
Last 18 Years of my life

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw that she was in a strange room everything was black and white.

She stood up and got off the bed, her head ached.

There was a mirror right next to the table, she quickly grabbed it and looked at herself, but the lights were off, so she couldn't see herself clearly annoyed, she stood up and was about to take a step when she heard something ringing.

Looking at the source of the ringing she saw it was a phone touching it she felt a chill.

'What the heck'

"What do you think you're doing" She heard a deep voice?

"What" She shifted her head and saw a man she didn't notice before. It was dark, so she couldn't see him clearly.

She noticed that both of them were naked and her inner thighs were stinging her with pain.

'What's going on' she screamed in her head

'System are you there please tell me it's not what I think it is system'

When he saw that she was in a daze, he got up and went to the bathroom.

'There there Rose, try to remember' when she did think about the owner's memories her head started to ache. She couldn't take the pain and collapse on the bed.

When she woke up the next morning, she had all the memories of the original owner of the body.

Getting off the bed she got up and went to the bathroom

After she took a shower, then went out and put on the men's clothes on that was sleeping on the bed peacefully.

'Wow, look at him'

[Miss me.] The system suddenly popped up.

'Not really'

[Sad: (so tell me what's going on I wasn't even gone for a minute and you already seduced a guy].

[Are you going to wait for him to wake up?]

'Of course not, do you think I dump.'



'I'll go see what's in the fridge and you gather info about this place'

She stood up and was about to walk away when someone grabbed her hand and she fell into his embrace.

"And I thought... Last night I killed you with pleasure" Rose whispered.

No response


'I want food.' She whined in her head.

The next thing she knew "PuuuuuFF" She was standing next to the fridge.

"Yay, I like this world way better than the others," Rose said excitedly.

She opened the fridge to her surprise nothing was in the fridge it was empty.

"I rather be, sleeping with that handsome man right now" she mumbled in frustration.

"Puff" she was back in his embrace.

'System are you done.'


"Then spill the tea, " she accidentally said it aloud.

[You transmigrated into someone else's body, and this world is like the previous dimension, but way more advanced. This world has kings and queens as well, there are two kingdoms (Vampire kingdom and the Demon kingdom)].


She turned her head towards the man.

She teleported out of his embrace and left a note, then walked out of the apartment.

[Did you get money from his wallet?]

'Do you think I dump I would sell my virginity to a stranger for nothing.'

[Yeah, I thought so]

She then stopped by the sidewalk and put a good deal of cash in the machine.

"Beep" then a bubble formed around her "Hello there where would you like to go?" The machine asked.

She casually answered. "The nearest mall."

"Beep" the bubble flew into the air, and after 2 minutes they arrived at their location.

"You have arrived have fun shopping" than the machine the politely vanished into thin air.

Rose walked into the mall and went to the women's section and stood in front of a door. She selected jeans and a hoodie, put the cash into the place right next to the door and then went through the door.

'A simple outfit.'

"Ring" She saw that the phone was ringing and then picked it up.


"Yeah" she answered.

"Come home," someone asked.

"Why should I, Home?" she laughed."You're funny, I never had a home and never will"

"Where were you last night?" He asked.

"Where were you the last 18 years of my life 'Father'?" she asked then she put the phone in her pocket.


Therapist: "Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it,"

Me: "What if cutting takes the pain away..."

Therapist: "Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it,"

Me: "My face is too ugly to show..."

Therapist: "Your size isn't a book, don't judge it,"

Me: "I don't judge me...everyone else does..."

Therapist: "Your life isn't a film, don't end it"

"What else is there to do..."