
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Prologue - Let's see.

Always feeling ignored, only to be called when needed.

Being surrounded by people, only to be felt left out.

Having ones that call themselves friends, only to find them possessive, forcing the feeling of becoming isolated.

Allowing the one who strings sweet melodies of heart like no others, letting the taste of the drug-like feelings resonate inside, then snatching it away in the blink of an eye.

How do those experiences sound to the ears? Imagine those experiences being forced upon by the closest ones. What feeling does echo inside?


....Does it feel acceptable? The feeling of having a family, but only when needed does the existence seem to shimmer in their eyes.


....Does it feel sufficient? The feeling of not being in a prison-like place and at least being surrounded by many, but not seen.


.....Does it feel good? Having friends who are possessive, but wherever eyes follow their shadow seems to linger.


....Does it feel intoxicated? Tasting the sweetest drug there is, feeling weightlessness inside, but then being pushed to the ground so hard that even taking a step seems impossible.


Maybe it differs from one to another, and even deviates beyond imagination as many more opinions are taken but... to me, it felt like absolute shit.


?: "Let's see."


[...-Sullivan, reporting sir."

Inside a large lodge-like building, Infront of which a large field. Timothy appeared in the squadron room, standing infront of a man dressed in a similar blue uniform as his, but his blue jacket was draped over the back of the chair on which he sat. There was an extra star on the shoulder strap of the shirt- to the symbol which was on Timothy's shoulder strap.

The man in front of him was his superior, Jared, who was looking at the bundle of paper in his muscular hand.

Jared: " How was your last mission, Major Sullivan."

Timothy: "Success sir. The information proved to be credible. There were many lower citizens, that were being kept with unverified Slave documents. It is likely they were forged."

Jared: "Is everyone with you without any casualties?"

Timothy: "Yes sir, Lieutenant Colonel."

Jared's eyes never left the paper in his hand. He intently read the report that Timothy handed to him.

Jared: "What about the person running that circus?"

Timothy: "Apprehended, sir."

Jared: "Good. Few more successful missions like these, and soon you would be my equal."

Timothy: "You humble me, sir."

Even though Jared praised him, his eyes were still glued to the document. Timothy didn't show any aversion towards the lack of attention and kept his head straight. Jared flicked on the slide of the paper, turning it, while reading them he spoke.

Jared: "How is the main assignment proceeding?."

Timothy: "It seems Viscount's daughter, Highness Beako, has been missing for weeks. What we could gather is that she has a tendency to run away from her household. She likes to explore the world, as some kind of adventurer, but she always remained connected to the household through magic scrolls, and it was two weeks ago that she sent the last one. "

Jared: "Hm. She could have just run out of them."

Timothy: "Could be the case. But they are worried nonetheless. I have sent a trainee to the Viscount household to gather any information about the places she has been to before. It should give us information about the kind of places she likes to visit, and the places she wouldn't go back to. Since she would have already explored them, it would help us eliminate some of the places. It should take us about three weeks to get the information, and analyze them."

Jared: "hm...."

Timmothy explained as Jared listened. He pressed his brows looking at the document, whether he was frowning because of something he said or because of something written on the papers, only he knew. Seemingly thinking hard about something he spoke again after a while.


Jared: "Alright. Then those people you brought They were enslaved against their will and were used as fighters to gain money. What are you going to do with them?"

Since he was higher ranked than Timmothy, he should be the one who has the power to make decisions about it, but he asked. Timmothy, who often found his, this superior always testing him, spoke without hesitation, like he was waiting for it.

Timmothy: "Since they are fighters, I am going to make them enrolled as trainees, and enlist the ones who perform exceptionally."

Instead of saying he wanted to, he said he was going to, showing that he was not asking for permission. He knew that the person infront of him likes to test him, so he prefered to speak in an arrogant manner as well.

Jared: "All of them?"

Timmothy: "Yes, sir-]


[.. Baeko: "Give it Back.! You trickster.!"

She shouted as she ran through the forest, jumping above the large roots sticking out of the ground, and even sliding under the ones that were sticking high above to go past her head.

Beako: "I swear if I catch you. I will cook you alive.!"

Her menace was leaking, her eyes didn't leave the baby horn-monkey who was jumping across the branches. He had her bag, which was unusually big, bigger than Beako herself, in his hand.

Listening to her cruel remark, he stopped over a thick branch, sitting on her bag like sitting on a big boulder, and then turned to look at her. His two pear-like eyes fixated on her, with sadness pouring into them, and due to his size being small, no more than twenty centimeter, and his whole body covered in fluffy golden fur, except for his eyes, nose, mouth, and two cute ears at his side, made him looked pitiable.

Generally, anyone would have melted, and she might have as well if she didn't know better.

Beako jumped landing below the thick branch, and shouted raising a fist at him, who was sitting high above, giving her sad little eyes.

Beako: "Stop giving me that look.! I see your tail swaying behind you.! You trickster.! Give me my bag.!"

The horn monkey was still a child, his fluffy long tail was swaying behind him. Realizing that she saw through his pitiful expression, he instead gave her his tongue and jumped holding her huge bag with his one hand.

Beako: "Argg. That little trickster."

A thick bulge formed on her forehead at his reaction. Her head hung and she massaged through her hair around her temple, then raised her head, running her finger through her white hair with black highlights. She brushed the dirt that got on her hair.

Beako: "Fine then."

She brushed through her hair, lightly shaking her head, getting the dirt off of them.

Beako: "You want to play with me. You chose the wrong one you weasel."

She bit the black rubber band on her right wrist, putting it over her fingers, and brushed her hair, collecting them on her crown, and tied it in a ponytail.

Beako: "Don't come crying to me." 

Without activating her skill, she used her pure strength stats and jumped, directly landing on the thick branch where the horn-monkey was. 

She landed on her legs, which were inside her boots, and also on her both hands, which were sticking out of her rolled sleeves. Her posture was of a tigress that she is.


She pushed through her leg, while also pulling with her hands over the branch, and dashed with a booming sound.

One branch over another, she ran through like an animal, like a tigress. Her loose strands swayed making catlike ears shape, and her long white-black hair ponytail, sticking through her back, swayed at her hip like it was her tail. 

The Baby horn-monkey who was swinging from one branch to another, carefree, felt something and looked back, and a horrified expression dawned on him like he saw a ghost.

He saw a shadow that was akin to a tiger, jumping from one branch to another, and moving closer to him. He wasn't horrified by the tiger itself but by the expression it wore. 

The shadow seems to be looking at him with playful sharp eyes and a menacing grin like it was about to play with its prey. He got scared and moved even faster.

Beako: "HEHE. Where are you going?! You can not get away from me.! Come to this big sister, haha.!"

The voice felt sinister, like a deviless's call. ]


[ ...was crushed, by multiple showering beating steps, and one strong kick sent her flying.


The Hiisi-like creature put his left fist near his right shoulder and swung it infront of him in an arc motion, punching the tree trunk on his left side, smashing it. The side punch seems to have enough strength to crush any thick tree and that's what it did.

Boom.! creackkkkk...!

Beako: "aa... a..."

Pushed by the intense strength, Beako flew crashing onto one of the trees. She sat motionless, taking the tree trunk as back support, her head also lay on it, taking its support.

Blood was pouring through the side of her forehead. Half of her face had trails of it streaming through her eyebrows to her chin, and even the white part of her hair that was disheveled, draped over her forehead seemed to take its color, dying with dark red splotches.

The fight seems to be going on forever, who knew that the good news of finding a Hidden Schema would turn so unfavorable for her? 

Beako: "aa.. ahh.."

Fighting through the dizziness, her left eye parted slowly as it opened, and gradually the other one soon followed.

Infront of her, four feet tall creature, with a human-like body, was covered in brown soil moss for skin, but it looked more like fur, with some parts covered with thick green moss around his waist -giving the impression of a duffle bag- also shoulders, and ankles like it was meant for cover. 

Its neck was covered with roots, like hair growing from the top of its head, its face was of the skull of a moose and its two huge moose-like horns which had grass growing from them. Its form was exquisite but horribly terrifying. 


Each step was like thunder, deep breath was visible in the form of smoke coming out his holes of skull.


It took another step towards her. Beako, frowned as she lifted her head from the trunk. The blood was still coming from her forehead, but she wore an extremally frustrated expression instead of a painful one.

Beako: "Yooouuu."

Her voice was hoarse and low, but it was intensely frustrated.

Beako: "You are dead.!"

Desperation of the sorrow: "RRAAAAAA.!"

Beako, shouted in anger and frustration. Similarly the Hiisi creature roared at her, seemingly trying to imitate her with its own desperation.


[ The active skill 'Half-beast Claw Lvl.2' has been activated.]


The nails on her hands became thicker, bigger, and white in color. From her hand to her arms grew white fur, with black fur mixed in them making stripes-like designs over her white fur.

Beako: "Ha-"

She clawed the trunk of the tree whose support she took, digging her nails into them, and pushed taking its support.

Beako: "Haa... Hupp... Haa... Hupp..."

She took deep breaths, her eyes were blazing with annoyance but instead of hate and fear, there was a hint of delight present in her.

Beako: "You are giving a good fight. Befitting for a Queen like myself, for that, Haa... I will grant you a quick death.!"


Beako: "Now.!"


[ The active skill 'Moonlight shift Lvl.2' has been activated.]




[ The moonlight was radiating through the dense ceiling of towering trees, heaving a ghostly glow upon the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of earth and leaves, a gentle otherworldly mist hung in the air, but it oozed mystery over the surroundings.

Occasionally, glimpses of strange luminescent insects that danced in the air like fallen stars could be caught.

A team of Twenty squadrons of Legion all dressed in deep blue uniforms walked making a formation. Most ranked in mid-variant in terms of authority, then there were five among them who were considered elite and one who led the whole team.

Kleitos: "Impressive, that skill of yours is really awe-inspiring."

A man, one of the elite, with ash-colored hair, a serene face, and a scar over his hand spoke with awe, looking at Charlotte. His shoulder strap had two stars.

Juztina: "I agree. This time among the trainees, you and your daughter were most amazing. You must be proud."

Another one of the elite, a woman, with brown hair breaded at her sides, with a beautiful mature face, and with the same uniform with two stars at the shoulder strap spoke, nudging at Dianne.

Among all the Legion members in this team, only Charlotte and Dianne were the ones who were still trainees.

Disregarding all the comments and talking, Charlotte didn't lose focus. A frown rested on her brows, as she kept walking while looking at a book in her hand. Despite calling it a book, it only had one page, and she was focusing on it.

Timothy: "Stop distracting her, and focus on surroundings for any movements."

Before anything could be said, the one leading the team, the one who had the highest authority spoke. And tunning with him, another one of the woman, with two stars on her shoulder strap, another one of the elite, with a mature face, and warm brown hair with a slight red undertone, spoke.

Cailyn: "Focus, everyone. Ipritus is a place with many unknown mysteries. So stay alert."

Nobody argued, and walked, following behind Charlotte as she led them.

Charlotte: "We seem to be close."

Soon she spoke, others became alert, and some realized that their mission might be over now and they could go back. But soon a pungent smell radiates from the surroundings.

?: "What is this smell?"

Someone among them spoke, as others who also noticed the smell, covered their noses.

With every step, the atmosphere grew more mysterious and more mystical, and it left everyone with an overwhelming sense that they had entered a place where the ordinary world faded into the unknown.

Cailyn: "Should we stop?"

She asked as the pungent smell was something she recognized, then Timothy spoke, not replying to her but asking a question of his own.

Timothy: "Charlotte, How far? Are we there?"

They took subtle steps, not fast like before, but slow and cautious.

Charlotte: "According to my skill we are close."

Timothy: "Then we proceed. Everyone stay on guard."

As they took steps further, the smell became more and more severe, and soon intense metallic taste was palpable in the surroundings.

Dianne: "It is blood."

She hushed but all seemed to heard her and they agreed. Even the surroundings started to take a shift, physically.

The forest of thick trees towering over them, grasses beneath their feet, and plants around their path seem to open up, no they appear crushed like it was done purposefully.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of scorched earth and the metallic tang of blood. Fallen leaves scattered lifeless, their colors dulled by the chaos. The mist at the distance cleared as they got closer. A scene, as if a blast had occurred at the center, while around its circumference, several trees were bent, tilted, broken unnaturally, appeared.

It was a trace of what an unfathomable battle would leave behind. The battle echoes whispered in the rustling leaves, a haunting requiem. Several places were crushed as if meteors had crashed over those places.

Everyone became tense, even the elites, but two remained focused, one of whom was Charlotte who was focusing on her skill.

Charlotte: "Over there."

She pointed over the corner of the scene, under a tree, there was a person sitting, but the way the head with white-black and red was hung down, it seemed the person was not sitting but unconscious while taking the tree's trunk as support..]


[..soon her turn came, as the man infront of her took his ticket and moved. Celine stepped toward the counter.

Celine: "Um-"

She didn't know what to ask, which station ticket should she ask? was there even a place that she needed to go?

Celine: "One ticket, please?"

Unsure what she should say, she said that. The glass of the counter infront of her, which should be transparent and should show the person inside was hazy, nothing was visible past it, and even her own reflection was dizzying to look at.

However there was a round cross-section opening, and a hand came out, it was clean and professional. It was beautiful enough to wonder how beautiful the holder of the hand must be.

The hand held a small rectangle, yellow-colored ticket. Celine took the ticket, and the hand went inside without saying anything. 

Looking at the ticket in her hand, she tried to check some information that she could understand.

Celine: "Sebastian, take the ticket and come to station one."

Sebastian: "Certainly."

He replied looking at her back, since the rules dictate that looking behind and tracing the taken path is not something to dwell on, it is best to follow for now.

Celine moved towards where the man infront moved, ascending the stairs. Beyond either side of the railings only clouds with pink shade were visible.

Soon the stairs came to an end, and a station, with polished charcoal color tile, an Iron roof, many seats, some food counters, and book stalls, were there.

Sebastian: "It seems it is the only station here."

Soon she heard Sebastian's voice, he came and stood beside her, and he was right. Beyond the edge of the station, where a train was supposed to come, only a vast sky, filled with blue and pink clouds was visible, it was like an edge of the world.


The sound of a train approaching was heard, and looking to the left, a train was appearing like it was emerging from the mystical mist, and in this case, it might have been a cloud.

Soon the train was at the station and everyone present at the station started to board it, making a line. Neither Celine nor Sebastian were able to had the chance to see any of their faces.

Celine: "Let's go."

Saying so she proceeded and Sebastian followed her. The train had a full metal body it was like an old Steam locomotive, but as soon they boarded the train.

Sebastian: "Now this is weird."

Inside the train was like a metro, with seats arranged in a chair-car fashion, and the whole surroundings had a pink shade. Soon the train moved, there wasn't even a slight jerk. 

Looking out the window, the station was left behind, and both sides of the big window showed bright clouds and then an announcement happened.

{Welcome boarding passengers.}

The voice was of a woman, thin and soothing to hear. Celine focused on the announcement, her hand tightly gripping the pole beside her, it was soft to the touch, like grass.

{Please listen carefully, for your safety and convenience please follow these instructions.}

The voice was so soothing, it was like a mother was talking to her child in a caring manner.

{Please don't disturb other passengers. You should find each and every one of them reading newspapers, gaining information about the world is crucial to them. But if they start a conversation with you, don't be impolite, you can reply to them.}

That announcement was weird, instead of giving information about the station stops, it gave bizarre instructions. Celine's eyes wandered and as the voice said, everyone had medieval-style clothing, be it men or women, all wore either suits or gowns, all reading newspapers, their faces hidden behind it.

{You might see, or most likely feel some eyes looking at you, they are just curious to see you, please don't be rude and ignore them.}

Another weird instruction that was more unsettling than anything but it continued.

{If you find someone talking to you with only their eyes missing, don't talk to them, they will try to steal your eyes. They are passengers who were unable to deport the train and have been wandering, unable to discern their stop.}

Celine: "Seriously?"

{And Lastly, Please don't lose your tickets, they are very important, and only deport the train at your assigned station.}

Celine: "Sebastian what is your deporting station?"

Sebastian looked at his ticket while turning to her, his face had a concerning expression because he was worried about the same thing Celine was.

Sebastian: "Station 11. Yours M'lady?"

Celine: "Station 15... Shit."

Then Sebastian saw a person far behind Celine, he was wearing a brown suit with a cap, he was the only one standing, and he was attending from one person to another, but this person horrified him.

Sebastian: "M'Lady, behind you."

{Please make yourself comfortable by finding a seat, a Travelling Ticket Examiner, will come to check your tickets.}

It was obvious the person attending one person to another was the Ticket manager, but the horrifying thing about him was, that he had no face, and neither did the person he was attending.

{ We hope you have a comfortable and pleasant journey. }

Celine: "Haaa....."

Celine's eyes fluttered as she opened them with a deep breath. She rubbed the cushion mattress she was sitting on, taking its softness, assuring herself that she was back. 

She was still in her room, it was damp with lack of light. Only the moonlight and street lights were the ones coming through her window, somewhat making the place visible, and infront her hovered a message.


[The Exclusive skill 'Premonition Lvl.2' has worn off.]


Celine: "I need to go Cloud Continent soon."...]


[ ...-This is preposterous."

The man shouted to others who were sitting at the table in the middle of the Hall, presented to them by Archduchess. 

Aren: "Why are shouting? We are at Royal Duchessy, people will hear you."

The man sitting two seats to the left side of Rameses spoke in a sighing manner.

Rameses: "Because what you all suggesting is blasphemy."

Rameses wore an angry expression, it was so apparent that even ever-nonchalant Todemos spoke to him.

Todemos: "Simmer down. Why are you acting so enraged?"

Rameses's face became, bewildered, like he couldn't understand a word they were saying.

Rameses: "Enraged? Because all of you are out of your mind.!"

Everyone present, other ten men from different Royal households representing each of them here, fixated their eyes on him. He realized that his voice had raised, so he tried to calm himself, by applying pressure to his fists, they appeared white now.

Rameses: "I came here, thinking that we would be presenting Archduchess the suggestion of Marriage proposal for her Highness, and I was alright with putting some form of pressure. But poisoning her and forcing a man on her? You all are out of your mind."

He couldn't fathom why the member of the Virtuos association, whose title was chose from the word Virtuous, would even suggest such a method.

Todemos: "What else can be done? She would never force Her Highness for marriage, and Her Highness won't marry, at least for the time being."

Todemo's words were directed to Rameses, asking for any other solution. In his eyes, Rameses was like a naive child, Rameses opened his mouth to say something when Diarma, his friend sitting to his right, grabbed his hand and spoke to all.

Diarma: "Cease this for now. Archduchess is here."

Soon after almost exact two minutes, the door of the Hallway opened up, and the Archduchess appeared in a most extravagant gown. Her hair styled up, with breads making a bun, it was ornated. She wore polish-cut diamond jewels with some even latched on her gown. She looked breathtakingly beautiful.

She radiated power, coldness, and authority. Two maids behind stood near the gate, and the guards were visible past the door.

Lisa: "I kept you waiting. Please sit."

Lisa came and sat on the head of the table, all others who were on her side, no one across her, also sat.

Aren: "We congratulate you, Archduchess, for the Her Highness coming age."

Aren, began, showing the courtesy first, to which Lisa only nodded once. 

Rameses: "Yes Archduchess, Please accept the humble congratulations."

She nodded once more, and then the expression on Tim, the person sitting next to Aren, softened and he spoke.

Tim: "How is your health Archduchess? It hasn't been long since you started engaging in the matters again. You should rest."

His face showed no anonymity but his words were suggestive. Regardless, Lisa feigned ignorance to it, she didn't feel any reaction towards someone so beneath her.

Lisa: "Yes it hasn't been long. Now that my daughter has finally come to an age to inherit my position, If I want a rest, I would take rest."

At her remark, Tim spoke again, this time in even gentler fashion. He was assumed to be good in conversations, and he was trying to use his abilities.

Tim: "Yes, Archduchess, it is fortunate that Her Highness has come to an age to inherit the position. She has reached an age to Marry someone, how time flies? At one point they were crawling and now old enough to bring a life of their own."

His words are subtle but The atmosphere still seems to turn to something like someone has drenched the whole area. There was silence, even the maids near the gate showed bewildered expression at his words which subtly delivered his intentions.

Aren: "Yes. Speaking of which, Archduchess, have you considered any potential husband for her highness?"

Lisa's cold expression seemed to become colder with her narrowing eyes.

Lisa: "She would find a man suitable for her, and I will respect her decision whe-"

Bilal: "Ah, yes Archduchess that is certainly a motherly words to say."

Bilal cut Lisa, and others didn't find it weird, because their, this leader tends to speak like that. But all of their back became covered with sweat.

Because their leader never spoke! everything was prediscussed. So whenever he does speak in the middle, he says the most weird things.

Bilal: "Certainly, Her Highness is capable enough to choose a husband for herself."

The members became very confused since he was basically rejecting the whole proposal that they were proposing, so that means he is going to suggest an even more ambiguous suggestion.

Bilal: "And it is true Archduchess should take rest, and explore the world, take the wonders of life once again."

Lisa: "What are you saying?"

Bilal: "Archduchess have thought about remarrying and enjoying life once again? "..]


[... The fleet ship covered the whole sea.

It was intimidating, but with their leaders of Cloud at front, everyone had hope. The long waited war that they believed was just an false information was now dawning over them.

The War was really upon them...]


[...-Is it really alright to do?

The seventh of the Church pillar, spoke. She had troubled expression, this trouble was not due to her timid personality, but real concern building up inside.

Victor: "It is alright. Some distractions are needed."

He replied in calm manner without changing any expression, like he was stating the obvious, and then Hugo tunned in.

Hugo: "They are getting too many information on us. Atleast major incident, like a war, should force them to deviate their focus."

Hugo spoke with crossed hands, and somewhat calm demeanor which was out of usual. 

Lucas: "See, Capella. Even a muscle brute like him understand. You should not let it trouble you."

But Lucas's remark, which he spoke while waving his hand at Capella in his child like personality, irked him.

Hugo: "You Bastard...]


[... everywhere eyes went corpses piled like cow dung on a feild, blood pour like piss everywhere.

Yong Hyungjung: "AAAAAAAAAA.!"

He shouted towards the sky, trying to make it reach way beyond, where someone who could hear him, hear his curse, his loss of hope, his cry for help...]


[...Sun set, way beyond the horizon, at last the long nights have came to an end. A part of hope lite inside people as they stare at the message that hovered way beyond.


[ The 10th Main Script has came to its conclusion.]


?: " We did it."

Someone among the crowd whispered, filled with disbelieve, his words echoed everywhere, and tears that everyone held seems to pour without anything to hold back..]


?: "Haaa.... I guess I had to work a little harder... whoever it is you, way above everything, Curse you."

Hello Readers,

Its been long huh? I spent one month plotting a good amount of time to plot, plan and write Volume 2.

This prologue, I hope you like. What do you think these scene that I am showing you are?

No need to think hard, that is my job, you all just go with the flow, and enjoy the story.

So as I mentioned in the author's notes, the chapter form onwards, would be of 4000 to 4500 words. I will be uploading consistently, on every Saturday and Tuesday, maybe sometimes one more chapter in between.

Please do write your thoughts and comment.

I hope we have an epic time together.


blank2711creators' thoughts