
My Undead Adventure

Our mc is weak and an orphan, and is bullied everyday because of it. One day, one of the bullies destroys his computer, the only thing helping him keeping his sanity in check. He snaps and after a bloody fight, kills his bullies. After killing them, he commits suicide, as he has nothing left in this world. After dying, he awakens as a skeleton in some graveyard. Being Truly dead, in all sense of the word. Follow our mc as he traverses the new world he finds himself in and tries to cope with it. INSIGHT ON SOME SPECIFIC THINGS: - Mc will never get a permanent human form. He will learn some magic that makes him look like a human, but he will rarely use it. - Some adult content, but it won't affect the story much. - Cover Page is not mine. It is AI generated.

AGENT_ALT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Skeleton and System.

'WTF?!', I can't shout or make any noise, so I gave up on that, but I was still quite confused.

However, all of the sudden, all of my shock and fear just vanished and I felt calm and collected.

I then remembered what happened after I died. I had selected the gender for something.

Then all of a sudden, *Ping!*

[Helper Successfully installed.]

[Attempting Telepathic Link Generation.]

[Telepathic Link generated. If you don't like the voice of Helper, you can turn it off in the settings.]

['Hello user. I am Helper. It is nice to meet you!']

I heard a female voice in my head.

'uhh... nice to meet you too...?', I was hesitant to communicate with this strange thing called 'Helper'. And I've never really been much of a talker.

['Thank you. Is there anything you would like me to do?']

'uhh... what happened to me? why am I a skeleton?'

['Your soul was transmigrated into an appropriate body. It seems that your soul resembled the corruption and hatred of the undead...']

'It did...? anyways, did you just say 'Transmigrated'?', I couldn't believe what I was hearing!


'wow... so things like that really exist, huh...'

'So does that mean, I have some kind of status screen?'

[Yes. Just think, 'Console', and it will open up.]


[Status Screen]

[Name: ???]

[Level: 1]

[Race: Skeleton Wight]

[HP: 100/100]

[MP: 100/100]

[STR: 12

STM: Infinite

VIT: 13

INT: 14]

[Immunities: Fatigue, sleep, poison, Instant death magic, miasma, mental instability, pain]

[Weaknesses: Fire (IV), Divinity (VI); Blunt Damage (V)]

[Skills: Dark Vision (Lvl. Max)]

'That's a lot of information...', I thought as I read everything on the transparent black panel written with golden letters.

'Helper, are these stats fixed, or can I level up?', I wasn't sure if I could even level up in here.

['Yes you can']

'Also, What happened to my name? I can't remember my old name too...'

['Some of your memories which give you an identity have been deleted, as you have died.']


'Anyways, it's just like a game right? I just hunt stronger monsters and I get EXP, which I then use to level up?'


I then looked around where I was. It was a graveyard. My grave had a gravestone. Its marking looked like it was violently scratched out, so that no one could read it.


The time was early in the morning, and there was almost no moving thing around me.

I saw there was a rusted sword and a shield on top of another grave, presumably put there by the people who buried the guy.

I tried taking the sword first, but I couldn't. My palms were all bones and it was impossible for me to grab anything with them.


I gave up and just picked up the shield. The shield was much easier to carry, since it had 2 rings attached to it, where you put your hand in.

There was an old, dilapidated church-like building. Looking at it closely, you can tell it was made of something shimmeringly white. Although, it is now covered in dust and vines. It looks very old.

I went inside the building. There was no entrance, or even if there was one, I didn't have to look for it, since there was a huge gap in the walls, with dusty and vine-filled debris of the white rock on the ground right at its foot.

'It must've collapsed...', I thought.

I entered the church and saw there was some kind of open entranceway to the ground. It looked like a dungeon entrance from Elden ring...

The stairs were all broken and very, very dirty.

Thankfully, I can't feel any of it, since I have no skin.

'Helper, do you know what this is?'

['This is the abandoned church of the 'religion of luck'. The entrance on the ground is the entrance to the crypts of the church.']

'Crypts in a church!?'

['This was a Dark church that had betrayed the religion. I don't know how they betrayed the religion though...']

'Its fine. Thanks for the information.'

['No problem : ) ']

'She's really sweet.', I thought to myself.

I entered the Crypts and started to climb down the stairs.

The surroundings almost instantly became dark, but I could see just fine, thanks to the 'Dark Vision' skill.

After walking for almost 3 minutes, I reached a floor. It was a corridor and had 6 doors on each side of the corridor, with one especially big door at the end of the corridor.

'That's the place I'm not going to, haha...', I thought while eyeing the big door.

'Lets try to level up.'