
End of the Battle Royale

Today is the final day of the battle royale. There are only 7123 goblins left alive from yesterday. I used the system and created a huge barrier around the location I choose before. At the dawn, I waited for an hour before killing every goblin who was outside of the barrier. I killed three thousand goblins, 3.123 goblins to be exact. Now the final day of the battle royale will happen with four thousand goblins.

Now there are some developments that happened at dawn. First of all, Flax evolved. He evolved into some variant I don't know of. His skin completely turned blue and his muscles seemed to increase in size. His eyes also turned crimson. There are no other differences but I saw how much power he gained through this evolution. When a tribe of goblins attacked them Flax annihilated them by himself in just a half-hour. All eighty-three goblins died in front of him without being able to inflict any damage to him.

He was comparable to the goblin chief in pure strength but he is faster. But I don't think his endurance can match Gienba. She is a monster of a different league on her own. Anyway back to Flax and his subordinates. They abandoned their base and start attacking the tribes that are close to them. They went in the opposite direction of Renka's tribes so they didn't meet this early on.


Flax screamed after beheading the leader of the enemy tribe. He killed twenty goblins with the leader included in this fight and his subordinates killed the rest of the seventy goblins. His evolution didn't boost his surroundings but with him taking care of the strongest enemy goblins, his subordinates dominated the battlefield. He was faster than any average goblin could react and with his twin blades, he was able to behead goblins with just his casual slashes.

They were killing the tribes that were trying to stay hidden on the outskirts of the location and ambush others. In just two hours they destroyed four tribes. They lost a few members and their number went down to fifty-five. Still, all of the remaining ones were stronger than average goblins.

Flux had short black hair but right now it was covered in blood. He was soaked in the blood of his victims. As mana completely mimics their genetic codes all of the monsters have blood but it would evaporate over time and return to the energy circulation of the tower. Flax pointed a direction and after screaming to his subordinates, they begin to march in that direction.

I look through other footage and focused on the other goblins. The first one that caught my attention was Blux. He seems to be evolved but he was a little different, maybe unique. He evolved in the middle of the battlefield after slaying his enemies. When he was bathed in the blood of his enemies his evolution triggered. He had two black horns on his head and his skin turned blood red with black tribal tattoos on his body. He also grew a tail with a spearhead-like tip made of bone.

His eyes remained yellow. He seemed to be a dangerous being completely different from usual goblins. This was another different evolution. Perhaps these are rare or unique evolutions. He seemed to be a completely different kind of beast now. He could probably crush everyone aside from other evolved goblins. I think this battle royale was really worth it after all a variant like him appeared.

"Wow. A Blood Goblin... To think that a rare evolution like him would appear here. We should consider ourselves lucky."

"Arthur?! When did you arrive?"

"Just now. I saw the whole evolution process of this... Blux was it?"

"Yeah, his name is Blux. You said... Blood Goblin, right? What kind of beast is it?"

Arthur held his hand out and a model of a similar-looking beast appeared on top of his palm. It was bigger and have a few bone-like horns protruding out from its body. The only similarity of it to goblins was its pointy ears. It was actually a scary-looking monster. Even looking at it I get a bad feeling.

"This is a Blood Goblin I fought once. When they mature enough they can be even more dangerous than minotaurs or wyverns. It's scary how powerful they can be compared to ordinary goblins they were before evolution."

"It really is scary. How can a goblin evolve into this? They were kind of cute looking but this thing is downright scary."

"Well, only one goblin among one or ten million goblins can evolve into this, and even then it's actually by luck. I don't really know the condition of their evolution but it must be something pretty hard or there has to be a lot of them."

Arthur took a chair from his inventory and sit next to me. He told me about the blood goblin he fought before. I had a bit of trouble picturing this monster as the evolved version of the normal goblins.

"You know, the scariest thing about the blood goblins is how they got their name. They are a bit vampiric in nature. They got stronger by drinking the blood of other races. The one I fought with was able to drink the blood of an Ogre King. In the end, I killed it but it was a hard battle."

"It's really scary. Will Blux be like this too?"

"Not necessarily. But he will be far stronger than any other evolution we can have this early on. We should put him on a higher floor or..."

"Or, what?"

"We can make him the guardian of the first floor."

"The guardian of the first floor? Why do we need a guardian?"

"Think of it like this, we have a hundred floors can you really think that we can handle every one of them all at once, we can't. That is why we need help in managing the tower and the best way is getting guardians for every floor."

"You just want to replicate something from your old world."

"Perhaps. But that doesn't make it any bad idea. I can bestow them with intelligence and they would be able to handle basic stuff. This would save us from all the unnecessary stuff."

That actually makes sense. Managing every floor would be quite hard and when we opened the tower and adventurers start to come everything will be even busier. I also told him what he missed before and how their evolution process is unnaturally fast and he also theorized that it should be because of his mana.

We look through the footage of the floor and this focused on Renka's tribe. Renka was the only leader among my favorites that was left unevolved. She wasn't evolved but with her large number of subordinates, she has a big advantage over other tribes. The craftsman of her tribe also made a lot of arrows so they have plenty of ammo too. Their numbers are two hundred and fifty. They have numbers equal to almost three tribes of goblins.

Renka's subordinates spread around and start hunting any goblin they come across with. They start with the close ones and moved towards the center. Since they are mainly ranged attackers they killed everyone they saw without any difficulty. They really are a force that everyone has to pay attention to.

"They seem powerful. But if they face Gienba's tribe I don't think they can put up a big fight."

"Then what should we do? They will have to fight against each other eventually."

"Hmm... Let's save the last five hundred. Plenty of goblins would be evolved by then, hopefully."

The last five hundred, huh. So all my favorites have a chance to survive. That's good. This day was already half done and more than a thousand and five hundred goblins died. Two thousand more and the battle royale will be over.

In just three hours Renka's subordinates killed six hundred goblins. They are very efficient with killing goblins. They dominated half of the battlefield. Just when they were having their time killing their enemies they come across Gienba's tribe.

Gienba's tribe killed a thousand goblins in just three hours before coming across Renka's tribe. Gienba was once again leading her tribe on the frontlines and slaying every enemy she come across with. Her body was steaming because of the vaporizing blood on her. She was a tall woman with firm muscles on all of her body. She had a wild look with her spiky brown hair. Arthur doesn't say anything but I know that she is a real beauty even by human standards.

Renka on the other hand is a rather petite and cuter appearance. She has black hair in the style of twin tails. While I can describe Gienba as hot beauty, Renka is a charming cute girl. I never paid much attention to their appearances till now but when Arthur is watching footage with me I couldn't help but focus on them. Is this what they call jealousy? Well, I have no reason to be jealous. Arthur is my mate and he loves me as much as I love him. Urgh, I strayed away from the main topic again.

Gienba noticed the hunters and before they start shooting their arrows she rushed at them. Before she could arrive near those hunters there was already a barrage of arrows incoming her from every direction. She spun her spear and deflected every arrow perfectly. This shocked everyone but before they could recover she start butchering those hunter goblins.

There were only four hundred goblins left before the end of the battle royale but suddenly Gienba's and Renka's tribes start fighting against each other. Renka's tribe was of course powerless against warrior goblins and Gienba herself. But Renka wasn't a bad leader.

When Gienba attacked another hunter goblins, she step onto the ground but the ground suddenly exploded and the explosion sent her flying away. This was one of the traps Renka set up beforehand. From the loot chests, there were also small magical stones aside from weapons and armor. Those magical stones were exploding stones specifically designed for making deadly traps. Renka and her subordinates are good with traps so something like this is to be expected.

Gienba quickly gets up. There were slight burn wounds on her body but it was nothing serious. Before she could recollect her thoughts a single arrow come flying toward her. She tried to deflect the arrow by reflex but the moment her spear touched the arrow, it exploded and sent her spear tens of meters away. Renka used a special arrow its head was made from exploding stone.

"She is smarter than you described. Fascinating."

"I didn't think she could use traps like this to her advantage. And even if it's slightly she managed to hurt Gienba."

"Goblin Chiefs have more mana compared to ordinary goblins and thus they have more resistant to any kind of damage. But this doesn't make them invincible. they still can be hurt."

Gienba rushed at the Renka and this time she dodged every oncoming arrows. But Renka used another strategy this time. She shot an arrow at the trap buried in the ground and when the arrow hit the trap Gienba was right next to it. The trap exploded and Gienba was once again sent flying away. It was a weird sight. A goblin chief who can crush tens of goblins by herself is being played by an ordinary goblin. It's really weird.

"I like her. I definitely want her to survive this battle royale. Renka will be a great addition to us."

"You are right. She is far more intelligent than other goblins. By the way, I noticed that some of the goblins behave like real living things. More than you expected."

"...I still think it should be because of my mana but there might be another possibility."

"What is that another possibility?"

"I should look into a few things to be sure before that I don't want to say something wrong."

"I see. Well, it's not like we need to rush for anything."

After being blown away nth time Gienba screamed with frustration. She already located where the Renka so aimed at her and threw her spear toward her. Renka easily dodged the oncoming spear but the force behind the spear was so great that the moment it touched the tree, the tree was destroyed. Renka was distracted by this scene and she failed to notice Gienba who jumped on her.

Gienba was about to punch Renka's head off but she was punched away by another beast. Flax quickly arrived on the battlefield after noticing the explosions caused by Renka's traps. And when he saw Gienba he remembered the other day and attacked her in his rage.

Flax rushed at Gienba and start punching her with all his power. She blocked a few punches but couldn't escape from all of them. The connected punches caused nasty and bloody wounds on her body. Gienba blocked Flax's both fists and kicked him on the chin and right after she catch his leg and threw him into a nearby tree.

While Flax was fighting with Gienba his subordinates arrived on the battlefield and a big three-way battle has begun. Already about fifty goblins died in this battle and they killed sixty other goblins who tried to take advantage of this battle. So far a total of hundred and ten goblins died and only two hundred and ninety goblins are left until the battle royale finishes. Actually, I think it is far less. Blux is slaying goblins right and left in the other corner of the map.

I quickly checked and saw that while we were focused on the three-way battle Blux already slew two hundred and eighty goblins. So only ten goblins left and he is currently fighting eleven goblins. In just a minute he killed ten of them and was about to kill the other one but he froze. No, every goblin froze. I looked at Arthur and saw that he was controlling goblins with the system.

"So, it's over. A bit anticlimactic."

"You want a climactic battle? Should I slay a dragon for you?"

"Are there dragons left alive?!"

"Nope. But I can create one. Although it won't be as strong as a natural born one because of its lack of experience. Anyway it's time for us to check the results of the battle royale."