
Chapter 297: Persephone, The Queen Of The Underworld.

[A/N: Short chapter today, I'm sorry, some things happened that left me with no motivation to write today… Ah yes. A new vote to decide the next illustration is happening on Pa treon, please take a look if you are interested... The options this time are quite interesting...]

Victor was in Kaguya's shadow world.

He was lying on the floor while all of his Maids surrounded him as they looked at his face.

"What happened to Master?" Eve was the first to ask. She looked rather worried, a rare sight to see coming from a girl who was always stoic.

"..." Kaguya was silent, she was wondering whether or not to tell the girls.

To be honest, she didn't know much either, but as she was always watching Victor, she had an idea of ​​what had happened. Somehow Victor had killed Adonis, and by killing Adonis, he had 'inherited' something from Adonis...

At least that was the explanation she had come up with, but she didn't know if that was true or not.