away for long enough, Nesrine has been maintaining everything splendidly. I have been selfish enough.}

{The research doesn't matter that much. I mean it does, it is very important but not more important than Nesrine... haaa.... There is no use dwelling in the past. I should focus on what I have now, I will not let her life have any thorns.}

{Yes, there is no use dwelling in the past, it chained me, let it go, that is what let me overcome and gain my new attribute.}

{It is all thanks to him-}

At that moment I went and pulled the Quill from her hand. 

'I think I get it.' I thought. She was trying to disregard her research and focus solely on her daughter. Holding her quill in my hand I spoke.

Arthur: "Now you just need to find a way to give the enclosed hand a shape. Then if you somehow put clay with full force, that clay would take a form."

Her thought ceased to be, caught off guard she stopped talking and lifted her head, her eyes at me. I don't think she knew how much she spoke, but she listened to what I said and replied.

Lisa: "Yes, that's what I need to do."

hmm... I mused for a second before speaking.

Arthur: "Say, Miss Lisa. Um, this is a different topic, completely different from the research you have been doing, dark matter and soul. But, um, What do you think about a tragic past?"

Her frown creased at my question. It was after all a completely random topic, if I hadn't known anything about her.

Arthur: "I never told you anything about my past. A reason for that is, that I don't think I consider it even decent, let alone good. What is your opinion on that? Do you have any advice?"

Lisa's purple eyes looked into mine, I could feel Persephone's strong attention from our Soul contract, and I subtly felt Hekate eyes at me as well.

Maybe they all are interested in my past, but it isn't about me. Due to this skill, I comprehended that she is struggling internally. She did have the same turmoil after going back.

It is like this, Lisa devoted to her research, and now she got news that Royals would be making things difficult for her daughter. So now she is considering going back and taking care of it by taking her original role as Archduke, and she thinks that because of it she needs to give up on her research.

She originally went back for her daughter's coming ceremony, for a celebration. She thought she would go, celebrate her daughter's big day, and then focus on her research again. 

While her daughter has been acquainted with the work and gained influence all this time, now she can manage everything while gaining actual authority and respect.

But things went downhill when the men's faction 'Virtuos' tried to meddle in the affairs, and it did put Lisa in a tough spot, she was confused like now, and she had to make great resolve to deal with it. 

But she had her daughter with her, she supported her, and she understood the predicament her mother was feeling, but right now she is not here.

Lisa: "There is no point dwelling on what has already happened."

She spoke with some determination and clear eyes.

{That's what you said once.}

'hm?' I heard her thoughts, which puzzled me a little.

Lisa: "It is better to forget about it."

{Yes, it is better to forget. I should focus on him and my daughter. They are what is important. I have been holding onto the past for too long.}

'Who is him?' I thought, it greatly piqued my curiosity, but I lost interest quite quickly, in a way it was weird, instead I spoke my own opinion.

Arthur: "Hm... I agree that there is no point dwelling, and holding onto it only holds ourself's back. It will let one lose something from the present, just because one was too occupied by it."

{True. If I hadn't made a resolution then and kept holding on. I might have lost him as well, I should focus on my daughter now.}

Once again, I heard her thoughts, and my curiosity was piqued but I focused back because I had more to say.

Arthur: "But I don't think one needs to forget."

A curious expression adorned her face, but I spoke further, my face normal with a slight smile, I was speaking the obvious after all.

Arthur: "Past is something we lived. It is a part of our story, if it didn't exist we wouldn't be the same person. We wouldn't have the same derive, same strive, same vision we have for the future."

I felt something inside me flutter, like a light squeeze, but it felt foreign, it was Persephone's emotion. It was like she was denying my words. So, I spoke to both of them this time.

Arthur: "There must be instances in the past, which one would hope that it would never exist. But isn't it those instances, which develop the most impactive progress?"

Whenever I felt like something happening to me was too cruel, sure I felt like Maybe I should have done better, or why it happen to me? But that was before, now I just feel like something good eventually will come out.

Arthur: "Isn't loss realizes us the importance of life, the importance of people we have around us?"


[ Existence Lisa Hart is shaken by your words.]


Arthur: "Doesn't Betrayal realizes us the importance of ourselves? That we deserve better."

I felt a tight squeeze around my chest, it was Persephone's emotion, but it might have been mine as well. My words might be saintly and bold, and there were often times, I felt thinking like that things were too hard as well.

But I chose that mentality, maybe that is why I am the way I am, all bottled up. I took a deep breath calming myself, and concluded.

Arthur: "It is best to keep the past in memory, and strive for the future while working towards it in the present. If I have something important to do and my friend needs support, I would support him while taking his help on my work."


[ Existence Lisa Hart is moved by your words. ]


Arthur: "Atleast that's what I believe."

Good, I was telling this so that she realizes what her daughter made her realize originally. Her eyes fell on the open parchment.

{ ... did I make the ink stain? I really was engrossed in my thoughts.}

Her thoughts once again resounded in my ears.

{...His mentality seems too masochistic, even looking for hope in dire situations is a quality many do not possess.}

I felt like throwing up blood and hearing her thoughts. 'I am not masochist.' I complained inside.

-My king, Are you feeling bad?

'No Zoe I am alright, thank you though.' I replied to her

-You know if you are into that kind of stuff, I don't mind, my precious one.

'...No Gale, I am not one of those kinds. Just a normal person.' I replied to her as well.

{... But his words... right, I should go back... and support Ness. But should I stop my research? No... it is crucial as well.}

{ Nesrine's coming ceremony would happen, and She would keep working towards the future. I will handle occasional troublesome things, and progress my work. It is my house after all.}

I closed my eyes, a smile tugged on my lips. That simple realization took some effort. Sometimes obvious answers are apparent but we still require someone to point them out.

{ So I should go back. I would need to talk to Eldrich.}

{ One of the shadows must be around me. The most obvious one would be Leila. I will call out to her when I go back to the dorm.}

{ And I need to look into what this commotion is about. So I need to go.}

{ hm... Eldrich should not be a problem. I would say whatever, but what about him?}

{...hmm... If I leave what would happen to Arthur? Should I tell him I would leave Trivia? }

'hm?' Hearing her thoughts about me, I opened my eyes, Lisa seemed to thinking hard looking at me.

{ No, it is not a question. I should tell him, that I am leaving, maybe right now would be a good time. }

What? wait, if she tell me that she is leaving, then I would have to ask why, obviously, and then if she told me her identity, then I could be connected to her in an indirect way, but I am leaving as well.

{The timing couldn't be more perfect, even the mood is quite ideal. I should tell him. Maybe he would come with me.}

Lisa: "A-"

Arthur: "Miss Lisa I have something to inform you."

Before she could speak I spoke first. My tone was not rushed but I made the decision to speak hastily.

Lisa closed her mouth and licked her lips before speaking.

Lisa: "Yes, what is it?"

Arthur: "Aa... You see...I am leaving Trivia."

Hello readers,

A new chapter, and a epic one at that, once again the skill that let Arthur read thoughts activated. What do you guys think the reason is? for this activation.

Also how do you feel about his advice, please do comment and let me know.

Next chapter would be on Saturday, and I will see you then.


blank2711creators' thoughts