
My Unknown Life in Teyvat

Your average person gets knocked into the world of Teyvat 3 years before the plot unknown to him what's even happening . . . . Not if I have anything to say about it, AWAKEN

Kymani_Gwinn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

The Most Bizarre adventure 2

Bru- school got my head messed up I swear I thought yesterday was the 29th anyways ignore this onward to the chapter


' yep everything is fine ' I say surrounded in a blizzard with a giant wolf looking down on me Fischl in my arms

' BUT HOW THE FUCK DID I GET HERE ' Ice surrounds me leaving no opening to escape

'pride control' countering it I block with a spiked shield tightly holding Fischl to me as I use my ultimate move

"LETS GOOOO HAMSTER BALL" I say using wind to augment the shields speed as the G-Force hits me constantly as I roll around within

I can feel the footsteps of the wolf slowly closing in as it gets closer and closer to me 'damn really wish I just left my swords'



"Bruhhh are we any closer we have been running for 20 minutes" I say with Fischl looking back at me

"Thou might behave with fate if you shall reach your edge" I sigh at her words as I start to see a cave in the distance

we slow down as I mention there is a cave "why are we stopping is my edge nearby" I say cringing mentally

"quite so thou shalt obtain thy weapons in that cave mentioned through a trial" I deadpan at her words shaking my head

"your fucking with me" she tilts her head at me before I realized what I said and reiterate "your joking me right?"

I learned a lot during this 20 minute run slash conversation including the fact there are a few inconsistencies between Teyvat and Earth

also I just wanna say if your naming a world why not name it something cool like Ragnar not whatever Teyvat means

'At least it confirmed my theory that I got Isekaied or was it transmigrated meh pretty much the same thing'

"within there lies the held of the howlers ruler"

'also promptly known as the biggest boy' "ok so just go inside there ask wolfychu where my swords are and gtfo got it"

immediately ignoring anything else she attempted to say 'pride control' forming under my feet is a piston I use shooting me like a cannonball

'uh slight miscalculation' I think as I have no way to stop my acceleration as I shoot into the cave which was like a mile away

'pride control' I cover myself in a circular black ball as I soon hit a wall immediately cracking the ball I'm in slamming my back on a wall

I wince in pain as I hit the wall immediately falling onto the ground "must admit not the smartest idea"

groaning I stand up to see myself surround by hundreds probably thousands of wolves all looking at me

"....fuck" my face blanks as I prepare to fight for my life before they all bow towards my direction

I pause in confusion before turning around to see the wall 'wait rock walls aren't white' rise as I see it unfurl into a giant wolf

It looked completely undamaged from me slamming into it but looks mildly pissed as it wakes up

which seems to further increase as it focuses on me who is currently shitting bricks at the gigantic wolf in front of me

attempting to salvage the situation I say nervously "uh wonderful weather were having today.....I heard it had an extra helping of humans"

the wolf doesn't seem amused at my actions as it opens it's mouth with me once again preparing to fight for my life it suddenly speaks

"Why have you come upon my abode traveler, you do know the consequences correct" I stand confused for a second as it processes to me what it means by consequences

after a second I bring myself to speak "uh I kinda fell unconscious a bit ago and got saved from one of your wo-"

as I spoke I heard a deep growl emanating from the wolf " my friends would never hurt anyone here we are a peaceful unless you prove otherwise "

I cough a few seconds to migrate the awkwardness I felt before continuing "sorry for the miscommunication then.... anyways"

I pause before continuing " pretty much my weapons got left behind after I was taken and I'm wondering if any wolf found them?"

he slightly tenses knowing I had weapons but responds " A group a wolves sent for hunting did end up finding a singular weapon alongside noting a human I assume was you?"

"correcta Mundo mate....so uh can I have them back" he still seems tense at me literally asking for my weapons in a den of wolves

he breathes a sigh and says " I would be fine giving them to you but there is a slight problem "

he stands up letting me see his body in it's fullness 'fluffy' as we walk to an area defended by tons of wolves who part as he walks by looking curious at me

only takes a minute of me slightly jogging to keep up with him 'he do be a big boi' we finnally arrive to find 'a random teen?'

nearby I see an orb of darkness that shifts to gold and immediately back repeatedly as for some reason the teen has a LITERAL buster sword in hand pointed at it

"Razor" the boy I assume is razor prompts up and walks to the big wolf slightly dejected before saying "sorry Andrius me no solve orb"

' perfect caveman English 10/10 wouldn't understand again ' "it's fine Razor the owner of the sword is here to remove that stench"

he looks at me slightly confused before looking at the sword and back to me, feeling a little awkward I respond " sup dude just coming to get my weapons and I'm out of your guyses hair....or fur whichever fits"

I attempted to approach my blade before a big claw slightly imprinting the ground stops me "uh ok imma walk back then"

he turns toward me before saying " I'd be fine with allowing you your weapons back however you must do something for me"

'yessir obligatory quest line let's fucking go'

he continues "Recently I've found some traps in Wolvendom no wolves have been in danger yet however it seems whoever it is keeps away when either I or Razor are nearby"

"normally I wouldn't trust a human as I suspect one of your kind is the culprit however you seem to have little to no intelligence, and without your weapons no danger to me perfect as bait"

'jesus Christ harsh mu- well I did literally launch myself into a wolf den not even noticing the giant wolf and literally have been joking the entire time....I need therapy'

"sure I got nothing better to do" the claw lifts in front of me as he says "you'd do best to arm yourself... however there is a foul stench of spirit surround that weapon it might corrupt you if your not careful"

as I slowly walk to the orb arm an inch away I say " can't corrupt something broken " as I'm swallowed by the orb


I'm starting to question the sanity of my own mc....well at least I know I made him correctly anyways [insert excuse for not uploading yesterday here] and that's why I'm so sorry for forgetting

anyways to the important parts YOOOO he finnally unlocked confidents das crazy it took him that long took me 15 minutes

also I wonder what lead to the scene earlier hmmmmmmmm... guess your gonna have to read to find out