
My Three Crazy Soulmates

Sheis4thestreets1 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 4

On top of all my stress in that exact moment my body decided to betray me and I was about to lose consciousness, Illumi happened to show up and he caught me in time which meant I had dodged a bullet but then clown boy had to ruin things by saying "so cupcake, it seems like you have more than one man after you it hurts but I don't mind sharing". Illumi looked at Hisoka with a death glare and asked me if I could stand, I was feeling a little dizzy but I could stand on my own I was a big girl. I nodded my head and he helped me stand up. It was a really cute that he was concerned but what happened next didn't surprise me at all, he went to try and kill clown boy who was also waiting and wanting a fight cause the next thing I knew they started fighting. Now you might be thinking I wanted to stop the, well actually I wanted them to be occupied with each other so I could leave but the moment I was about to run off Illumi and clown boy both noticed me leaving. Clown guy pinned me down and Illumi came in front of me and bent down to reach the ground where I was currently struggling against clown boy. The clown then whispered into my ear "stop struggling so much your turning me on" I stopped moving immediately and Illumi took that opportunity to knock me out.

The time I woke up again I had the worst headache, I started to stand up then I realised that I was on a bed when I am pretty sure I went clubbing the previous night. Then it all came back to me I met my other soulmate clown boy, Illumi knocked me out I was wondering whether I was at home or somewhere else. I turned around when I heard the door open, it was none other than clown boy except without the clown makeup and his hair was down. I honestly wanted to have his children and I probably stared for longer than I should have, he walked towards me and whispered in my ear "take a picture it will last longer". I pushed him away from me and in that slight moment my hands touched his bare chest he caught them and pulled me close. I forgot to mention he was shirtless I mean can you blame me for staring that man is FINE. I was trying to squirm out of his very tight hold it wasn't working out so I did what any normal girl in my situation would do I kicked him in the shins and the moment he let of me I ran out of the room straight into Illumi's chest. The world is constantly against me, Illumi said in his usual blunt voice "where are you going in such a rush" he then looked in the room saw clown boy on the ground then he looked at me and said" you know he is your soulmate right?". I had the purest urge to punch him right there but he pushed me back in the room and I found clown boy looking alright again, Illumi pulled me towards himself and sat down on the couch in the bedroom.

He then said "Y/N that person there is Hisoka Morrow" in my head all that was going on was 'even his name is sexy', I swear to god Spanish or Latin music started playing in the background.

Hisoka looked at me and asked "since you know my name how about you tell me yours" I think I wanted to have his kids when he spoke but in complete seriousness I said "it's not like I wanted to know your name or anything, your making me sound like I forced someone to give me your name or something, anyway the name's Y/N L/N"(being stubborn cause I can be stubborn) I asked a very good question " do you two perhaps know each other?" Illumi was about to answer when Hisoka cut in and confidently said they were good friends. Illumi didn't seem to agree with that statement but just kept quiet and looked at Hisoka with the blankest face ever seen.

(The thing with Hisoka was that the soulmate mark made us feel and affect each other's emotions after we made eye contact which meant I was stuck knowing what he felt like whether he was angry sad disappointed happy even horny and he was like that a lot which meant inevitably I would begin to feel horny too sad life right there ain't it.)

I shut up after that and tried to leave the room it was impossible due to me being stuck in illumi's iron grasp, I started squirming to try and get out of his lap. If only I knew what me squirming would bring I would have sat like a good girl, while I was still squirming to get out of his grip I felt something hard poke my ass.

When I tried to move again Illumi said "stop moving right now unless you no longer want to be a virgin" I looked at him speechless but said "what if I want my virginity to be taken away" I said all this brave shit cause I thought why the hell not. Hisoka seemed to be enjoying our little exchange, and of course I had to push further cause I began to grin on him on purpose this time and the response I got was very positive (don't blame me I was a horny teenager who didn't like your average guy I go for the crazy ones) at this point I began to moan while continually rubbing against his groin. Hisoka watched the whole thing go down when Illumi relaxed his grip a little I stood up and walked out of the door, it was a good experience if I do say so myself.

I got a call form a client I had worked with before he said he needed me to take out a certain someone in the hunters association. I realised that I needed a hunters license to complete this mission, I mean I would also use the license for other things and it would be easier for some people to trust me when they see my hunters license plus it comes with some benefits so it was decided that I would go for the hunter exams for that year lucky me that they were just around the corner.