
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 18 - Should have known. (2)

Standing in a hallway, infront of a wooden door, that boasts exquisite craftsmanship, with beautiful carvings and fine details that catches the eye. Its wood is richly polished, radiating warmth and character. 

Grabbing the knob sphere, I twisted it but - '...? It is locked.'

The doorknob, an elegant fixture, shines with inviting allure. A beautiful door isn't just an entrance; it's a work of art that welcomes with grace. 

I softly knocked on the door twice.

Knock. Knock.

The knocking sound echoed in my ear, following which a hush descended. I waited patiently, the one inside should have heard that knock, I even knocked twice. 

Eyes trailed left and right, a couple of seconds went by, then I heard a sound.


'hm? What just happened?' Following the sound, my eyes trailed and landed on the doorknob. My hand went towards the knob but halted inches away.

'Isn't it locked?' My eyes narrowed at it, and then grabbing the doorknob, I tried twisting it, just like I did before.


It smoothly turned without any effort and I felt the door lose its restriction, seemingly weightless. I pushed the door and past it, a magician's office, a realm of enchantment and mystery opened up. 

Bright, velvet drapes adorned the windows, casting a luminous glow from outside upon the room. Scrolls with intricate spells were placed organised over the table- placed between two cushion sofas -at one corner of the room. While an old leather armchair rocked on the other side.

Mirrors, cards, and paintings adorned the walls, revealing a world where reality and magic coexisted, giving awe. Shelves lined with books containing information on ancient times and some mystical items. 

Crystal balls and ornate wands adorned the antique desk, alongside inkwells filled with shimmering ink. Behind that desk sat an old man, Eldrich, wearing a very long white cloth, that covered his body like a cloak. 

The cloth had a golden solid color on his neck and shoulder, which looked unusually sharp and rigid. His short thick white beard and long white hair that was tied, spoke of his long lived life. His smiling eyes, wrinkled at their corner, as they landed on me.

Eldrich: "Assistant Professor Arthur, please come inside."

He was meticulously recording transactions with a quill dipped in ink. The old looking paper at the front was curled a little towards him, giving the feel that it was rolled in a scroll before, he held the quill a little above it, halting his writing, before addressing to me.

Accepting his words, I went into his office while closing the door behind me. The path from the door to his desk was open and other stuff was on either side, it seemed intentional. I walked towards his desk, standing behind the two chairs that were across from him.

Arthur: "Sir Acting headmaster, Miss Elora informed me that you called for me."

After I announced that, with his free hand he gestured toward one of the chairs that were across him.

Eldirch: "Take a seat."

Holding the backrest, I went around and sat on it

, a sinking feeling running through my body.

Eldrich: "So Miss Elora, you are on a name basis already. Do you like her, or Did she go after your heart?"


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "I told you she was hot." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Shut it." ]


His voice has a polite tone with a hint of tease. I didn't show much reaction, my expression didn't change. It was not dead serious, but close to passive as I kept my eye contact with him. I know he just trying to start with a light conversation.

Arthur: "I am afraid Acting headmaster, it's neither. Sometimes I spoke like that out of habit."

Eldrich: "A friendly habit."

He spoke with a smile that never left his lips. His presence felt like of a loving grandfather.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes, it is.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Is it?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yup.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' released a soft sigh. ]


Eldrich: "Listen, Arthur, I have something to discuss with you."

And he began, as I didn't respond to his remarks. Looks like now he would be telling me the real reason for calling me, but I already know. Timothy already said it before leaving. 

Arthur: "I assume it is related to the fact that you got a visit from a Legion officer."


Hearing my words, A deep breath-like sigh was left from his mouth. It only confirmed the words I spoke of.

Eldrich: "I won't deny it."

The discussion so far only had been by the use of little words or unnecessary things. Eldrich's hands, which were rested over the paper on the desk, moved, picking the papers in a stack he put them aside. 

Then he focused on me again, his fingers locked onto one another, and he rested that enclosed fist between us. A look of a polite grandfather never leaving him.

Eldrich: "Arthur, You have been with us for close to three months now. And even though not long, it isn't short either. I know, I asked you before your thoughts about why Professor Lisa allowed you to be her assistant."

Yes, he did, he inquired that just after the opening ceremony, and I replied with 'Because I passed her interview.' Just a normal answer. 

Eldrich: "But that should not be the first question I should have asked. Forgive me."

His face softened, and his eyes said he was sorry, which looked really heart-wrenching on his old face. Looking at it, I might have softened my face as well. But inside I was annoyed since earlier, because of the interaction I had with Timothy, which I was trying to mask, so my face remained neutral.

Arthur: "There is no need to ask for forgiveness, Acting headmaster. At the time it might have puzzled me, but now I understand."


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with soft eyes. ]


'Well, I understood then as well.' I kept that thought inside. Eldrich eyes closed in a long blink, as he nodded his head once, acknowledging my words.

Eldrich: "Then Arthur, let's start again. Why did you join Trivia?"


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Yeah, that should have asked way back." ]


A simple question, that should have been asked when I first got here, enrolled as a Professor's Assistant.

Persephone: "Because he is a womanizer."

Suddenly she threw her remark while sitting on the rocking chair, obviously, the chair was moving whether she was sitting there are not, so it was not weird even if no one could perceive her.

'I really hate it when she calls me that.' I grumbled inside, not letting it affect me and turning into a feeling that she could sense, still a little bit of it should be masked by the annoyance. Ignoring her remark, I weighed his question, mulling over it for a while, and then spoke.

Arthur: "...Because I had no place, Acting Headmaster."


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is paying attention to you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is paying attention to you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is paying attention to you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is paying attention to your words. ]


My voice took over the surroundings, as Eldrich remained silent with the same expression on his face.

Arthur: "Acting Headmaster, you do remember the contents of my application?"

Eldrich: "Hm. Yes, you only wrote your name and age."

Arthur: "Because that's all I had. I don't have an origin on this planet that I know, I don't have a past I could tell you, and I don't have any relevant experience to give. Before joining trivia, I had no place in this world."

Eldrich remained silent, seeming to be listening closely to every word, taking in the very meaning of it. Even though I woke up in my dream world, a place that I viewed over and over, I had no place here that I could say was my own, that is a fact. My mind recalled some experiences I had and people I met until now.

Arthur: "No, There was someone who housed me for a night. Thinking of it, I was not alone either. Her presence is always with me."


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Her?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "He must be taking metaphorically." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "It must be his mother." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Or maybe some past lover. Someone from the past could also induce great emotions." ]


I kept my words vague but felt Persephone's eyes on me, I was talking about her. Even though I am basically alone in this world. She is with me, even if it is just for her own amusement or her wimp.

Arthur: "But this place gave me an identity in this world."

As I finished, his eyes focused on me, and I felt a little weird after saying those words out loud. But I tried to remain calm and tried to give a light smile, to hide my embarrassment. 

Eldrich: "...I am glad."

He spoke, his tone a little low like a whisper, but it was loud enough for me to hear. My expression relaxed, saying that out loud made me uneasy but it felt like I rid some weight from my heart. 


[Existence 'Eldrich' showing trust towards you.]


Eldrich: "Just like you Arthur there are others who have found a place here."

My eyes shifted to the message for a second and then focused back on Eldrich as he took a breath and spoke again.

Eldrich: "Wales, Yates, Allen, Lothian, Sherman, Orlov. You recognize those names, right?"

'It looks like he is willing to open up to me.' I thought. What he is about to say seemed like a gamble on his part to me, but the reason was also obvious. I nodded my head at his question.

Arthur: "Those are Royal family names."

Most of the professor with lower ranking like Baron and Count doesn't mind using their Royal family name, like Lothian, Orlov, Wales, and Yates. Some even Viscounts like Sherman and Allen don't mind as well.

But some Professors from the Marquis household use an alias. Professor Mullen of the fifth-year battle course is from the Marquis Kurd household of Akelon. There is even one from the Lanier Duke household of Akelon as well, using an alias.

Eldrich: "Yes, those are."

His eyes looked into mine for a while, as I tried to find meaning in his gaze that seemed to searching for something.


[Existence 'Eldrich' showing trust towards you.]


Eldrich: "Your eyes tell me you know what I am trying to say."

He closes his eyes, lowers his head a little, two deep breaths before his eyes opened again. His closed fist parted into two, placing them on the edge of the desk, holding them, he pushed and got up from the chair.

My eyes followed his movements, his body turned to my right, his steps proceeding straight to the window, that showed the city from the height. He clutched onto the drapes, gently pushing it to the side so that he could see the city clearly.

Eldrich: "In this city, not many know, and students who do, feel honored by the fact that they are taught by someone related to Royals."

There was a bitter-sweet feeling in his tone. He continued while looking outside.

Elrdich: "Since most of them are High Citizens and Lower Citizens, we hardly get any royal applications and the ones we do are of distant relations of them, well some exceptions are there."

Valerie's and Felicity's faces flashed in my mind, there was that one other girl as well, Alison, he must know about them.

Eldrich: "Those professors with Royal family names are from the Royal households. Among these citizens, the life of Royals seems lavish and full of life. Power, and respect at their feet, but it is a cruel place to be. Maintaining power and Attaining even more power is a lot harder than getting the taste of the power itself."


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Those words indeed are true." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Certainly." ]


The slight pain in his voice was palpable, his voice became a little hoarse.

Eldrich: "These Professors here, are outcasts from Royal Families. Some are forced out, some have let to their own demise, and some who left on their own accord. I built this place to give them a house, a place to reflect, and a place to belong."


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Such a good old man.!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "You are way older." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I am still young and Beautiful.!" ]


His eyes remained fixed over the city, like he was looking at his own children playing, and he didn't want to miss that sight. As his back was towards me, I dawned on his words, and my eyes shifted to Persephone, who was sitting on the rocking chair. 

Her beautiful face rested on his palm as her elbow rested on the armrest. She was listening to Eldrich's words as well, our eyes locked, She didn't say anything but it felt like she was trying to feel my emotions.

And honestly... I didn't feel much of anything, there was an interest, but it must be of Persephone. Sure I felt a little sympathy towards him, why? Because I knew deeper, deeper meaning of his words, and all it did was decrease the annoyance I was feeling after meeting with Timothy.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient description' is activated. ]


[ Profile has been found. ]


The white glass slate screen with a solid white runic border appeared. 


[ Name: Eldrich Scott

Age: 158 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Dedicated to one ( Rare ), Who beat the odds with love (rare)

Active skill: Metal shift Lvl.2, Learning Tech Lvl.1, Algorithmic Processes Lvl.1, Golem dolls Lvl.1, Earth shield Lvl.1...

Passive skills: Calculation Lvl.1, Perceive emotionLvl.1, Understanding Lvl.1 ...

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 81, Stamina Lvl 83, Agility Lvl 84, Magic Power Lvl 88

Description: His love is unshakable towards his dead wife. Someone with a harsh past but beating the odds, surviving with the support of his love, he is determined to make the dream, he and his wife talked about in a light conversation ages ago, true. ]


Looking at his profile, his stats were amazing, the man clearly has lived his life for a long time, and is nearing the last quarter of his life. But despite that, my eyes focused on his skills.

'Metal shift', a skill which lets him shift the movements of metal to a certain degree, that must be how he unlocked the door before, but the skills 'Learning Tech', and 'Algorithmic Processes' are which is out of order. Those skills are different, at least in Cloud Continent. 

The Cloud continent embraces nature, the skill forming inside a soul is formed by considering, which surrounding one's soul is been in, what path one has seen, and what things they learned.

So most of the Cloud continent's citizen have skills related to nature such as fire, wind and earth, each kingdom well verse in one aspect. Underwater continent populace have skills related to the sea, that is mostly extension to the water and plants, the skills that are required for survival. 

So 'Learning Tech', and 'Algorithmic Processes' skills are one would acquire where those information is given, like the Modern Continent.

Eldrich Scott, he is a citizen, no he is a former member of the Scott family, governing one of the countries of the Modern continent.

My mind surfaced the information about Eldrich, the acting headmaster of Trivia, that I knew.

When he talked about building a place, he wasn't talking about the Hekate mansion, it is about the academy named Trivia. He made this place, which I would like to call a sanctuary, with his wife, she was a Royal herself. 

Their story is like this, her family was visiting Novas at that time. They had a meeting with the family governing the country Novas, the Scott family. Both families were in charge of maintaining good relations among both Continents, regular meetings, sharing information, items, goods, and helping each other, representing their own Continent.

While roaming the palace, prior to the conference for which they were there, by pure chance she met a man sitting in front of a fountain. When their eyes met there were sparks in their heart.

Curious, and smitten by each other's beauty and handsomeness, while the unexpected meeting added the mystery to their situation. An interaction that started with short talks led to spending the whole day in each other's company. 

She found out that the man was a distant relative of the Scott family, while she was the first daughter of the Deleon Duke household of Phiodora. 

Oblivious of their future, fate eventually led them to fall in love, while beating the odds of the great distance.

But the Royal Duke Household who lives above several masses with Lord stature didn't accept some distant relative of governing official of another country, who live with political expression. Their views are similar enough for external relations but too different to make a family. And she, being set on her feelings, was outcasted.

Even Eldrich, who was a distinct relative, was cast aside. The governing family painted him as the cause of the bad relationship that suddenly formed between the two families, leading to a friction between both continents.

They had a difficult life from then onwards. Eldrich left his continent because the power of the family was too high there, there are only five families governing the whole continent. So Cloud with many families was safer.

Both of them decided to go to a city far away, close to the edge of the continent. They rented a small place, he worked as a waiter, and her love, his wife, taught some children of Lower citizens for the money.

That small Study center has now blossomed into a full-fledged Trivia.

A tragic love story but a sweet end. 

Eldrich: "I am glad you found a place here as well."

He turned to me, pulling me out of my thoughts, his expression was one of a pain.

Eldrich: "But I can not let it jeopardize. Gaining attention, too much attention, would endanger these people, they are like a family to me now. Even that disrespecting Magnus is like a tantrum-throwing child to me."


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I hate that guy.! On the other hand, he is a good old man." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Yeah, but." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is scowling. ]


His face was a mixture of pain and plea, his feelings were transparent as ice in his eyes. My own throat felt dried looking at him. Even when I tried to control my feelings, I couldn't help but feel bad. Maintaining eye contact with him, I stood and bowed.

Arthur: "It was an honor to be a part of the Trivia, Acting headmaster Eldrich. I am thankful, I truly am."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is scowling. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with gentle empathic eyes. ]


Saying so I moved while straightening my back, I didn't look him in the eyes as I turned towards the door. I could feel his eyes looking at me, as I was reaching closer to the door with every heavy step. I was about to grab the doorknob when I heard his voice.

Eldrich: "Arthur."

My hand halted, hovering over the knob, my eyes on it, his voice spoke again.

Eldrich: "If you ever find yourself in need of a place in the future. Know that the gates of Trivia will always be open for you."

His words settled in my mind, but I didn't feel good hearing them. Even though the gates here will be open for me, I have to leave now, because he doesn't want to risk anything. I understood that.

Eldrich: "I would be happy if you visit. I am sure others would like that as well. Even though I admit things might have started rough for you. But You should have realized, that students here adore and respect you. Also the faculty here likes you as well, some of them are just hard to perceive."

His voice was trying to be reassuring. I felt Persephone silhouette closer to me, she left the rocking chair, standing behind me.

Eldrich: "Even that girl who had put up a thick wall around her heart has let you in. I am sure you know that she trusts you. I think you are the only one she trusts here."

I grabbed the knob but didn't twist it down, I just clutched onto it tightly. I felt uncertain now hearing his words, but it didn't shake what I needed to do, then his last words came.

Eldrich: "I am sorry Arthur. I couldn't do anything."

Even though, I felt various emotions, only hints of it showed on my face. Apart from Persephone, no one knew what I was feeling. Hearing the words 'sorry' my frustration only grew, and I focused on converting it into determination.

Arthur: "Don't apologize, Eldrich."

'Because it is always like this for me.' Thinking so, I pushed through, going out of his office. 


With calm steps, I stroll towards my office, which will no longer be mine from tomorrow onwards. Several classrooms went passed by, there were no students present but I could occasionally see some of the people, the staff workers, cleaning, and dusting the room.

After leaving Eldrich's room and meeting with Timothy, the day which was bright and full of determination was puff in the unknown. If I could find it again, I wouldn't hold on to it tighter than what I started my day with.

The air hung heavy with gravitas, at least that's what I felt like.

Persephone: "So."

Suddenly Persephone, who was walking with me, spoke. I looked at her from the corner of my eyes, but her eyes were not looking at me, just ahead. I also turned my gaze ahead, looking at nothingness beside me would look weird from others' perspectives.

Persephone: "That old man, seems like a good person."

She spoke gracefully, but it felt passive, similar to a queen talking to his advisor after a meeting and I replied using chatbox.

-He is. He had a difficult life, but the support of love gave him strength, and he wishes to become a strength for others. He considers everyone here his family, and he wants to keep them safe to the best of his ability.

Whether I was telling her that to show how Nobel Eldrich is, or to justify his actions and what happened for myself, I didn't know.

Persephone: "And what about you?"

-What about me?

She asked and I retorted back.

Persephone: "Does it bother you? You have also been part of this place. He didn't fight for you."

Her voice was suggestive. She gracefully swept over her gown sweeping nonexistent dust from it. Her actions were calm like she was asking a simple question but I could feel some curiosity.

-If you feel my frustration, then why ask the question? Don't try to read me.

Persephone: "Frustration, sure. You have been feeling that since that military man visited you. Annoyance is there, knowing you, it must be because unexpected things have happened around you. But I don't sense anger from you at all, you said this place gave you identity, and now you have to leave, even though you decided you would stay, it is like you didn't had any expectations at all."

I sensed her curiousness increasing, with a hint of frustration. Was my frustration increasing? Or is it mixing with her? I tried to suppress it, not focusing on it. Instead, I focused on the sound of my breathing. I controlled it, making it normal, as my mind came up with a rational reason.

-What expectations? I am not part of this little family, that is all. It is understandable as well. He is housing outcasted Royals here. I am just a stranger with no background at all, even the best of the information gatherers wouldn't find anything. I am just not from this world.

I was telling this to her or to convince myself, I didn't know. I do feel frustration and anger dwelling in me, but I can control feelings within me. I just glanced at her and her face didn't show any of those feelings, I guess she could hide them as well, but we knew what other felt.

Suppressing them without saying anything, soon I reached closer to my office, which was just meters away. I was going to go straight towards my office, but I saw the office across mine, something about which looked out of place.

The door of the office was a little back away, it wasn't far enough to show inside, but it didn't seem closed. I went and lightly pushed the door with my finger. 

Arthur: "Aa-"

My mouth hung open as It pushed away without any resistance. It opened making a creaking sound, and gained the attention of the person inside.

Lisa and my eyes connected, and a little stumped expression made its way into my face with my mouth opened. I didn't think it would open just like that, so I said the only thing I could say.

Arthur: "Good afternoon, Miss Lisa."


Hello readers,

A new chapter, for a lovely day.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy, enjoying themselves to the fullest. Moving on, The Acting headmaster turned out to be a family man and an unexpected existence from the Modern continent.

And Well, it seems Arthur had to leave, what do you guys think? Did Eldrich was justifiable? Or was it hypocritical for him?

Write your thoughts in the comments. The next chapter is on Tuesday, and I will see you then.


blank2711creators' thoughts