Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week
On earth in a particular piece of land, many tents were temporarily built. This was currently the headquarters of the military. It was situated extremely close to the portal station. Most of the soldiers and travelers would stay here. The land was divided into two sections with a large metallic fence in between. There were gates in the fence to allow transfer between sections.
The inner side closer to the portal station consisted of only the soldiers and travelers while in the outer region, the needy people were located. Many of the survivors came to stay there as they felt a sense of protection knowing that the military and many abilities users were between them and the portal. The military was also giving daily supplies to the best of their ability to sustain everyone.
Inside the portal station, a portal was lightning constantly indicating that something was coming through. After a second, a man was seen.
"The dalki, they are attacking our planet." He immediately shouted alerting the soldiers nearby.
One of the soldiers came running toward the man while another went to the main camp to alert the military.
Once inside the tent, the soldier was in front of the higher-ups and informed them about the situation.
"Sh*t, neither the commander nor Oscar is here. even those from the other big three families are on another planet. We do not have a high-ability user to go fight against the dalki." The current interim military leader was lost on what to do.
"I'm going. Guide me to the person who came through the portal". From the corner of the tent, a man got up from his seat and without waiting for a response, he went outside.
Looking at the man leaving the interim in command knew that he was strong enough to fight against dalki.
The man was covered in a full beast set of equipment except for his head. It was of black and red colour and on his chest armour, it had the design of a Japanese demon; an Oni with horns. By his side was a katana.
The man was known as one of the heroes of war. He was Leo. he was among the few people that could kill a dalki on his own.
The military was extremely grateful to Leo. One of his greatest achievements was the discovery of beast weapon.
During the start of the war when Leo participate in it, he was able to defeat a dalki and separate the body from the dalki army. Later, the humans were able to retrieve the body of the Dalki mostly intact. This was when they discovered the strange armour the Dalki wore. Testing it out, they soon found out the great power of beast equipment thanks to Richard Eno.
As soon as Leo got into the portal room, he started questioning the man about the situation on the planet. Leo found out that two one-spike dalki came and started wreaking havoc. As the planet was already explored and deemed safe, humans with no ability started living there.
On the planet Malugi, humans were running for their life. Some were hiding inside their houses in the hope for the dalki to miss them. The humans were living their life peacefully away from all the war and an airship came landing next to the portal. Their worst fear came to reality went two dalki got out of the airship. Right now one of the dalki was near the portal preventing the human from escaping while the other one was hunting. The one near the portal was feeling irritated as he wasn't having a human to fight. It was just about to leave its post when the portal shined and a human came.
"Finally, someone stupid enough has come hoping to defeat us. I going to have fun breaking your hope". Launched the dalki at the man.
As soon as Leo came to the planet, he was face to face with a dalki. The dalki looked like a humanoid beast. it had a single spike in its back. its arms were covered in scale.
The dalki having a natural fight-seeking tendency sprinted and launched a powerful punch toward Leo.
Even though Leo was blind, thanks to his ability he was able to see the attack. unlike other humans his ability allowed him to see Qi energy and he was able to detect an attack before it happened. He moved to the right skipping the punch and followed with a cut from his katana. Due to experience, Leo was extremely quick in unsheathing his katana. the hand got separated from the dalki body and green blood started bursting from the cut.
"Arghhh, you" the dalki didn't have any chance to continue talking as the katana also separated its head from the body.
the head was rolling on the ground and blood was oozing from the opening.
Leo left the scene and sprinted towards the loud shout.
while running, Leo felt many bodies that were lying on the ground. they had a faint Qi energy inside them indicating their inevitable end. when Leo got near, he felt a greater energy than the other dalki. Leo knew that if he doesn't hurry then the situation would only worsen.
If Leo had his normal eyesight, he would have seen many cuts and injuries on the dalki. Unlike other creatures, that was a fearful sight. One of the characteristics of the dalki was the more injuries they got, the stronger they become. It could even reach a point allowing them to evolve into a greater spike.
And right now the dalki was really close to becoming a two-spike dalki.
Around the dalki, two people were standing. Their state was miserable as they had bruises all over their bodies.
Both of them were from the Greylash family with lightning ability. They have been fighting the dalki since its descent but even two against one, the dalki overpowered them.
Just as the dalki was about to attack the closest Greylash member, it felt a cut on his back. The feeling felt continuous as if multiple blades were running on the dalki's back.
Leo with the boosted agility from the beast armour was able to swing his katana multiple times in a second.
Leo only stopped when dalki swung his arms towards Leo. Unlike the first dalki, this time Leo had to react quicker as the punch was fast and powerful.
Seeing him, both Greylash men were confident that with Leo the fight could turn on the human side. When the dalki turned towards Leo, both of them followed with lightning attacks. From the already injured back of the dalki, a burnt smell came.
The dalki was in a dilemma not knowing who to attack first.
Leo would engage in closed combat as the other two were acting as support. The dalki white skin was now covered fully in its green blood. After coordinating their attacks, Leo was able to produce a final attack ending the dalki life.
Feeling the end of the invasion, both Greylash members' bodies gave up and both of them fell to the ground. They had finally won the battle but in the process, so much human life was gone. All around them were humans lying dead.
When the silence regained after the fight, only human cries were heard.
Just two dalki were enough to destroy nearly a whole settlement. If the two Greylash members were not present, maybe Leo would have arrived too late.
After some time, the military came with personnel and started healing the survivors.
Leo left alone could only think about his situation. He has been fighting for so many years but after every fight, he would always remember his past life.
He felt happy that he was able to save people's lives but he was always fearful for his family's situation. Now he regrets bringing his master and the other life into the war. He was going to visit them after returning from the planet.