
The test

Anna sat in the waiting room, her palms clammy with nerves. She couldn't believe she was about to take the test that would determine her status as either a dominant or a submissive. In this society, everyone was required to take the test on their 18th birthday, and the results would dictate their roles in relationships and society for the rest of their lives.

As she waited, Anna reflected on her upbringing. She was raised by her parents, who were both dominants, in a household that valued assertiveness, independence, and control. From a young age, Anna had been encouraged to take charge, make decisions, and be in control of her life. She had always felt confident and self-assured, traits that were typically associated with dominants.

As she looked around the room, Anna noticed that the other people waiting for the test were equally anxious. Some were fidgeting with their clothes, while others were deep in thought, likely contemplating what their results might mean for their future. Among them was Jimin, a shy and timid boy who caught Anna's eye.

Jimin and Anna had been friends since childhood. They had grown up in the same neighborhood and had gone to the same school. Despite their differences in temperament, they had always gotten along well. Jimin was known for his gentle nature, his willingness to please others, and his desire to be helpful. These were qualities that were often associated with submissives.

As the time approached for their tests, Anna and Jimin were called into separate rooms

Anna took a deep breath and followed the nurse to the testing area. She was instructed to sit in a chair and place her hands on a scanner. The nurse explained that the test would measure her responses to various scenarios and stimuli, and the results would be analyzed to determine her dominant or submissive status.

Anna's heart raced as the test began. She was presented with a series of scenarios that required her to make decisions and respond to different social situations. She answered each question as honestly as possible, relying on her instincts and the values she had been raised with. She felt a mix of excitement and anxiety as she completed the test, unsure of what the results would reveal.

After what felt like an eternity, Anna's test was complete. The nurse reviewed the results and confirmed that she was classified as a dominant. Anna felt a sense of relief, but also a sense of responsibility. She knew that being a dominant came with certain expectations and obligations, but she was determined to use her status to make a positive impact on others.

As she left the testing area, Anna couldn't help but wonder how Jimin had fared. She waited in the waiting room, nervously scanning the door for his arrival. When Jimin finally emerged, he looked crestfallen. Anna approached him with concern.

"Jimin, what happened?" she asked softly.

Jimin's eyes were downcast as he explained that he had been classified as a submissive. He seemed disappointed and uncertain about what it meant for his future. Anna reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering him reassurance.

"Jimin, don't be discouraged," she said gently. "Your results don't define your worth or who you are as a person. You are still the same kind-hearted and caring person I've always known. We'll navigate this together, and I'll support you every step of the way."

Jimin looked up at Anna, gratitude filling his eyes. He nodded, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Anna felt a surge of determination to help him navigate this new chapter in their lives, and she was determined to be there for him as a friend and ally.

As they walked out of the testing facility together, Anna