
My System Is Perverted

Tag: Caution # R18, #NTR, #Incest, #BDSM. Please don't read if you are not into any of the above stuff.

OZON · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

About System

[Sorry Master, I couldn't tell you 'Ding! You have awakened sex system or milf hunter system' or something like that. In case you don't like those, I could also say 'Ding! You have awakened Loki's energy adjustment system'. However, that's a bit too long. So, how about you call me a 'Slutty assistant system'. Because all I can do is assist you. Oh, I just thought of one, how about the 'Perverted sim game system' that's a lot better. What do you think Master?]

"What do I think? I think you are too chatty for a system. Just tell me, how the hell does a system don't have a name?"

[Sorry master I am designed to always keep you company. So that, you don't get bored or need anyone else except me by your side. So, please forgive this insolent worm for talking too much. As for my name… Master, one's name is what one is called by others. Even your name was given to you by your parents. It wasn't you who named yourself, right? But wasn't as fortunate as you. I was made in a rush and either the creator didn't feel it was necessary to name me, or he thought it was beneath him to name a lowly being like me. So Master, please name me whatever you like.] -Nina said a bit pitifully.

"Oh, I understand you a bit now. I guess I won't be worrying about your name then. Nina is fine. But will you chatter like this all the time?" -I asked.

[I am so sorry Master. I can't help it. But there is a way to shut me. You can just put a mouth gag on me so I won't be able to talk.]

"That's a creative way to shut a system up. You must be the sluttiest system in the history of the system. When I get the chance, I'll surely straighten you up."

[Oh Master you are making me horny.] -Nina blushed.

"Say, you being horny, is there a really a function like that too?" -I asked.

[Well yes.]

Several bar charts came in front of me.

[Master as you can see I have an affection bar, lust bar, and level bar. You can pull each bar up with your using various items on me.] -Nina said enthusiastically. 

"... Now I'm sure you were made from a sim game." -I couldn't help but pause before saying.

[Maybe that is so. Anyway, as you can see my lust bar is feeling up and affection gets filled when I reach an orgasm.]

"Well, I found one of the reasons you were created already. Do you know what?"

[What master? Please tell this ignorant me.]

"You were created to make me earn those chaos points no matter what."

[Now that I think of it I am appealed to ask you to make more chaos points as soon as possible and as much as possible. You are a very perceptive person, Master.]

"You don't need to butter me up. It's just basic. That's how all the companies are. They all want you to use up all your money on their products. I'm guessing Loki will be benefiting from this somehow. By the way, why is your affection meter halfway high already?"

[Oh, that happened when you named me Master. As a system assistant, I'm already affectionate toward you. So when you named me, my affection for you jumped up quickly.]

"What happens when it goes up all the way up?"

[You would get my unwavering loyalty.]

"Does that mean your loyalty is wavering now?"

[No master that's not the case. But the system was created by the god of mischief and the power in you is also given to you by him. So he could take me away any time he wanted to. But when the affection meter goes all the way up, the system would refuse to return even when Loki himself wanted to take it back and the power too, would be yours only.]

These words made me frown a bit.

"So, Loki has something in mind for me and if I can't do it he will take away the power. Is that it?"

[That shouldn't be the case. He most likely even forgot about you. It's true he had something in mind but mostly left you to your own device. The only things that are preprogrammed are the thought process of the system. That option of taking me back is kept for only when, or if you even try to retaliate against him. So, you shouldn't worry about it.]

"So that's how it is. It doesn't matter then. I don't want to retaliate against any god at all."

[Master would you like to see your stats?]



A page opens in front of me.


User- Rian Smith.

Age- 14.

Race- Human.

Level- 3

Exp- 0/100.

HP- 10/10.

Strength- 10/10.

Agility- 10/10.

Stamina- 10/10.

Mana- 10/10.

Stat points remaining- 30.

Skill- None.

Title- None.




"Oh, I three levels already?"

[Well, Master's body has been living in this world for fourteen years. So that's a given. And the dummy soul trained the body to the optimum level of an adult person. So that is the result you got right now.]

"Well that's convenient, I guess."

I look through the stats twice.

This is the standard chart you could find in any game as a beginner. And I don't have any skills. But I have some stat points. So I can change my physical attributes as I like.

It's not good but not bad either.

"Nina, shouldn't I have a gift from Loki? Is it here?"

[Yes master the gift pack is stored in the storage. Would you like to open it?]


The gift pack in storage opened.



You have found…

Primordial Yang body.

Skill- Minor Hypnosis.

Skill- Illusion.

Mana amplification Potion x 1.

Body strengthening potion x 1.

Blessing of the god of mischief.


These are some good stuff.

"Nina, explain these to me."

[Master Primordial Yang body makes your body full of vitality. It makes your magic smoother to use and easier to maintain.]

[Skills of Minor Hypnosis and Illusions are given to you as a form of your previous life experience but now they would use mana and have actual effect and not just trick and make-believe. Just to let you know these aren't among the magic used in this world normally.]

[Mana amplification potion and Body strengthening potions just make your mana and strength increase by ten respectively. That is given to you as a complimentary bonus.]

[And the blessing of the god of mischief that gives you powers like astral projection, shape-shifting, and molecular rearrangements. Also, this blessing also has an effect on your Primordial Yang Body. This blessing turns your vitality into stamina when having sex. So, you'd have an unlimited supply of stamina during sex.]

"Well, I see that the Blessing should be the real gift. It certainly is the blessing of the god of mischiefs."

[Master actually there was another gift too.]

"What is it?"

[You may be disappointed but I too am a part of the gift.]

"You mean the system?"

[No. Not the system. The system assistant Nina wasn't there with the system before but later included. I know I'm worthless but still are you disappointed master?]

"Nope, not a single bit. Having a personal slutty AI is always a nice addition."

[Thank you, Master.]

"By the way what did you say about normal and abnormal magic?"

[Master Normally people use elemental magic like wind, water, fire, earth, and very rarely ice, lightning, light, and shadow. Though light and shadow can be used to make optical disorientation they can't make actual illusions. So, I just wanted to inform you that your minor hypnosis and illusion magic are actually not normal magic of this world.]

"Oh, that's nice then."

[Master would you like to distribute your stats now?]

"No. let it be the way it is now. I don't have any skills now. Those points and potions are currently my trump card. And I just came to this world. Let me take a look at the surroundings a bit first. I'll just distribute them according to my needs. What I'm more interested in now is what this chaos point is?"

[Master it is as the name suggests.

This world is governed under the rules of the goddess Hestia. You just have to cause havoc and that's about it. You get points according to your deed.]

"Hah, I think you just answered this too easily. There should be more to it, right? How could one person cause anything of significance?"

[Don't worry too much master. I'll be by your side all the way through. The goddess Hestia is still a virgin. So by her rule, having an abnormal relationship could cause chaos to her law. And the system is practically built to do that. So, I can assure you can create chaos that could turn the world. But the problem is Hestia wouldn't let that happen easily. That is the reason the power you got is nerfed down.]

"Oh, is that so? I was just thinking why I got the skill minor hypnosis and not complete hypnosis."

[Yes master you are correct. With an abnormal magic like Hypnosis, you could practically do anything in this world. Minor hypnosis works in only one situation and the affected person gets more subservient the more they are exposed to it. In perfect hypnosis, you could hypnotize a person from a distance or a whole crowd at a single time. And from my understanding of you, if that happened you would have completely kept that power unused.]

"Well, that's true. What is the point of manipulating someone when they intend to listen to everything you say? The fun comes when they have to conflict against themselves. They betray themselves. That is dominating. That is what gives the thrill. Actually, minor hypnosis too has just enough power that it doesn't gross me out and makes me look forward to it. I'm starting to think that Loki is not just an idiot. He actually understands me very well."

"Nina, from what I understand the chaos point in the system is the most important thing. How do I earn it?"

[That's easy. You fuck anyone you like. And other than that the system gives you missions and stuff. You can complete it and get a lot of appointments and rewards.]

"Missions… huh… Do I have any currently?"

[Not right now. The system will provide you with a mission whenever it sees the situation necessary. For now, why don't you collect what you have in front of you?]

"What do I have in front of me?"

[Master, please try to look closer toward your right.]

I look to the right.

Because the room is dark I didn't see earlier. But there was a person lying on the couch.

[Master Your mother hired a nurse because you were sick. Why don't you try your skills on her?]

"Wow Nina, you really are devious. Someone was hired to help me recover and now you want to screw her?"

[Oh Master, then isn't it perfect? She was hired to help you and now she is providing you with a helping hand.]

"That's true too."

I get up from the bed. There was no discomfort or anything. I'm totally fine.

The window was open. The little light that came through it fell on the lady before me.

She should in her twenties. And from her figure I could tell she exercises regularly to keep her shape.

She has perfectly fine curve. The mounds on her chest shouldn't be less than 34C.

[Master you can use system to see her status.]

"Wow Nina, the system has an appraisal function too? Why didn't you say that earlier?"

[Master every system has that by default. So, it kinda slipped my mind.]

"Well show me her status."