
My summoner class

After great disaster and forming of dungeons people started getting powers and awakened new classes. Among the players was Ren Leywin, a 'F' class awakener.Age 19,med school student. He was awakened with class "summoner". This class was considered useless. . . ............................. . . This story how weak try his best without giving up and become strongest in the ....... (read for further info) . . ............................ From weak to strong. . . ........................ disclaimer:cover not mine you can ask for removing it.

Omkar_M_7463 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

3.Determination of the weakest

After seeing the info on his class he started thinking.

"I can only summon one thing which I touch but there are restrictions on size and weight of object. So i have to think of something which will help me in dungeon fights".

"Hmm.. Maybe umbrella like first summoner", he started laughing on his own joke".

Maybe some food, or maybe...

He went to kitchen and brought a spare kitchen knife and added in his summons.He decided to keep his kitchen knife as his summon for the time being.



"Yes", he replied and registered his summon as knife.

Other than summon his strength was none other than a normal human. So he decided that he will work hard nonstop to better himself.

Next morning, It was the day for his traine classes that were arranged by player organization.He washed himself put on oil on his black hair, dressed up comfortably and nicely comb his hair while looking in mirror having a handsome face . He cheered himself by patting his left shoulder with right hand, "yes, today's the day i will officially get chance to be in action. I have to work hard and become strong, no matter what I will not give up on this".

He had a role-model personality and always had a positive mindset.He was respectful towards everyone but not a airhead who will keep listen to things which are not right.He was considerate of everyone but not someone,too sacrificial about his own goals and dreams.

[11:00 AM :2.02.2026]

After taking breakfast, turning off lights and locking the door he went straight to the player training programme. Which is organized by player organization.

There were many new traine players present at that place. Almost everyone had a better class than Ren. They were much powerful than Ren.

The training program started,the trainers gave the instructions they needed. The teachers gave information which was necessary for the players to know.During practices they used to teach about how to tackle monsters. They taught their students how to better use their abilities.

Ren was a summoner,his class was no better so he decided to learn other skills like swordsman magic and others.

He became skilled in swords but not powerful enough to beat other swordsman class players.

He learned some magical techniques but not strong even to kill a chiken.He had very less atleast ten times less mp than other players. As his mp exaust was fast he couldn't keep up his magic techniques in use for long time.

It was a month long camp sponsored by player organization.Where they trained the newbies, gave them information and at the end of the month their were speeches of top rankers. They guided the new players and shared their experiences with them and motivated and alerted them.

As occurence and in depths of dungeons were still unclear, newbies were warned about unexpected dangers and events in the dungeons.

As it was time for newbies to get real experience in dungeons, pro players were invited as their guides in dungeons.

There were around 100 newbies.25 teams of 4 players were formed and each team had 1 pro player as their 5 th member.

After training whole month every newbie had an idea about what and how about things related to dungeon and monsters.

Ren power was still weak.Knowing that he focused more on process than outcome.

this story will continue but note that for the time being updates will be slow.

Omkar_M_7463creators' thoughts