
My toxic lover

Limet · LGBT+
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2 Chs

2) Next day of school

I was kinda stressed about going to class becouse of yesterday. What if he is still mad at me? But I had to do it. I came a bit earlier and yes, He was not there yet. So I did just sit and I was waiting for the class to start.

He did come to the class like five minutes before it did start. However, The class did start and it was math. I love math! Ten minutes pass by, And then he spoke to me again.

"Nerd, Can you give me a pen.,,

I was suprised that he was actually talking with me. "Sure thing! Here you go.,, I did give him my favorite pen. Why have I done that? Nevermind.

The time did pass by again and it was lunch time. The girls were staring at him again. Poor Gio. There was so many girls around him! He did told them to get out because he did want to eat alone. But no, I did come and sit next to him.

"What do you want nerd?,,

He did not look angry at all anymore, So I find that as a good time to go ahead and talk with him.

"Sorry, This was the only seat.,, He did look at me and he looked like he is fine with me sitting there. We did not actually talk much, But it was still fun sitting next to him. He did actually eat so fast and he looked like a squrill because of how fast he was. I tried not to laugh, But I did not make it.

"WwAt Aw u WeWing aT?!,,

He said with his full mouth.

"You are so funny!,, But that is all I said. I was not able to say more! He did just so funny. After that, I did leave and did go back home. But I did not make it. Noah was actually waiting for me to get me a revenge.

He did beat me up and I was just laying at the ground like a dead. I was actually lucky, Because Gio did go the same way and he did find me. "What happend to you?!,, I was almost not even able to speak. "Noah did beat me up.,, He looked very suprised about that. "Wait, Let me get you a nurse. He was back very fast and the nurse did help me fast too. "Do you feel better now?,, I did not feel any better, But what so. "Yes I do.,, He did look at me and then he looked like he released something. "Why did I even help such a nerd like you.,, He looked mad. But I was actually fine with him calling me like that. "I don't know, But thanks.,, It did not help. He was blushing while looking at me. Then he released. "Uhh nerd, I'm gonna go now.,, He did just run away. "Bye!,, I don't thinl he did even hear me anyway. I did pack myself and I did go home.