
My Sun , My Moon

hi everyone this is my first book i hope you give it a try and like it hopefully ........ sorry for any mistake because English is not my first language...... and please leave a comment to let me know if you like my book......... i won't keep you any longer my book is about......... ( Lee Kim ) an orphan young man sweet , loving , caring , beautiful very beautiful , shy but strong omega .............. have a little brother and his only family that he loves so much ........... and on the other hand we have .......... ( Park Hae-jin ) an alpha man , cold , arrogant , intelligence , strong , everyone is afraid of him no one dare to cross him .......... he only care about the people that he loves and cares about ............. if you like to know how this two people of different world will meet then you have to read and find out......... slow update so sorry........

Lee_K · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 8

Kim POV :

it's the day of family day i was in the class that was about to finish when the professor said ....

Professor : i have a homework for you and it should be done in groups ..... each group must be five members .....there is five minutes until the lesson is over take this time to make your group and tell me that name .

everyone starts to make there group practically started to ask the princes if they want to be in one group even the princess of the universe ... she is the richest girl in uni not as rich as the prince bun among all the girls she is the richest ..... she started to come to my table because this days Seok-jin have been sitting next to me ....

Mandy : hey Seok-jin do you want to be in one group with me ?

i was looking at my notebook not paying attention to them .. i want to do the homework on my one .... that way it is easier maybe it will be hard but that way is easier because of my works i don't have any time to go out and do homework with other students ... so i raise my hand and ask them professor.....

Kim : professor can i do the homework alone ?

Professor : this is a group homework so you can't do it alone .

Kim : is there is no way i can do it alone that way is easier for me .

Professor : sorry but no .

before i say anything els someone put their hand on my shoulder and said ...

Seok-jin : professor me , Kim , Alex , Bong and Mark are one group .

Professor : ok i will write that down ... and other groups hurry and tell me your name too .

i pull his hand from my shoulder and look at him confused and ask .....

Kim : when did you ask me to be in your group and when did i agree ?

Seok-jin : you don't have a group and we need another person so .

Kim : and you didn't even ask me .

Seok-jin : so what is there to ask .

Kim : who said that i want to be with you and your friends in one group ?

Seok-jin : well everyone wants to be with us .

Kim : stop looking at me like everyone i am not everyone .

Seok-jin : you don't want to be in a group with us ?

Kim : no and thanks to you i am stuck with you and your friends .

with that i collect my thing and start going out when i was near the door some one grab my and turn me around .....

Seok-jin : so because you are stuck with me then when will we meet for the homework .

Kim : please leave my hand .

he left my hand and look at me his friends behind him ... i take a deep breath and said...

Kim : we will meet tomorrow in the library we can do our homework there .

Alex : why not today ... we finished all class and buy the way i am Alex .

Bong : i am Bong ..... nice to meet you .... and yeah there is a cafe out the university we can go there and do the homework .

Mark : i am Mark .

Kim : nice to meet you all i am Lee Kim .

Seok-jin : that is actually a good idea .... let's go there and do homework .

i look at my phone and it was 1 PM if i didn't go now i will be late for the family day so i look at them and said ...

Kim : sorry i can't i have plans for today .

i turn around and was about to go when someone stopped me by grabbing my wrist and turn me around and saw it was Bong

i take my hand back from his grip and before i say anything he said .......

Bong : i am sure you can cancel it and come with us to do the homework .

Kim : no i can't ... i have to go now .

Bong : what is so important that you don't want to stay and study ?

Kim : that is none of your business .

at this point we both was getting angry and the other can see it too so Alex was the first to say

Alex : relax Bong .

Mark : yeah it's not a problem so chil .

Bong : no .... if you are not going to do the homework with us today then you don't have to do it at all .

Kim : are you threatening me ... by kicking me out of the group ?

Bong : what if i say yes ?

Kim : then i don't care you can do what ever you want i am not your servant ..... i am going .

i was about to turn around and go when Seok-jin said ......

Seok-jin : no one is threatening anyone and no one is getting kick out .... so everyone relax and we will see each other tomorrow in the library ok ?

i take a deep breath and we all nod our head and i turn around and left without so much as a look back ...... it was already late it was nearly 2 o'clock and i was very late ...... when i finally got to the daycare it was 2:30 and the program has already begin when i get in a teacher comes to me and ask .......

Teacher : hello sir ..... who are you looking for sir ?

Kim : hello mam .... i am looking for Min-ho .

Teacher : are you hud parent ?

Kim : yes i am .

she smiled at me then said ......

Teacher : welcome sir .... i was the one that called you .

Kim : yes thank you again .

we started to go in to where are all the children and their parents ......

Teacher : no it's not a problem at all ... he is a very cute and lively child ..... we all love him very much .... oh there he is .

she pointed at a corner where my baby was standing and looking down holding a toy on his hand ... i felt so guilty i look at the teacher and said ........

Kim : thank you ... i am going to suprise him now .

with that i got to my baby and stand behind him then kneel down and cover his eyes and i whisper near his ear .......

Kim : guess who ?

Min-ho : DADA .

he shouted so loud that all the parents and childrenand teacher was looking at us ...i laugh then he turned around in speed of light and hug my neck tightly i hug him back and kiss his head then he take a step back and look at me existingly .......

Kim : suprise baby .

Min-ho : you here ... you here .

Kim : yes i am here baby .... are you happy ?

Min-ho : yes very very

Kim : but i am not .

he look at me head title to the left and ask confusingly .......

Min-ho : why dada ?

Kim : because you didn't tell me that today was a family day .... and all your friends are here with their family to play and have fun .

Min-ho : but .... but you always busy i didn't want to .....

i stop him before he can continue and make him look at me because he was looking down and said to him tenderly .....

Kim : remember baby ... how much i am busy you are my number one priority nothing is more important than you to me i love you so much and i will do anything for you ok ?

he look at me tearly eyes and i pull him for a hug and pat hi back then i heard him muffin voice as he said .....

Min-ho : i wave you too dada .

Kim : i know baby .... now let is go play and have some fun ok baby ?

i stand up he grabbed my hand and start to pull me and said eagerly......

Min-ho : go dada .... go .

and just like that he dragged me everywhere and show me everything especially the painting that they did and i look at Min-ho picture very carefully ..... he draw me and him holding hand ..... it was so beautiful and perfect to me that i want to take it home but the teacher didn't let me after we walked around it was time to play with the children .... this was Min-ho best part of the day because we win the game and the game was that the parent hold a basket and the children will throw ball in it and then we will switch the place with the children .... we won that and he was very much excited after that we all have some food and play some more time then it was time to go home ... he was so exhausted that he told me to carry him like piggyback until we get home .... and we where not half way home he falls asleep on my back ...... i smile and when i get home i left him with grandma and left for my work ......


hope you all like it 😘😘😘

love you all ♥️♥️♥️♥️