
my truth

Equality, love, humility, honesty, purity, these are the qualities of humanity; He went on the policy of deceit, deceit, price, penalty, differenceAdopting, sowed the seeds of hatred between mankind and human beings and then humans started fighting among themselves and due to this humanity became weak and taking advantage of this weakness, demons and demons attacked mankind. And by the time the human race could understand something, even before that the demons destroyed the entire human raceHukum became Shah, once the power came in hand, those demons committed unrelenting atrocities on mankind, they made the entire human race their slave due to their hatred of mankind. And due to the fire of this stomach, mankind also stopped attacking each otherThe demons would pick up the women and teenage women of any house that did not back down and force them to either leave them or kill them and then eat them raw, due to the atrocities of the demons, the whole world After all, the human race is the god of gods, MahadevHe decided to go to the refuge of Mahadev. Humanity worshiped Mahadev for 2000 years. Finally, because of his devotees of humanity, he became happy and he appeared on the earth. Seeing such plight of her devotees, she turned red with anger from her eyesThe blazing flame started rising, finally he opened his third eye and he started dancing the tandav, as he went on dancing, different human and animal figures came out from his body and those figures became all the grandfathers present in the world and She started annihilating the demons just like the orgyAlthough all the demons and demons present in this world died while dancing, all humanity stood in front of them to see their orgy dance. He started running here and there to save his life, but how much was heEven if he didn't do anything, he could not escape the wrath of all Mahadev, he killed all the kings of the demons, the kings of the demons, there was a 4-month-old boy whose parents were killed by those figures in front of his eyes. Seeing his parents dying like this helpless, in the mind of that childThe blazing flame of anger towards humanity and Mahadev lit up in front of the dead body of his parents, the demon boy crawled on seeing those dead bodies, and he looked at the helpless child in his eyes. Seeing this, Mahadev also felt pity on him and he decided to forgive that childHe decided that he had also seen the feeling of hatred towards himself in that child's eyes. The demon was saved, after the end of all the demons, Mahadev was again from this worldBut in this world a janu child was still alive and that too with the fire of his vengeance towards humanity, he took shelter in the dense forests and by cutting off his body parts, he started increasing the demon race again. Taking inspiration from Mahadev Tandav dance, he renamed his clan as Tandav clanFrom then he started to infiltrate the human race, he regained many supernatural powers and now he came to know that a prince in the world has the blessings of Mahadev and was born again to eliminate the demons from the world. If this happened, then he made his body soulless in his sleepThe demons believed that their enemy was over, but after 900 years, the prince again assumed the body of an orphan weak boy from a distant country. Can an orphan boy with a weak body really face the demons? Or will he again become a victim of the deceit of the demons or will this againThe kingdom of demons will be established in the world, keep reading to know the story my truth(This story is a fantasy in a parallel world)

Raging_dragons · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

chapter २

Garv was once again unconscious because this time someone had hit him on the head and he was unconscious but it is a matter of good luck that whatever group of killers is in front of him, soon after his death. Was killed, if it was not so, then he would not have survived alive and he also lost his life on the sameOnly then he regains consciousness and he sees that black darkness has come again in front of his eyes, he does not understand what is happening to him, due to which he gets very scared. There is a sound of four or four of the doors made and he closes his eyes in fear only then in that roomThere is a sound of someone walking and suddenly the light spreads in that room, only then proudly opens his eyes secretly and he sees that he is not in any room but in a big hall and in that hall there are more cots If someone is empty, then there are patients in some, many injured soldiers and at this placeThere are patients who were injured while fighting with those killers and they were being treated here, even though many people are dead, he could not understand how he reached this poor hospital. Had he been injured, he would have been in a big and good hospital in his state and not in this slumJust like when the nurse treating the patients comes to him and asks him hey proud and how is it feeling now he tries to speak but the sound comes out of his mouth with great difficulty because his body is still on There are many wounds too, due to which he is not able to speak, yetHe tries to speak Maii Seeing him the nurse tells him hey hey relax, you don't need to suffer anyway you have got a lot of injuries and were lying unconscious for ten days now trying to take the pain You don't need much, you have come to your senses, this is the thing to be happy right nowNow I go to the chief officer of the ashramshala and tell this thing and give you some medicine from which you will get healthy and you will get strength, hearing this, the pride is completely stunned Ashramshala Ashramshala and I came here how everyone is breakup, pride is all breakup He is surprised to know that he is like me after allA mighty mighty warrior, in front of whom even thousands of army cannot stand alone, seeing that even great masters run away in fear, after all how did he come to this ashramshala only then he understands that he is not in his own state but in some other poor state If I have her state's ashramshala, then the royal palace of this state is like thatAnd he calms down and decides to understand the whole situation and eats the pill given by the nurse, after that the nurse comes out of there to tell the chief officer about the pride, the next morning the whole ashramshala This thing spreads in me that pride has come to the senses that they start shoutingTultul has come to his senses, Tultul has come to his senses, because of this noise, pride wakes up from his sleep and thinks who is this Tultul, only then he understands that these people are not talking about him, thinking that he He gets very angry and gets up on his cot and sits on his cot, only then there is severe pain in his bodyIt is born because he is in a weak body at this time, he is not so strong a warrior that his one voice silences the whole assembly, only then he understands that no one dares to speak in the middle of him. Something is wrong and he calms down and starts waiting for the next one, only then a manA loud voice comes and he says that Tultul got up, seeing you today I have become so happy for the first time, anyway in your whole life you could not do anything nor would you be able to do anything further, what did you kill two killers? If given, don't start thinking yourself to be too big a thirty kill khan if you stay like this for a few more daysSo we would have stopped getting the money from the state government and you would have died in the same way, at least after getting up from sleep, our ashramshala will continue to get the money, then the blood of pride only boils after hearing this, where did it get so much courage from which It called me a negation, he wanted to break it into pieces but this time a proud oneHe is in a weak body and that officer was looking very powerful, pride could not harm him, only then it comes to his attention that there is something wrong here and to find out this mess, he is using this blood only. Ghot remains after drinking, only then after hearing such bitter words of the ashram official, the nurse proceedsComes and says to that officer, hey, this pride has just come to its senses and why are you talking so bitterly from now on, at least look how weak it is and what greatness you try to show by insulting the weak man The officer gets embarrassed after listening to the nurse's words because he looks like a nurseShe is very beautiful and she starts feeling very ashamed by the scolding of a beautiful nurse like her, she takes care of herself and says to her, hey, I was going to joke with my beloved Tultul, you don't even understand the joke, well come on me Saying this, he looks at Pride and tells him wellTultul, taking care of his health and saying so much about our jokes, he starts laughing loudly and he turns away from him, after this the nurse comes to the pride and says you don't need to talk about this crazy arrogant officer. Nor do you pay attention to your health to feel bad about it, you have to get well soonAnd eat the bullets in time His heart was beating fast, he had such a desire that this man had his swordCut them into pieces and feed them to dogs and set fire to this entire state, but because he was weak, he could not do anything even if he wanted to, he did not have the strength to walk in his body, then far from killing that officer. There was talk, but as soon as he heard the sweet talk of that nurse, his anger was completely touched, he understoodGone that just as there are good people in this world, there are bad people in this world, he knew one thing that something is wrong with him, so he asked for a mirror for that nurse and the nurse brought him a mirror. As soon as he saw his face in the mirror, he was stunned by the look of his faceControlling the mood, returned the mirror to the nurse and she asked the nurse how long it would take for her health to recover and how I was in such a bad condition, then that nurse said that it is a matter of the day when you are with them. Were fighting with the killers, but suddenly someone hit you on the head, then we know of that manCouldn't figure out who attacked you from behind You will be fine and just don't think too much, relax by saying so muchSome bullets came out from the bag and while giving it to pride, said that you consume it with milk in the morning and evening, you will be fine, saying this, she left the pills and bottle of milk in the hands of pride, after this pride took the pills. After consuming he thinks that he is not the one who has come in someone else's bodyThe body in which he was very weak was known to the people of the whole world, which was respected all over the world and now the body he is in is a person with a very weak body who has no respect after all. Only power speaks in me, but he does not know that in his previous life, he hasHow did he die, he was sleeping very well in his bedroom, then what happened that he left one body and came to another body, whether someone had killed him while sleeping or if there was any poison in his food. Mixed he will have to find out the truth and for that he will have to get well soonEven though his body was weak in his second birth, but one thing was still strong was that his meditation power, even though he was weak in body, he could regain his physical strength through his meditation power, thinking that he could sit on a wooden cot. As soon as he is lying, he starts meditating, he puts all his attention on his breathingHe gives and does not allow anything of the world except his breath to enter his mind when he sees the abusive behavior of the officer of the ashram, only then he decides in his mind that he has to become a strong man and every To give a befitting reply to bad behavior and to find out the truth, so he does his bestWhile meditating, his attention was getting distracted again and again because he was in a weak body at this time and his body was getting pain from place to place because there were wounds in many places in his body. In the previous life, he meditated comfortably for months without hunger and thirstBut he was not able to meditate in this life even while lying on the cot, yet pride does not give up at all and keeps meditating the whole time, he gets up only during lunch and dinner and then meditates Begins to meditate like this, two days pass by while meditating, then after that he has to take care of his bodyI feel some strength, he feels that he is now able to walk well, then he comes out of the medical hall and decides to visit this ashramshala