
New life

Name - Kai Chained

Race - Human

Level - 2

Job - None

Title - None


HP - 15

Strength - 8

Agility - 14

Reflexes - 6

Stamina 10

Demonic Energy - 30

"Hmm it seems like my agility is the highest stat but what is Demonic energy thing" Kai asked. "I m also surprised I heard of it but never thought it really exist" Scarlett said.

"What do you mean by that"

Actually I read in many books that mana is not the only energy used for magic in ancient times some strong demons use Demonic energy for their spells and it's stronger than mana but now there are no demons who posses this" Scarlett replied.

Kai picked up the core of the second dog beast but then another notification appeared.

<Tow beast cores of same species of beast can't be absorbed>

"so their r some restrictions " Kai thought

Soon kai start wandering in the forest and he realised some beast just ran away Scarlett told him that beast ran away cause you r no more human and its hard to detect your power so they thought you r stronger than them. Soon kai found the boundary but this is another side.

"I m not gonna go back lets start a new life"

Author's note - Sorry guys but I m really sick so I cant upload chapter for a while but ill try to upload short chapters.