
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


As Alex gazed at the potion cradled in his hand, a voice brimming with astonishment echoed from above.

"Wait, how on Eldoria did you do that?"

He mechanically craned his head upwards, his movements eerily robotic.

The vial slipped from his grasp, clinking as it started its roll across the floor.

Suddenly, an ethereal female figure phased through the wall.

Only her upper body was visible initially—a floating head and torso. Gradually, her lower half emerged, creating a surreal scene.

"Wow... so... so beautiful." Alex unconsciously mumbled, captivated by her ethereal allure.

The world might have seen countless models and actresses, but none could rival the sheer beauty this woman exuded.

But reality intervened as the woman's silhouette hovered a few feet away from him.

Shaking off his awe, Alex reminded himself that now was not the time to be spellbound by beauty.

"Um...ghost, or whatever you are, who are you?"

His voice quavered as he pointed shakily at the hovering figure.

Her eyes widened in response to his outburst and accusatory gesture. "Me?" she questioned, pointing at herself as she drew nearer.

"No, no, stay away!"

His shout resounded, his voice echoing through the room as her face hovered just a foot from his.

Despite his attempt at a fierce expression, his trembling features betrayed his true emotions.

'Is he talking to me?'

"You can see and talk to me, right, human?"

The ghostly woman inquired, a trace of amusement in her tone as she observed his reactions.

"Who else would I be addressing? Yes, I'm talking to you." Alex retorted, his response laced with involuntary frustration at her seeming lack of common sense.

'Interesting, so he can actually see and interact with me.' The ghostly figure deduced.

The spectral figure seemed entertained by his reactions, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. She muttered to herself, "Interesting" as if she had stumbled upon an intriguing puzzle.

'I need an escape plan, and fast.'

Alex mentally raced through possibilities, seeking a way out of this situation.

"There are no ghosts here. I probably got hit on the head or something, must be hallucinating."

He hoped that by ignoring her presence, he could somehow make her vanish, just like that.

But, as luck would have it, this day was turning out to be anything but ordinary.

Faster than he could blink, the ghostly woman positioned herself in front of the door.

With a hand gesture, she signaled for him to halt.

"Wait, I'm not some ghost or malevolent spirit out for blood."

"Yeah, right, like I'm going to believe that."

"..." 'He does seem to have a point.'

'Who would buy that? It's like a thief claiming innocence.' Realizing escape was unlikely, Alex mustered the courage to question her intentions.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"No, you answer first. How did you summon that? I couldn't sense any spatial or mana fluctuations from you."

She pointed at the fallen vial of potion.



They engaged in a silent standoff for a full minute.

'I wish being trapped with such a stunning woman under different circumstances...'

Yet, the current scenario was far from romantic. Her being a ghost could mean his life hung in the balance.

"Now stop gawking, you otherworldly human."


"Tell me about that 'system' and those peculiar hand movements."


"Don't just stand there mute. Answer me—I'm eager to know!"

It felt like the ground had disappeared beneath him.

How could he possibly remain composed and give coherent answers now?

Beads of sweat formed on his brow, his nerves in turmoil.

This enigmatic woman was systematically unraveling his secrets, one by one, as if it were no big deal.

"Y-y-yo...u, how..." he stuttered, unable to form a proper response.

"Now speak up quickly. I've been watching you since last night."

'Ah, that explains it...' "Wait!"

"Now what?" Her tone dripped with annoyance, but Alex had no time to dwell on that.

"You—perverted ghost—were you watching me all along?"

"Goodness, you're rather uncouth."

Her eyes glowed faintly, and fear surged within him.

'Did I say something wrong?'

"I apologize, please spare me." He stammered, bowing in submission.

"Hahaha, you're quite the amusing one to tease."

"Let's have some manners, though; allow me to introduce myself."

The ghostly woman lifted the hem of her dress with a regal air, performing a graceful curtsy of sorts.

"I am, or rather was, known as the Witch of Calamity, Aurora De Vil Delsarede. As you can see, my appearance has taken on this form—I'm a lingering soul, my physical body having long been destroyed. I exist now as a being closest to a spirit."


"Once more, let's clarify—I'm not a ghost. More like a spirit, if you please. Incorrect titles don't sit well with me."

The ghost, now the spirit Aurora, harrumphed in evident annoyance.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

In front of Alex hovered an enchanting woman—or rather, an enchanting spirit, to be precise.

Her appearance seemed to align with someone not much older than himself.

Her hair was as dark as the night sky, and her eyes sparkled with a mesmerizing shade of gold.

Her velvety, fair skin and alluring figure held a captivating charm.

She adorned herself in a black one-piece dress, an outfit that enhanced her allure.

A living work of art, that was Aurora.

Although his knowledge of her was limited, he had gleaned a few details.

She shared with him that she had faced a formidable assault from powerful individuals, managing to salvage her soul in the process.

Her soul endured because of the protection of a cryptic ancient artifact—a treasure of immense significance.

Upon escaping her assailants, she stumbled upon this location, before the academy's establishment.

Due to its natural mana-concentration tendencies, she deemed this place perfect to hide the treasure.

Little did she know, her chosen hiding spot would later house the very academy itself.

As she recounted, Alex was, apparently, the first individual ever to perceive her presence.

She also made it clear that she was merely an innocent soul, battling to avoid fading away into nothingness.

It had been a couple of hours since their initial encounter.

"No one else except you can perceive or communicate with me, so spill the beans about yourself."

This was her demand, and given her past surveillance, there seemed little use in further concealment.

Alex began to recount his journey as Alex, detailing his reincarnation in this new world.

He elaborated on the stark differences between Earth and Eldoria, delving into the absence of magic in his previous realm and its replacement by advanced technology and scientific discoveries.

And, naturally, he couldn't evade sharing the particulars of the system, as Aurora had an uncanny interest in that aspect as well.

"Your tale is truly astonishing. Your world—devoid of magic—relying on modern technology and science. It's almost surreal." she mused.

"And that system, the cheat-like thingy, is no fair!!"

"Alright, I've addressed all your queries. Could you please leave me now?"

He wasn't exactly thrilled about having a ghost—or spirit, whatever the proper term—lurking around in his room.

"Hmm, and why should I oblige that request?"


"You're the first person, and probably the sole individual, who can perceive my presence and actually communicate with me."


"No one truly comprehends how tedious and dreary it gets when no one can see you or hear you. It's maddening to shout and reach out, only to be ignored like a phantom."

The initial cheerfulness and arrogance in her voice abruptly waned as she concluded her sentence.

A sense of melancholy and desolation replaced her tone, nearly bringing tears to her ethereal eyes.

In that instant, Alex's heart ached, resonating with the notion of an isolated existence.

"Alright, alright, you can stay."

"Yay, thank you!"

Her words were nearly as faint as a mosquito's buzz, yet they resonated clearly in his ears.

'Seems like I won't be alone anymore.'

Unknowingly, a small smile blossomed on his face.