
Chapter 295: My Wife, forgive me.

[A/N: A little announcement, guys, if you want to support me, don't give me gifts, go to my Pa treon and donate there, with that money, I can ask an artist to illustrate the novel, you will help me more there. All Pa treon money will be used only for the illustration of the novel. Umu!]


Arriving at Scathach's mansion, Victor walked towards the door with firm, consistent steps.

He opened the door and was greeted by all of his maids, including Roxanne, who was wearing a Maid dress similar to Kaguya's.

"Welcome back Master..." Yet, when they saw Victor's face, the maids opened their mouths in shock. 'Doesn't he look absolutely stunning? It was as if they were looking at the ideal beauty of a man?'

They were feeling strange.

"..." Victor nodded, "Good work, My Maids." He flashed a small smile.

"...." Hearing Victor's words, the girls awoke from their stupor and displayed a happy smile.

And then he spoke with a serious face: