
Chapter 1067: Soldiers of the Emperor.

Chapter 1067: Soldiers of the Emperor.

His name was John, just John. 

Unlike his companions, only he and Conan did not have a surname.

The first thing John saw when he came into existence was the lively and caring face of a man, a man he immediately understood was his 'Father', his 'Creator', the one who gave him life.

After that, all he saw was darkness and many memories, memories that he knew were not his, memories that were implanted by that man.

He was never lost in those overwhelming memories because he had a clear distinction that those memories were not his and that they were done on purpose. Those memories were just lessons he needed to learn from, memories of the heroes of the past, their tactics, their strategies, their intelligence.

He saw, he felt, but he was numb. He was there, but at the same time, he was not.