
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Vision 14 - Let the show beings. (2)

Arthur: "You came."

Seated on my cathedral, a grateful smile appeared on my face as I said that. Fortunately, the person I was waiting for came, albeit a little late. I was glad regardless because otherwise, the show would have to be postponed.

Persephone: "You are definitely planning something again."

Looking to my left, I eyed the person who had thrown the condescending remark at me. Persephone was standing to my left with a face that was saying 'I am right. Yes?'

And she might have been but as I looked at her from the corner of my eye, I also noticed someone else's presence behind me.

Shoulder, an inch or two taller than Persephone, and more or less of the same distance in between the silhouette's black cloak and the black feathers on Persephone's gown on her shoulder.

Who is this average build tall shadow with silver hair? Hm, Who else could it be? Ducas is standing behind me.

Wait, When did he get here? Wasn't he just near the window earlier? I thought, confused but I decided not to think about it.

Moreover seeing one person on my left and one person right behind me... hmm... This doesn't seem right.

I motioned my hand to tell Ducas to move to my right as I texted Persephone using the chatbox.

-How can you be so sure?

Ducas made a complicated expression but nevertheless, he moved to my right side and Persephone didn't think much of my hand gesture as she spoke ominously.

Persephone: "You cannot hide it from me. I can see inside your soul."

I can feel her aura towering over me. My smile stiffened but I recovered quickly. What was that corny statement? Is she trying to intimidate me? Being a goddess of the underworld.

Putting aside the useless thoughts. Once again my eyes shifted to Todd and I spoke to him.

Arthur: "You must have got the delivery. Did you like it?"

Raising my eyebrows I said so innocently.

The delivery boy, Ducas, delivered it. So, I was sure it got to him. Why else would he be here?

I asked Ducas because only he can leave even a piece of paper in his room and I can not ask someone else without exposing Todd's identity.

The Tall man in a butler uniform and white gloves on his hand that were tugged behind him, was standing with a stoic expression. Todd tries to observe me, sitting in the chair with a mature smile on my face.

I felt like I am trying to watch an interesting scene.

But there was one thing or rather the person who was making Todd uneasy. It wasn't me, it was the silver-haired man Ducas.

His yellow eyes subtly kept wandering toward him. He tried not to show his inner feeling but he couldn't help and squeeze the small piece of paper in his hand which was supposed to be the delivery I talked about.

The simple receptionist of Trivia, the same person who wore study glasses and a normal suit, who had his white hair always styled normally, and who all day go through the stack of papers and attended to people from his desk at the reception.

The same person with whom I interacted before anyone in here. He was standing infront of me completely different, not normal, exhausted, and uninterested but professionally suited, hairstyled, and threateningly silent like any time now I would be seeing his lean muscular figure upside down in an instant.

Then a message appeared.


[ The Lower Existence Todd is uneasy about Lower Existence Ducas. ]


'He must have been the one who delivered this.' I was sure that were his thoughts, as I kept noticing a subtle shift in his eyes.

It was just a minute change and then Todd focused on me as his thoughts wander by. For him, I am someone who he knew nothing about so he must not sure about the capabilities I had.

Despite that, I know he refused to believe that there is someone other than Ducas whose capability he would have failed to notice.

At first, he must have thought that Ducas was just an average follower of mine, as I tried recalling how his first introduction was to Ducas.

Ducas crashed my meeting with Lisa, after shouting in the hallway while talking to Todd.

This hundred-year-old boy sometimes acts like a child, I grumbled.

I also knew that Todd wouldn't feel any potential from both of us, which is the reason for his silence.

But the reason he couldn't feel anything from Ducas could only be because of one thing. Ducas was already at a higher level than him, not just high but much higher, which must have been apparent in how fast he appeared behind me.

Unlike Ducas, my stats are too low and I have no origin, that's what everyone knows about me and it is true.

But one after another I became someone who is always at the center of situations where no one could hope to find me there, which is annoying for me as well, and I couldn't deny that, but it must have caused some doubt.

Arthur: "Are you not going to speak anything?"

Having enough of the silence inside the room, I spoke raising my eyebrows and placing my chin on the back of my palm. 

Todd still didn't say one thing regarding my remark. But I was continuously getting messages about his reactions.


[Existence Todd is being cautious of existence Ducas]


[Existence Todd is wondering about existence Ducas]


[Existence Todd is showing curiosity towards you]


It turns out that getting vague messages about someone's inner thoughts was not that difficult for me. I just have to put my mind to it, but an event like what happened outside the warehouse where I heard Timothy's inner thoughts didn't transpire again.

What was different about that condition, why could I get messages about Timothy's thoughts? I didn't have any answers to these questions.

After waiting for a while, I heard the first words that came out of my guest's mouth, who didn't speak since he appeared inside the room, as only his lips parted but his jaw didn't move an inch.

Todd: "How?"

That is all Todd said in an icy voice. A one-word Question.

'How what?, speak like a normal person for god sake' I thought to myself.

But That is what Todd wants to know and I have an idea about what he meant by that question, but shouldn't the show must be entertaining? Nubeculas are watching after all.

Arthur: "How what?"

I spoke arrogantly and confused while tilting my head which was still on the back of my palm, resting on the armrest of the chair.

Looking at my face. Todd got an urge to frown but he managed to hold his stoic expression from leaving his face.

Then without saying another useless word. He snapped his finger while stretching his right hand at me.


Following the motion of his action, a piece of paper left his hand and swirl towards me, like a card thrown by a magician.

It cut through the air. I didn't show any changes on my face, but the paper came at me like it is its purpose to slice me in half. Alas, despite its effort once again a silver feather blocked the paper, and it landed exactly on the top of the needle-like knife which has left the very same hand.

My gaze moved toward the piece of paper, and something was written on it.

{Let me help you, Great Assassin Ron. Room-203. Preferably at 7 in the evening.}

Todd: "How did you know?"

Todd, or rather Ron, spoke again with an icy voice that is completely different from the receptionist Todd. He is clearly demanding an answer, but only a surprised sigh left my mouth.

Suddenly my eyes widened out of shock looking at the paper. I looked toward Ron with eyes wide like I am looking at a ghost.

Arthur: "You are 'The' assassin Ron?"

I straightened my back with the same shocked look. My head lifted up while supported by the two fingers on my chin and my elbow on the chair's handrest. I spoke with a faltering voice.

Arthur: "The one who dwelt in shadows becoming a silent wind? P-please, spare my life."

Desperation in my voice was apparent and so does the bewilderment, but not in my posture.

Ron's face showed a frustrated expression. He didn't understand or like the sudden change in my behavior.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comment "What is going on?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "I don't know." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is concerned" ]


[ Some Nubeculas watching you are confused. ]


Nubeculas also started sending messages, even Ducas looked at me with eyes that I couldn't see.

Only Persephone kept a sly fox-like smile and looked at me with a heated gaze, but I could only feel an emotion of interest coming from her.

Sensing her emotions, I just let out a sigh as my posture reverted back to before I saw the paper lying on the ground.

Arthur: "I am Just kidding."


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Bastard!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "He-" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is shaking her head releasing a relieved sigh. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Don't make us worry like that. The show must go on!" ]


[ Some Nubeculas like your sense of humor. ]


[1400 points have been donated.]


Obviously, I got all kinds of messages from Nubeculas. I even heard a sigh from my right and a giggling voice from my left. And unlike others, the person I could see was frowning deeply, like he found my act childish.

Seeing the expression of Ron, who was more frustrated than angry, I spoke before he could.

Arthur: "You know. I always say this to that question you asked earlier."

Ron swallowed back whatever he was about to say. A smile formed on the edge of my lips as I spoke arrogantly.

Arthur: "It doesn't matter. "

Ron raised an eyebrow, just a little, so subtle that I almost missed it.

Arthur: "It does not matter How I know. What matters is that I know. "

Persephone: "It does not matter How I know. What matters is that I know. "

As I finished what I was saying, another voice said the same thing mimicking me, hitting me while I was reciting a cool line. Obviously, No one else heard it, only I heard the graceful voice mimicking mine.

-"You had to do it."

Persephone: "It is your catchphrase."

Persephone replied like it is a decree while smiling smugly, but gracefully.

I wanted to say something to retort but I couldn't. I was definitely saying this more than often.

'It is not my fault that I just know all this information.'

Still, I retort in my mind for self-satisfaction. I felt like I was being wrongly accused. I couldn't help it, I saw many things in my dreams, not my fault.

Getting back on the matter. My eyes calmly looked at Todd's movement.

Arthur: "So, How about it? Are you interested? Let me help you."

Todd, the tall man, who is contrary to his dead eyes was looking at me with curiosity and wariness.

Even though I could not perceive his quick movements and expressions. What I could perceive were his thoughts, and I meant it literally since I was getting messages like.


[ Existence Todd is frustrated. ]


[ Existence Todd is curious about you. ]


[Existence Todd is worried about the Existence Ducas.]


[ Existence Todd is annoyed. ]


[ Existence Todd has made up his mind. ]


As if I got my queue with the last message, I spoke while looking toward Todd.

Arthur: " Before you make your move. I have a Question."

Todd stiffened up hearing me speak exactly at the moment when he was about to make his move.

Ducas was also surprised, hearing me speak exactly at the moment when he felt the aura around Todd changing, but he brushed it aside thinking it was how always things are with me.

Since the sudden change in the surrounding died down. I, who didn't know any of their thoughts spoke, lazily.

Arthur: " Is it tough? "

Todd: " ...what is? "

Arthur: "Protecting them, while they never know what you did for them. "

Todd's eyes twitch before coming back down.


[ Existence Todd is showing concern. ]


Todd: "I'm not sure I follow."

Arthur: "And I am sure you do. You don't have to hide anything from me, I already know."

My eyes squinted slyly and Todd narrowed his.

Todd: "...I never thought about the recognization. "

I nodded my head hearing the assassin's statement.

Arthur: " Yes. You are still similar to when the Archduke was alive. "

This time Todd's eyebrows creased into a deep frown.

Seeing his frown my mind wander a little.

Todd was an assassin who served the ArchDuke of the Cloud continent, Lisa's husband, under the name of Assassin Ron while remaining in the shadows.

No one, other than the Deceased Archduke, knew about his involvements. Todd took care of the problems for him and he took care of handling the consequences.

When Archduke died on the battlefield, Todd took it upon himself to help his family from unnecessary troubles.

He had taken care of all the problems that required underhanded methods to help Lisa and her daughter from the shadows.

And now Once again, a brat, me, who thinks he is above the world taking him lightly.

But he could not kill me since I am an assistant of Lisa which is a miracle in itself.

No one knew about his involvement with Archduke, not even his wife, Lisa, or his daughter, or their close confidant. It is still like that but right now a person in front of him who is younger than the time, he has been handling the problems for the Hart family, is telling all sorts of stuff.

Watching Todd frown and being silent made me happy because it was proof that my words were affecting him in the way I intended them to.

Arthur: " Taking care of the Duke's servants who want to take down Archduke, killing the members of a stupid baron family who had eyes on Archduke's wealth, or when you actually killed the empress's fifth husband who was fond of Lisa. "

One after another I started to speak about the events where Todd handled all the problems for Archduke - looking straight into his eyes which were showing disbelief, anger, and shame.

Todd's hold got tighter on his knife, which he was holding in his hand while putting them behind.

His eyes started to cloud, which were focused in my direction.

' How? ' That question was written all over his face, which I could only deduce from his stoic face with a frown because I have seen that expression in my dream several times.

There is only one question on his mind. How did I know so extensively? It was not much but I knew about it, which should not be possible.

But I did know about it all.

Even though the incidents were not so extreme, because these were common things among powerful nobles. But since these incidents protected the Archduke's household from falling off, I saw them in my dreams even though just for the moment.

' those were short dreams. '

The dreams about these incidents were not long but just fleeting dreams. Since Nobles can not help their nature, these kinds of incidents are bound to happen.

Arthur: "So how about it Todd? Are you interested in what I have to say?"

Todd regained his senses and his clouded eyes return back to being focused on me.

Todd: "You are brave. Even after knowing about me, You expect me to let you live after hearing all that."

Arthur: "That is true."

Todd: "That you are brave? or that you have decided to die here?"

Arthur: "Neither actually. But you are not going to kill me."

A yawn left my mouth as I finished saying that, I tried to hold it in but I guess I was tired.

Todd's expression started to become more and more dangerous in my eyes, even though it didn't change that much.


[ Existence Todd is showing hostility towards you. ]


[Several Nubecullas are enjoying looking at your direction]


[1800 points have been donated.]


Todd: "Is that a fact?"

I nodded to that remark.

I knew everything about the situation is dangerous, but I was sure that any thrown knife at me would be stopped by Zoe.

Also Ducas is just behind me, So there is nothing to fear.

Todd: "You are highly overestimating yourself."

Arthur: "I am not estimating myself as anything because I know that, My standing, and backing, or any other thousand hypothetical factors doesn't concern you. You just clean out the troubles for Hart Family"

Todd: "Still?"

Arthur: "Believe it or not Todd. I am just trying to help."

Todd: "I don't want your help and your luck has run out now."

Tension suddenly filled the room, as dark matter started to cover Todd, he was about to activate a skill.

Th sound of dark matter surrounding Todd's body became hearable inside the room.

Ducas also became tensed behind me and his hand quickly gripped the hilt of his sword on his waist.

And the clink sound of his sword slightly leaving it's sheathe, clunk into my ears.

Arthur: "Isn't Mr. Eddie being a nuisance?"

Still, I spoke with indifference. Tension remains still inside the room.

Todd: "And? I told you I don't need your help."


[Lower Existence 'Todd Middleton' is confused.]


Yeah, act tough all you want. I know I hit the ball again talking about Eddie. Isn't it good that I know it all?

Arthur: "You keep denying my words but you know that he is trying to get close to Miss Lisa. He wants to be Archduke."

Todd: "I can take care of him."

He wasn't surprised that I knew Lisa's and Eddie's real Identities, if he was, he phenomenally kept it from showing.

Arthur: "Can you? He is tenacious, smart, and willing to do anything for his goal. He is even affiliated with heretics, not to mention, he have his own royal family's backing. And his two-faced personality is a problem as well, he is loved by all."

As soon as I said those words, Todd became tight-lipped.

A royal using his authoritative powers is easy to deal with for Todd. Not because it is actually easy but because he is comfortable dealing with royals. Since before deceased Archduke always took care of the aftermath for him, he is used to that.

The Royals don't move rashly and he knows how to read them better.

But Heretics, an outside organization will make things complicated for him.

And since Eddie is loved he can not just kill him either.

I was not leading him astray. I am just playing the man since I know his habits and comfort zones.

At his sudden stop, I finally left my chin from my palm and place it inside my cloak to hide my storage ring, as I took an item.

Arthur: "You won't kill him because it will lead to an investigation."

Todd didn't refute and focused on my hand movement, and so did Persephone and Ducas.

Arthur: "He is still a royal but his involvement with Heretics is a real problem. He must have made a deal and if he dies they will come looking for the killer. But tracking their movement would become a hassle for you. Since you won't be able to focus on protecting Miss Lisa."


[ The Nubecula 'Dynosius' comments "Quite the problem." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Should just kill him, easy." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Killing won't solve anything." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "So what is the solution." ]


I am glad you asked because I have the perfect solution. I also need to get rid of him, after all, he has messed with me.

I wanted to laugh maniacally like a villain but I hold it.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is looking in your direction ]


I grabbed the item underneath my loose coat and placed a glass bottle, the size of my palm, similar to the elixir bottle, on the edge of the cathedral's handrest. I swirled the marmalade color liquid in it, by moving the bottle, side to side, by placing my index finger on the top of its cap.

Never leaving my eyes from Todd, I ignored the messages since no one else could read them, and they are personal messages anyway. Also, his clueless expression with a threatening demeanor was interesting.

Swaying the bottle, I brought some of the energy from the item.


[Item: Hydra's extract poison(Grade-2)]


Persephone: "Ah, I see. Interesting."


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comment "I like what you are trying to accomplish." ]


[1000 points have been donated]


Both of their comments almost made me grin.

Arthur: "Then how about if he happens to fall ill, resulting in being unable to move or think rationally?"

Todd: "And you want to help me with that?"

Without saying any more I threw the bottle to Todd.

The tension inside the room faltered and then disappeared as he caught the Poison bottle swiftly.

Then he focused on the item's energy, reading its detail, his eyes widened.

The poison is what I took from Felicity, Griff acquired it from a hidden script, but since the matter between her and Valerie has settled, the poison was useless. It was a rare item but she agreed to give it to me easily, which was weird... but nevertheless.

The poison is Second grade and a Hydra extract. It should kill him, but he is a persistent guy so I am sure with his stats and connections he would be able to prevent from dying and Todd is not someone who cares.

Arthur: "Believe me I am trying to help."

Todd: "But why?"

Arthur: "I just want to live a normal life. And the incident from the plaza I got caught in. He was behind it. I just want it to stop."

Todd didn't show much of a reaction and put the item in his pocket.

I guess my answer convinced him, or maybe he wanted to keep the rare poison to himself. And although he didn't say it, I knew he would be watching me closely from now on, and it is fine. Since I am not trying to harm anyone in any way, except for Eddie.

A snicker almost made its way to my face but Todd's words pull me back.

Todd: "Then I guess, there is no reason for me to be here anymore."

I nodded my head at that.


[ The Lower Existence Tod has activated the skill 'pass from sight Lvl.2' ]


And with that message Todd vanished into thin air like he was never inside the room, threatening me.

Then I stood up from the chair and was about to turn the other way.



As I was about to accept the fact that the death hanging over me disappeared, literally.

Suddenly a sound caught my attention, my eyes moved to my left and then to an object near my left foot.

Arthur: "Scary lunatic."

Another needle-like knife.

The assassin Ron didn't leave before trying to kill me one more time, but obviously Zoe protected me again.


Releasing a hopeful relieved deep breath I turned to Ducas.

Arthur: " Well, everything is settled now. So... why did you come here? "

Setting the dangerous yet hopeful interaction with Todd was my plan, but Ducas's presence was not part of it.

So I am a little curious as to why he came.

Ducas: "Um. I was just... I..."

The most powerful Lower Existence started to stammer. I kept looking at him uninterested, slightly tilting my head, and Persephone was giving him a look of a queen mother, who was watching her child being caught.

But my question is, why is he stuttering like a child caught by his father? I just asked a simple question, right?

Ducas: "Umm. I knew that that receptionist is dangerous and you had a meeting set up with him, so I thought it would be better if I came?"

His speech ended up sounding like a question, like he was asking if his decision was right or wrong.

And to be honest his presence did help. I just didn't understand why he was asking if his action were right or not. He is the most powerful Lower existence I know, he can do whatever he wants.

Arthur: "Alright, but now you should go back to your dorm."

I shooed at him, motioning that he can leave right now.

Ducas: "Absolutely, Sir Arthur."

Then, after bowing, he just suddenly went out through the window and closed it behind him.

But I didn't see any of his actions, it was like he just disappeared.

It couldn't be a skill since I didn't get any messages, his stats were enough to make it look like he used a skill.

Arthur: "I am surrounded by unexpected people."

Persephone: "Well, I think you are surrounded by normal existences."

Says a higher existence, a Quasar-level Nubecula, and the goddess of the underworld.


Arthur: "Alright now. The show is over and I need some sleep. I have an early day tomorrow."


[ The Nubecula 'Dynosius' comments "It was enjoyable, worth to take out my bottle of wine" ]



[ The Nubecula 'Dynosius' is taking a sip of his wine. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "tch. It was boring." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Your saying that because he was cool" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes! Yes! So cool!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comment "Perfectly planned show" ]


[Several Nubecullas are satisfied.]



[4000 total points have been donated]


Being content with all the donations I got I headed for the bed after placing the chair back near the table and taking a sip of the wine on it.

Persephone: "Want this Queen to make your bed?"

She spoke, making obvious in her tone that it should be an honor for me that she said that, but being her Soul Partner it didn't feel like one for me.

-I am perfectly capable of taking care of my own needs, your highness.


A week and half later inside Lisa's office, a little later than eleven in the morning, after Lisa took his morning class on 'Magic and its existence'.

Sitting on the chair infront of Lisa's desk and Heckate, in her cat form, on my lap, comfortable as a cat can be.


Taking her glasses off, Lisa sighed, while pinching the top of her nose with a frustrated expression.

I looked at her raising my eyes, peeling them away from the thin stack of paper which I was holding with my left hand while resting my head on my right-hand fist, its elbow on the chair's handrest.

Her eyes were closed, her black hair tidily bunned up, with ornament accessories on them, and a beautiful purple collar that was covering her neck, sticking out from her cloak, along with tens of other beautiful things about her.

Despite all that, my eyes caught attention of a thin paper, codling with other pens and items on the desk, which she held with her left hand that was resting till her elbow on the desk table.

It was upside down so I couldn't see its content. I kept looking at her for a while.

Maybe she felt my gaze or she intended to look at me from the start but her purple eyes, not ametrine like Persephone but simple purple, looked at me straight as she suddenly opened them.

Lisa: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Arthur: "Like what, Miss Lisa?"

I noticed her chewing something inside of her mouth, like she was holding something she wanted to say, maybe it was that again I didn't call her professor.

Arthur: "Are you bothered by whatever is written on that piece of paper in your left hand, that you seem so eager to crumble and throw it away?"


Releasing a deep sigh she skinned her hand away from her nose and let it rest on the table like her other hand, then moved back taking the support of the backrest of her chair.

Arthur: "What is it?"

Since she didn't deny my words it must be true. I also put my hand down, which was holding the papers.

Lisa: "It is a request from the Acting-headmaster."

Ah, that is why it is something I didn't know about. I am her assistant so naturally all her documents go through me first but if Eldrich gave her directly.

Arthur: "Aaaand?"

If Eldrich gave her something then it must be related to academics and he knows how passionate she is about the topic of magic so it shouldn't be something else.

Lisa: "He wants me to take an additional class for the second years, 'Basics of Magic'"

Arthur: "Basics of Magic?"

Lisa: "Yes. It is 'Basics' I don't need to teach that. It will just waste my time."

Ah., right. She has already researched the topic deeply enough that she is close to developing the item that can hold a soul-like environment and hold a skill.

Indeed I helped a little since I need that item, but it is all her work.

So if she takes those classes. She has to make materials, teach the class, and review them. But for a basic class, it is definitely a waste of her time.

Arthur: "If that's the case."

Lifting my head, I stretched my right hand towards her left side asking for the request letter that she held.

Making a confused expression she pushed the form into my hand and holding it, I pulled it toward me and took a look.

Arthur: "Hm... I'll take this class."

Hearing my words, a bewildered expression overtook her face.

Lisa: "No. You can't."

She said so shaking her head and looking into my eyes. Putting the form down, I looked at her with a confused gaze.

Arthur: "Why not?"

Lisa: "Because. Even though it's a basics class, it is still not as easy as you think."

Arthur: "You mean the reputable scholar of this school wouldn't want to be taught by a twenty-year-old."

Lisa became tight-lipped at my remark.

Lisa: "That's not what I meant."

Arthur: "It's alright Miss Lisa. As you said it is basics and I am your assistant, someone you hired, which means I am here so that you can depend on me. So you should let me do this. Besides, I am an assistant of a Professor who teaches the most advanced classes of Magic, I can teach some basic classes without any problem."

Besides, even if she takes those classes I have to do materials, class review, and management anyways.

Persephone: "Says the person who never depends on anyone."

Ugh. How many times she is going to say that? She said the same thing before we got into the secret facility beneath the church in Brigians. what did I do that seems undependable? I grumbled inside and let the uncomfortable settle.

Looking at me with a complicated expression that I could not comprehend, Lisa spoke after licking her lips.

Lisa: "Alright."

She picked up her glasses and put them back on, suddenly Hekate also started swaying her tail.

Arthur: "But why does he want you to teach this class?"

Placing her glasses back on, she replied.

Lisa: "It was Professor Eddie's class. He seems to be sick and went back for some days. So there is no one to teach this class."

Hearing the reason I almost held my laughter from coming out. I used my hand, holding the letter, to cover my mouth, to hide the snicker on my face.

Persephone: "So your plan was fruitful, it seems."

Right. Now that Todd has successfully used Hydra's extract on Eddie, I can stop worrying about one problem. Ah, finally the nuisance is gone for now.

Seeing my reaction, Lisa showed her concern.

Lisa: "Are you sure you want to take this class?"


Removing my hand from my mouth I patted the cat's soft fur.

Arthur: "Yes I am sure. I will gladly take his class, so you should focus on your research Miss Lisa."

Showing a beaming smile I said so, and Lisa just released a sigh in reply.



[Several Nubeculas wants the barrier to be removed.]


Hello readers,

I hope everyone is well and healthy.

I am so excited to be finally back with another chapter.

It is been a tough month for me, but since my vacation has started, you all can expect regular chapters from now.

I put a lot of thought into this chapter, I had to read some of my old ones to recall how the story was going.

And I think I wrote it pretty decently.

I hope you all like it.

See you all with the next chapter

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