
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Long chapter Exodus

Karn was sleeping and Batman and Cyborg were trying to find his location. The problem being that they couldn't.

They felt insulted.

Cyborg was the one feeling it. Batman didn't feel that much. He had been playing with the Joker for the past few years and it was common for him.

He was able to find the real identity of Brynhildr in just an hour. Finding the person in reality was going to be a little difficult.

8 hours later

They could not find him. They searched the whole Gotham and yet they couldn't find him. They knew that he was in the Gotham as his face was recorded in the many CCTV cameras.

They checked everywhere, even the gutters but they couldn't find him.

"Did he escape? He must have known that we are coming and should have fled."

Cyborg said to Batman.

Batman was looking at the figure of Karn when he was buying things from the grocery store.

"He hasn't escaped. He is still somewhere in Gotham and he will attack tonight. He will."

Batman said.

Currently, they were in the Batcave and they were looking at the footages of Karn when he was buying things previously.


Karn woke up from his slumber. It was his way of tackling stress that he got due to himself.

He was feeling refreshed. He went to the bathroom and had a shower. After that, he went to the Kitchen and started cooking. He liked to cook slow cooking food.

Food that took a long time to cook to get the flavours out of it. Biryani, rasam and many other South Indian, Southern American and Barbecue were his favourites to make.

He made roasted meat for the dinner that day. He will make a simple but tasty tandoori from it.

He had cut the meat and then spread the marinade and then put it in the fridge in the afternoon. Now he could cook it later.

He looked at the targets that he was going to act upon. It was still Sionis's gang members.

He wanted to die. Weird thought.

Death is a salvation for the person that is dying and it is a hell for the people whose closed ones were dying.

Life was both fair and unfair at the same time.

He looked at the time. It was two thirty in the morning.

He dressed up and then went to hunt.

Hunting time~

He found his target in a few minutes. He looked at the gang members as they were transporting drugs from the cargo.

The venue was the Gotham harbour and the gangs were the Sionis's and Penguin's.

He attacked them after casting a distortion barrier in the surroundings.

The raid was extremely smooth. He was like a level 7 Archery tower in Clash of clans, killing level two barbarians and shooters.

So much fun.

In just twenty seconds, he was done. He recalled the barrier and then ran away from the sight. He had already called the Police as an anonymous caller called leo stone and he was escaping the scene.

He was doing that because he didn't want to meet the costumed Bat. After 2020, he hated bats a lot.

He was moving from roof to roof until the roof beneath his feet vanished and he ended up kicking someone.

It was a car. The man thought that having some fresh air would be good so he used his convertible car to do the magic and the car roof was gone.

Except in came a man who ruthlessly kicked him in the face.

Karn was the one who was the more confused. He was sure that he was above a ten storey building but why was there a car on the roof of that building.

Why was there a man sitting in it?.

Why? Just why?

He calmly got down from the car, apologized to the man and then went away.

This was a really weird accident that has no actual relationship to any kind of cosmic or stupid plot but just the absurdity of human mind.

Karn sped up and then he reached his home.

He started to cook the meat in a tandoor. The meat should be done in around 10 to 15 minutes.

He started to read a cook book in the meantime.

The Batcave.

Batman and Cyborg were looking at the day's footage of Karn when they saw his figure in the live footages. They immediately tried to pinpoint his location and his destination.

They found that he was gone completely when he reached the docks and then he was once again seen returning on a set route and then gone from the cameras once again.

"He must have a tech that could make him either phase in or out of reality or provides invisibility for a few seconds."

Cyborg said his speculation to Batman.

"Well, now we know the area that he was heading towards. Come on."

Batman and Cyborg went outside the Batcave in the Batmobile.

Fifteen minutes later, they were outside Karn's house.

They didn't find it by using clues or something. The outside of Karn's house had a distortion barrier set. They went by the area a few times when they were searching for him.

The reason they found him was the smoke that was rising out of nowhere.

Cyborg was staring at Batman. He wanted to see the reaction on his cowl but he didn't find a single expression.

"Or he could have a way to hide from the cameras."

Batman said to Cyborg while going inside the barrier.

It was like a thin film and it wasn't at the same time. It was like going across a waterfall but without the sensation.

Cyborg followed behind him.

Inside the barrier sort of thing, they saw a man who was sitting while reading a cookery book with no regards to his surroundings.

They went near him.

The man immediately donned his Black Lotus suit was staring at them.

"What are you doing here?"

The man or Black Lotus asked stupidly. He looked at them and then recalled his suit.

Then Karn went to touch them. He was touching Cyborg everywhere. When his hands moved to touch Batman. He was stopped as Batman gripped his wrist.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Just checking if you are original or just an illusion. What are you guys doing here? How are you guys in here anyway?"

They didn't reply to his questions.

"You are Brynhildr. We already know. What is it that you actually want is something that we want to know. Why are you doing this?"

Cyborg said to Karn.

"Oh... Well I was never the smart one to begin with... I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

Batman asked him this time. He was feeling a certain Deja vu from Karn's eyes.

"I don't know what it is that I want... There is no meaning to my life... I just don't know why I am existing but I am afraid to die. I hate it... but I also have no reason to live. So just a game of cat and mouse. I thought I could be like Joker. That guy must be far smarter than he looks. So what do you want?"

Karn said listlessly. He lost even before the game began.

"Did you really kill all those people?"

"I did."

"Were you serious when you said that you would injure or kill Superman?"

"Injure, I would, kill I won't. I am personally a huge fan of that man. I aspired to become like him. I just couldn't. The world is far more darker than it looks."

"Do you enjoy killing?"

"I don't. I personally hate it."

"Then why?"

"Because I learnt that killing is one of the best way to get rid of evil. Darkness isn't evil. Circumstances are. A killer kills, ravages and the takes whatever it wants just because he can. That's his circumstance. After that, many others follow his way. They become evil. Now think of the situation where the man was killed the moment he committed a crime. There would be no one to follow his footsteps as they will be afraid, for they know the ending of the man."

"And whose thoughts are those?"

"Chunnibyou. It means the Delusion one. He was a fr– acquaintance of mine. He... Well to be honest, you would not like him. You guys have a blessing that I am here instead of him. A blessing."

"They are real then."

"They are."

"You are... What are you?"

"I don't know. And I won't tell you anything about them. And they are dead so you don't need to worry about them... I also am not going to surrender or take responsibility of the crimes as Karn Jagannath. I won't. If you file a case then I will just kill ten thousand people as compensation while killing everyone that will be involved in it."

"I know. You have given up on your life yet you don't want to die."

"A pathetic life, right? Yet I just can't die. First me being afraid and, secondly my inferiority complex making me unable to even kill myself. Lastly my guilt and self loathing are not letting me live. A complex life that is caused by the amalgamation of a person's own feelings. A suitable punishment. A suitable punishment indeed."

"You leave people alive when you are Black Lotus so can't you do it as Brynhildr as well."

"I can't but I won't. Brynhildr was made for that purpose. Some people are like leeches. They will never stop their deeds until they are killed. Black Lotus was created for the sole purpose to find about the incident of my parents death."

"Whose personality are you using for the Brynhildr?

"Chunnibyou. Although he is a thousand time more evil."

"Will you not stop or surrender yourself for the killings you have done?"

"I won't."

"*Bat glare*"

"*Ignore shield*"

Karn and Batman were having a round off of questions and answers. Batman did this to let Cyborg scan the technology that was used for the barrier.

In simple words, he was just stalling for time by asking random questions.

"Wanna eat some food?"

Karn asked as he was not able to fight against the bat glare. He went to get a batch of the freshly done tandoori and then served it to them and also a plate for him.

Batman looked at Sky and then started eating too. It was good.

"What is your power?"

Batman asked.

"Energy body. I can digest hundred percent of my food. That's all I can get. The others being superior strength, speed, agility, flexibility, and stamina. Too much stamina. That's why I need to cool down by exercising or I could explode due to the energies that I obtained from the food."

"What is the Brynhildr form then?"

"I don't know. I found it in the Mt. Kailash.

I thought it was Karn's armour. You know the Mahabharata one. My name was given to me due to him. He was the strongest Archer to exist. The best being Eklavya before he gave his thumb."

"You mean that thing is a suit or an ancient Archer warriors armour!!"

Cyborg said after he checked the internet about the things that Karn said.

"Probably. I don't know. But it is a super armour. A beautiful one at that."

A few minutes later.

"Ok. Bye."

Karn bade them farewell.

He also packad the rest of the tandoori and then went to deliver it to the nearby orphanages. He found out that he wasn't feeling anything after meeting Batman.

He was afraid of meeting him but once he did, he just felt at peace, maybe because he knew that he could be his true self in front of the world greatest detective and also a great psychiatrist.

Batman didn't asked him anything that could potentially irritate him but chose the topics that he shared with Lois Lane. It was something that he could freely talk about.

How did he know? Who knows.

Karn went towards the orphanages and then kicked opened the door after unlocking it.

His actions, no matter how many times you see, looked like that of a maniac.

It was around 3:39 am in the morning. His kick cuased the whole orphanage to awaken. The matron thought that Penguin's men have came again.

It was the masked crusader that attacked another orphanage.

She screamed her lungs out.

"Calm down lady. I just need you to feed this to the kids, infront of my eyes or I will kill everyone."

Karn said oh so calmy.

"Please leave us. We promise that we will pay it later. We definitely will."

The matron begged.

"I don't know what you are talking about dear lady. I am just delivering the food. The reason I said that the kids should eat in front of me was that I was afraid that you would dump the food."

"Here, there is no poison or anything on them. I even gave it to Batman and he ate it. It's really tasty too."

Karn said to the matron hurriedly. He was flustered when she started to cry for something else. The previous orphanage had a different reaction from this one.

< Know it all's second weakness. Extreme sympathy for the weak and poor.>