
Chapter 421: Pepper Scarlett.

"Hahaha, don't worry about it, just sit down." Victor laughed at Pepper's misfortune and dropped the subject.

Pepper put her hand on her head as if she had a headache and said:

"Ugh, really, Victor, you-."

"I'm handsome, I know."

"Noo! I mean, yes... But that's not what we're talking about!"

"Shouldn't you let me know when you're going to do something like this, at least email me? I don't know."

"Meh, you'll get used to it." Victor shrugged as if he had no choice.

"...Sigh." Pepper sighed visibly and sat where she was again.

"..." Time passed, and the two just sat leaning against the tree.

At some point during Victor's caresses, Nero ended up sleeping on his chest with a calm, happy face.

Pepper, who was leaning against the tree trunk, unconsciously started to bring her body closer to Victor and laid her head on his shoulder.