

It a story revealing how a supervillain killed thousand for power but in the face of civilian is a superhero.watch how his mate gets an hint on his huge secret but when it was to late he took over the world that made a new hero arrive and how he reveals the secret of the ultimate stone.

Lawanson · Outros
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6 Chs


''It is December'',Fred exclaimed!!!!,but then he was about to rush out,but he collided with a huge extra enormous robot monster,but then he noticed that a heart was missing,then he remembered that the robot that he used to keep triumph busy had the missing heart,so he rushed out but he knew he wouldn't be there on time so he freezed time,but when he got there he met the robot broken and missing an heart,then he realized that spell doesn't work on him because of the diamond,so he went back to truimph hideout,but then he found truimph about to put the heart in,so he rushed to stop him but he got a huge punch in the face that made him bleed,then finally he put the heart in and then a bright light shines and when it ended the robot was powered on and was on target of Fred,when Fred noticed this,he quickly jumped out of the window and ran away,then he then the robot blew up the building into dust and all the people in it died a except truimph and his robot.


Truimph had rule over the tarib and made their life a living hell,no one could stand up since anyone who did where beheaded,he built a huge palace and made millions of monster,and he built a very tall throne that he could see the whole of tarib while sitting there,his statue was rebuilt and made off gold only.Fred was the only one capable of saving tarib but he has never been spotted since he had lived the whole ten years of truimph rule hiding,but luckily he had a secret basement that is protected with an unbreakable spell that even triumph can't break.