
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

I am fortunate to meet you

"You know Nana, we used to live in America 20 years ago. Me, your grandfather, your mother and her husband. All of us lived in America albeit at different places."

"Wanna hear how we got there?"

"Yeah. I would like to."

Karn replied.

His grandmother started to recount the story.

"So it all happened when you grandfather and I decided to run away. We were 27 and 25 year olds at that time. We were barely able to ran away. We went to different places from Nepal to Brazil to Mexico and then finally to America."

"We found America to be a great country and started living there. Your grandfather was a able to get his hands on some original certificates of an Indian couple and we made original ID cards from them. "

"We married the same year. Your grandfather and I were badly injured during our escape and that caused me a serious injuries due to which I was unable to become a mother. I was heartbroken at that fact."

"Your grandfather never blamed me. He tried his hardest to please me. He took me to many hospitals but the hospitals at that time were not that advanced. I am talking about 60's."

"Six years later, we found an hospital in Metropolis who can cure me. It was a treatment that required six to nine months. "

"After a year, I was fine. That year, I have birth to your mother. She was like you or you are like her to be precise".

"Ohh , then."

Karn said.

"We treated your mother like our treasure. We gave her the best education and the best social skills but your mother turned out just like you. She has no interest in men and read books all the day. You are a copy of her you know."

His grandmother specially emphasized the last two lines.

"Me having an interest in men is something you would not like grandmother."

Karn jokingly said. He was amused by the persona of the person they called their daughter.

"Don't joke at times like this. Be serious. So your mother studied hard and got her degree in Cultural Anthropology. She liked different cultures."

His grandmother chided.

"When your mother was 27. She met your father and after one slow year of being proposed by your father. She replied."

"Did she reject him? That's cool."

Karn continued.

"You would not be here if she did."

His grandmother replied.

"She accepted his proposal and they got married. She was 28 years old that year. Your father was surprised that your mother was a virgin at that age in America. He came to ask us personally because he was not able to trust this fact."

"One year later you were born. We were also feeling a little lonely there. We thought we should come to our country to live. So when you were three, we came to India. With the money that we have collected in America, we bought land and started spice plantation here."

"We brought a medium sized house and started living here."

"You and your parents were in America. You guys lived in New Jersey. A really good place."

"Five years later, your parents died in a car accident. You were also with them but you were able to survive but you have lost all your memories due to the shock and injury."

"That was the third time we were devastated. The first being our marriage to different people and the second being your grandmother not able to give birth. We went to Gotham to pick you up."

His grandfather was the one to speak at that time. He was also listening to the story.

"So they died in Gotham City. Gotham."

Karn murmured. Anything related to Gotham can't be a simple accident. Something must have happened. He will look into it later.

"Are you planning something Nana?"

His grandmother asked. She knew of his antics and was scared that he might do something to harm himself.

"No, just trying to remember."

Karn replied as a matter of fact.

"Don't try, you always get hurt when you do so."

His grandmother said. It was true that whenever he tried to remember the details before the incident, his head hearts a lot. Something was stopping him so he ignored that. He was happy with his current life and didn't want to dwell on the past life of his predecessor.

"... Ok."

Karn replied after thinking a little bit.

"So, when we took you here. You were not yourself. I used to cry a lot of times you know. Your eyes were hollow at that time. Like you have lost everything. Which you did. We were unable to get over with the death of our daughter, and one day, your Thirrusami uncle said that we can just treat you like our daughter. You were born from her, so you have a part of her inside you. We can just treat you like our daughter and also gave you the love of your mother and father in return."

'Of course I did lost everything that time.

"We started doing that. In the beginning it was hard. You were, as if, detached from this world but soon you started to open up to us. You were just like our daughter. You liked to read a lot and to never leave something incomplete. You were the exact copy of her. We were glad that we raised you at that time."

"You are just like your mother. You have all her qualities. To balance that out, you also have all of here bad habits. You seldom pay attention to opposite sex. You never liked to eat pineapple or honey pizza. You like sweets, you also like sour and bitter but you never like bland food. You never ate it. You ate only rice instead of that. You both have many things in common you know."

'Was she this world's me. That could be a truth. Who knows'

"We are really fortunate to have you as our grandson and your mother as our daughter. Thank you for coming to this world Nana."

"I am fortunate too. I met you guys."

'I really am'