


A happy time for friends and couples alike, oh how he envied them. Ayato walks down the steps to walk home until he is greeted by two familiar faces Ririna and Eiko. Ririna had pink hair, curled into a braid, with a flower on top. On the other hand Eiko was dressed in black with black hair covering his eyes. He was very eerie, almost mysterious. No one seemed to understand him.

On the path to home they talk about movies and films, the usual until they bump into Kaya. Kaya has luscious short hair trimmed by the ears. She wears a short skirt and a black blazer. Her eyes light up like traffic lights. Ayato found himself dazzled by her, he just watched as his friends tried to aid her by helping her up. Obviously embarrassed, she catches him staring at her, shr tries not to notice but it is still unsettling. Their encounter leaves Eiko teasing Ayato about the way he was staring at her saying things like "Did she look that good" and "someone has a crush". This only embarassed Ayato further.