
Chapter 197: Native Chicken and Stray Dogs, All Sent Away in One Wave


Zheng Qi had an older brother, a senior whom he met during his first year of high school in the pool hall. At the time, while playing pool with friends, his noise earned him a couple of slaps from that senior. It all settled down because his own senior was there to plead on his behalf.

Later on, he became acquainted with this big brother.

This guy was expelled from junior high school due to fighting and injuring someone, later even served time in prison. He was a tough character. After getting out, he worked at a KTV with hostess services, overseeing the place. It was said that he earned a lot of money and the job was pretty easy, practically never working a legitimate shift.

The big brother had graduated from a nearby junior high, so he also hung around near No.11 High School, and all the top dogs from each grade were his underlings.

And it was because Zheng Qi hung out with him that he himself became the top dog of No.11 High School.